Chapter 201 Familiar people
Zhang Qiling quickly walked to the face of the forbidden woman, and looked at the black-haired woman, as if something suddenly hit her in the head.

In an instant, his entire gaze became astonished.

"This, this, this..."

Zhang Qiling said the word 'this' three times in a row, and subconsciously took two steps back.

"what happened?"

Zhang Yang also noticed Zhang Qiling's strangeness, and asked quietly.

"This, this woman, I feel like I've seen it before? Especially this fragrance, I seem to have smelled it before."

Zhang Qiling spoke slowly, but his eyes were always locked on the forbidden woman's face.

Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows slightly, of course Zhang Qiling had seen her before.

It's a pity, he has already forgotten everything before.

"Don't look at me, don't look at me."

The forbidden woman suddenly covered her entire face with a frightened expression, as if she had been greatly stimulated.

The more the other party was like this, the more curious he took two steps forward.

The forbidden woman was even more frightened and backed away one after another. Her long black hair directly covered her entire face, making it feel airtight.

"who are you?"

Zhang Qiling also seemed a little angry.

Intuitively, he felt that he must have seen this woman before.

Especially this delicate fragrance, which he remembered clearly.

It's a pity that he has amnesia, and he doesn't remember the past very clearly.

But this unique fragrance is still fresh in his memory.

Although he still couldn't remember what happened 20 years ago, some fragments kept appearing in his mind.


Intuitively, he felt that the woman in front of him must have had a relationship with him before.

After taking a few steps back, the forbidden woman suddenly stopped, and her long black hair slowly fell down.

At this time, the forbidden woman's face has returned to the original appearance of the country and the city, which makes people feel a little bit moved.


Zhang Qiling didn't expect that the woman's face would change suddenly upon seeing it, and she was so beautiful, which was pleasing to the eye.

The forbidden woman stood up slowly from the ground, staring straight at Zhang Qiling with a pair of affectionate eyes.

The ruddy thin lips trembled slightly, and he was speechless for a while.

"We knew each other before, didn't we?"

Zhang Qiling spoke tentatively.

The forbidden woman's tears flowed out immediately with a 'swish', looking extremely sad.

Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at the scene, why did he feel something different from what he had imagined before.

This concubine obviously has feelings for Zhang Qiling, and it is by no means an ordinary feeling.

But Zhang Qiling is from the Zhang family, and he and the forbidden woman are not on the same side at all, and it is impossible to be together.

Unless, something went wrong in the middle?
Zhang Yang was analyzing all kinds of possibilities, when suddenly the forbidden woman's complexion became extremely ugly, and her hands were pinching her neck even harder, as if she was about to strangle herself to death.


Zhang Yang strode forward with a brisk step, and immediately touched the opponent's acupoints, making him stop.

However, at this time, the forbidden woman's complexion became more and more ugly.

It felt like she was being controlled by something.

"Sir, what is she?"

Zhang Qiling spoke with some worries.

"How did you get down?"

Zhang Yang directly avoided the topic.

Zhang Qiling then opened his mouth to explain:

"I saw that something happened to you, and I jumped down in a hurry.

It's just that I didn't know why, and fell directly on a broken log.

I didn't see you, and I was worried that something happened to you, so I had no choice but to continue to jump down. "

Hearing Zhang Qiling's words, Zhang Yang was suddenly moved.

I didn't expect this spirit to be affectionate and righteous, and he was quite concerned about his whole fake patriarch.

"Sir, what is she going to do now?"

Zhang Qiling once again brought the topic back to the forbidden woman.

Zhang Yang directly glanced at the immobile forbidden woman in front of her. Right now, except for her eyeballs, she can't move at all.


Obviously, she seems to really know Zhang Qiling, and she still has deep feelings for him.

Zhang Yang couldn't figure out what the true identity of the forbidden woman was.

After all, he also has only a half-knowledge of Zhang Qiling's entry into this place, not very clear.

"She must know how to get out of here, and I'll leave it to you."

As he said that, Zhang Yang patted Zhang Qiling's shoulder heavily, with a serious expression entrusted with a heavy responsibility.

"it is good."

Zhang Qiling nodded in agreement.

Zhang Yang deliberately walked aside to check the surrounding situation, giving Zhang Qiling enough space and time.

I saw Zhang Qiling walking slowly in front of the forbidden woman, and said slowly:

"I know you must know me. I want to go out now. Can you take us out of here?"

The concubine's watery eyes didn't even blink, she kept staring at Zhang Qiling.

Soon, Zhang Qiling realized that he forgot that the other party had been touched by Zhang Yang.

He opened his mouth again and said:

"Well, if you want, you can blink, if you don't want to, just move your eyes."

Seeing that the forbidden woman actually blinked, Zhang Qiling was overjoyed for a moment.

"Then, how do we get out?"

The forbidden woman was silent for a while again.

Zhang Qiling found that it was indeed difficult for these two people to communicate.

"You wait."

After Zhang Qiling finished speaking, he quickly walked towards Zhang Yang who was not far away, and deliberately lowered his voice and said:

"Mr. Zhang, can you unlock the acupuncture points for her first?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said:

"It's up to you."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yang flicked his finger suddenly, and a bean flew directly towards the forbidden woman's acupuncture point.


The concubine took a deep breath, and instantly regained her freedom.

"Now can you take us away?"

Zhang Qiling quickly walked over.

The concubine first glanced at Zhang Yang, then turned to Zhang Qiling and said:

"Among you, only one person can go up, and one person must stay."

Hearing this, Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows slightly.

It seemed that someone deliberately wanted to keep him, and the purpose was very clear.

"Impossible, my husband and I have to go out together."

Zhang Qiling refused the other party's words without hesitation.

The concubine was stunned for a moment, and then continued to speak:

"If that's the case, I'm afraid neither of you will be able to leave here."

Zhang Qiling was at a loss for words for a while, and subconsciously looked at Zhang Yang who was not far away.

Right now he has no idea himself and can only rely on Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang nodded towards Zhang Qiling and said:
"You can go out first, and leave the rest to me."

(End of this chapter)

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