Chapter 2
Zhang Yang is a time traveler, it should be said that he has passed through the soul.

This owner is also called Zhang Yang, who is proficient in the five elements and eight trigrams, the art of Dunjia, the secret art of yin and yang, Feng Shui, etc.

With the blessing of the system, these are no problem for him.

After staying here for more than a hundred years.

He finally waited for the key person reminded by the system to 'make his debut'.

Wu Sansheng, Wu Xie, the little girl in the heart of the pair of uncles and nephews, he is very clear.

Seeing that Zhang Yang remained silent for a while, Zhang Qiling handed over a thumb-sized hexagonal copper sealed wind chime.

"I don't know if sir has seen this thing before?"

Zhang Yang squinted his eyes, of course he recognized this thing.

"The hexagonal bell, did you get it from the corpse cave?"

Zhang Yang spoke calmly.

A flash of admiration quickly flashed in Zhang Qiling's eyes and said:

"Yes, so this journey is extremely dangerous, only sir can protect the safety of the whole group."

Zhang Yang pretended to be deep and slowly said:

"It's not impossible for me to take action, but I have lived here for a long time, so naturally I won't leave here easily."

He was going, but he couldn't agree so easily.


Zhang Qiling nodded fiercely, and then quickly took out a piece of gold and silver clear jade from his waist.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to pick up the emerald, which turned out to be a piece of jade carved with dragons and phoenixes.

At this moment, the sound of the system sounded.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a piece of dragon and phoenix jadeite, which can help the host improve the physical attribute value. Wearing it for a long time can increase the random attribute by 0.1 points every day. 】


not bad.

Zhang Yang is quite satisfied, at least the sincerity of this spirit is there.

"Wait, I'll go clean up."

Said Zhang Yang got up and went back to the house.

At this moment, Wu Xie and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Third uncle, do you know this 'superior'?"

Wu Xie looked at Wu Sansheng curiously, then lowered her head and spoke in a low voice.

For him, there is nothing in this world that third uncle doesn't know.

In his heart, the third uncle is an encyclopedia walking in the Dou world.

He is very familiar with all the anecdotes, talents and talents.

"do not know."

Wu Sansheng shook his head violently.

"No way, third uncle, there are still people in this world that you don't know?"

Wu Xie had an incredulous expression on his face.

"Hee hee hee, I didn't expect there to be people that third uncle doesn't know. It's really strange."

At this time, Wu Xie became more and more curious about Zhang Yang's identity, and said:

"Poker bottle, who is this?"

"Hidden Immortal Zhang Yang."

Zhang Qiling opened his mouth slowly.

"What? Zhang Yang?"

"Is that the expert outsider who has been hiding behind the scenes of the tomb robbery world? Hidden Immortal Zhang Yang?"

Wu Sansheng was so excited that he was incoherent.


Zhang Qiling nodded.

"Oh my God."

Wu Sanxing couldn't help but gasped.

"Third uncle, is it necessary to be so excited?"

Wu Xie spoke with a puzzled expression.

"Do you know the black glasses?"

Wu Sansheng spoke.

Wu Xie nodded fiercely and said:

"Yeah. It's that formidable character who, together with Poker Ping, is called 'South Blind and North Dumb'."

Wu Sansheng nodded and said:
"That's right, it's said that he learned his skill and disguise from this Immortal."

"No way, Yinxian still teaches apprentices?"

Wu Xie spoke in surprise.

"No, I just stayed here for more than half a month and then left."

"It is said that he crawled out of the pile of dead people and came here by chance."

"After only half a month of learning, he has that ability, so isn't this Immortal Yin going to heaven?"

Wu Xie opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"What do you think?"

Wu Sansheng directly lost his eyes and let him experience it for himself.

Zhang Yang returned to the backyard and simply packed up.

In fact, he doesn't have many of his own things, they are all external things, so he doesn't care if he doesn't bring them with him.

However, before setting off, Zhang Yang planned to check the things around him, so he had a good idea.

After all, there are many bad luck and bad luck in this trip, it is always good to have more skills by your side.

"System, open the properties panel."

As soon as Zhang Yang's words fell, the system's voice rang.

[Host: Zhang Yang. 】

【Age: 19 years old. 】

[Remaining lifespan: 151 years. 】

【Physical value: 128 (under 60 for normal people.)】

[Strength value: 132 (under 60 for normal people.)]

[Speed: 105 (under 50 for normal people.)]

[Skills: Probing acupuncture points with two fingers, unicorn arm. 】

[Skills: Five Elements and Eight Diagrams, Qimen Dunjia Technique, Yin-Yang Fengshui Secret Technique, Moving Mountains and Mountains to Find Dragons. 】

Zhang Yang roughly glanced at the information on the attribute panel in his mind.

Still quite satisfied.

This time I went to the Warring States Tomb, first through the corpse hole, then the seven-star coffin, and then the blood corpse.

These skills should be considered sufficient.

However, I hope that after going this time, there will be something to gain.

After all, if you want to find the spell of immortality, you have to go one by one in order to get different objects.

Zhang Yang didn't dawdle too much, and quickly packed his simple luggage and walked out of the house.

Soon, Zhang Yang brought everyone back to Guazi Temple.

After resting here temporarily for the night, a group of people rushed towards their destination.

Along the way, the long-distance bus was replaced by a minibus, then a motorcycle, and finally an ox cart.

After this operation, everyone is tired and tired.

Only Zhang Yang and Zhang Qiling seemed to be in good spirits.

"I really can't move."

At this time, Wu Xie's small body couldn't take it anymore, and he just sat down on the stone beside him.

"You brat, can't bear this bit of hardship? I shouldn't have agreed to let you come with me back then."

Wu Sanxing spoke with a displeased face.

Immediately, Wu Xie restrained his temper, and said with a flattering expression:

"Third Uncle, don't mind me, I'm not tired anymore, let's go on our way."

Saying that, Wu Xie stood up abruptly.

"No need, the guide went ahead to find a boat, and we will ferry across the river in a while."

Wu Sanxing's eyes signaled.

Zhang Yang raised his eyes slightly, and saw the driver of the ox cart just now, squatting by the water, reaching out to pat a fat big yellow-haired dog.

Then the big yellow-haired dog jumped into the water with a 'plop' and swam towards a hole not far away.

In just a moment, the big yellow-haired dog disappeared into the cave.

"Why did the dog swim away?"

Wu Xie asked curiously.

"Hehehe, everyone, wait a moment, the ship will come soon."

At this time, the old man had turned back with a smile.

Zhang Yang didn't say anything.

"Is that dog going to report the letter?"

Wu Xie asked curiously again.

"That's right. The boatman is in the cave, and Donkey Dandan has gone to report."

The old man opened his mouth to explain.

"What's the smell? It stinks?"

Wu Xie frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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