Chapter 206
When 'Wu Sansheng' was worried about Zhang Yang's safety, he unexpectedly found that Zhang Yang was sitting on the bad dragon and returned unscathed.

Seeing this scene, 'Wu Sansheng' eyes straightened.

Originally thought Zhang Yang was finished this time, but he didn't expect that this bad dragon was successfully tamed by him.

This, this yang fruit is really a genius.

Soon, Zhang Yang reached the ground.

With a leap, the person jumped to the ground.

And Aolong also fell to the ground in an instant, turning into a human form.

"This, this, this."

When 'Wu Sansheng' saw this scene, he was so frightened that he subconsciously opened his mouth wide, unable to make a sound for a while.

It never occurred to him that this bad dragon could even take shape.

Didn't you say before that the bad dragon was trapped here by someone who thought it was an expert, so it couldn't take shape at all?
Could it be that Zhang Yang did it again?
According to Zhang Yang's way, I'm afraid this possibility is extremely high.

'Wu Sansheng' subconsciously looked at Zhang Yang, as if seeking an answer.

Suddenly, Wu Xie's voice came from behind.

"Third Uncle, Mr. Zhang."

'Wu Sansheng' turned his head sharply, and found Wu Xie and others walking out of the secret passage in a mess.

Wu Xie was the first to run out, and even went straight to 'Wu Sansheng'.

"Third Uncle, I've found you. I thought you were gone. I'm really worried."

As Wu Xie spoke, he stretched out his arms excitedly and hugged 'Wu Sanxing'.

'Wu Sansheng' was taken aback for a moment, then reached out and pushed Wu Xie away.

"Big man, don't touch your hands, how decent is it?"

Wu Xie smiled indifferently and said:
"Third Uncle, when did you become so coy?"

'Wu Sanxing' eyes straightened, but he didn't know what to say.

"Sir, are you all right?"

Zhang Qiling found Zhang Yang and Aolong behind him, and after glancing at Aolong, he looked directly at Zhang Yang.


Zhang Yang shook his head.

"Sir, who is this?"

Only then did Zhang Qiling fix his gaze on Aolong's body again, scanning quickly.

"I just received this, and it will follow me from now on."

Zhang Yang didn't intend to explain too much, especially about Aolong's identity.

After all, Aolong is simply too mythical for the current people's cognition.

'Wu Sansheng' naturally also saw what Zhang Yang meant, and he wouldn't talk nonsense.

"So it's a new one from Mr.

Zhang Qiling immediately had an envious expression on his face.

He wanted Zhang Yang to accept him before, but unfortunately Zhang Yang didn't mention it.

Originally, I thought that Zhang Yang had gotten used to the days of leisurely clouds and wild cranes, so he didn't like to interact with people very much.

I didn't expect to come here, and I just accepted one.

Is this bad luck for him?

If there is a chance, Zhang Yang must accept him and step on his mind.

"I'm Aolong, fortunately my husband took me in. In the future, I will go through fire and water for my husband's affairs, and I will die."

Aolong took the initiative to say his oath in front of everyone.

Everyone looked at Zhang Yang subconsciously.

I remember that there is obviously no one here, where did this Aolong come from?

Even Zhang Yang, who didn't like being close to people, even said that he was his.

This identity is very suspicious?
Wu Xie subconsciously looked at 'Wu Sanxing' aside, his eyes indicated that the third uncle could give him the answer.

But 'Wu Sansheng' didn't seem to see it, and walked directly to Zhang Yang who was not far away, gave a look and said:

"Sir, please speak."

Zhang Yang paused for a moment, then nodded, and the two quickly walked to the mirror not far away to stand still.

The rest of the people stood in place consciously, not daring to step forward.

Fatty Wang stretched out his elbow and gently touched Wu Xie's arm, and said in a low voice:

"Hey, naive, you said that your third uncle is going to tell Mr. Zhang a little secret?"

Wu Xie shook his head helplessly and said:
"I do not know either."

"Looking at your third uncle's mysterious appearance, I'm afraid it must be a big deal."

As Fatty Wang spoke, he took a peek at not far away.

"Since the third uncle only talked to Mr. Zhang, it means that we don't need to listen."

Wu Xie still believed in her third uncle.

"Yes, you just trust your third uncle."

Fatty Wang shrugged helplessly.

Anyway, he was just curious and nothing else.

Wu Xie also looked up at the two people who were talking not far away, and began to mutter something in their hearts.

Zhang Yang and Zhang Qiling disappeared inexplicably before, which made them very worried.

It's just that when they walked behind the coral tree, they found nothing.

They searched inside for a long time, but found nothing.

Just when he was worried that something would happen, he didn't expect Zhang Qiling to appear suddenly and inexplicably.


The strange thing is that after Zhang Qiling came back, his face was solemn and he didn't say a word.

Ask him what, just say nothing.

I don't know what the stimulus was, but I just arranged for everyone to leave here as soon as possible.

at the moment.

Finally found Zhang Yang who had been missing for a long time, and even saw the third uncle who hadn't seen for a long time.

He should have been happy at first, but found that his heart was getting heavier instead.

Maybe it was because there were too many doubts in his heart, which made his mind a mess, and he couldn't solve it no matter what.

For example, where did Zhang Yang go just now?
Why did it suddenly disappear?

Why did he appear here?

Who is the 'Aolong' who is following him?
Why did the third uncle hide from him?

Why did you suddenly show up now?

How did the third uncle and Zhang Yang meet?


Soon, Zhang Yang and 'Wu Sansheng' left and returned.

Zhang Yang looked at the crowd, and then slowly said:

"I will arrange for someone to come and take you out of here in a while.

But remember, after leaving here, you can't say a word about what you saw and heard here, otherwise you will suffer disaster. "

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding why Zhang Yang said that.

But since this is what Zhang Yang meant, everyone naturally nodded obediently in agreement.

"Well, you close your eyes. Without my permission, you must not open your eyes, or you will bear the consequences."

Zhang Yang spoke again.

Once everyone heard that they could go out, they naturally couldn't control so much.

After all, everything is still life-saving.

Soon, everyone closed their eyes.

Zhang Yang nodded to Aolong who was beside him, and Aolong understood instantly, transformed into his original form, and then flew up.

Directly, everyone except Zhang Yang brought everyone to him.

"Go up, wait for me up there."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth and gestured.

Aolong nodded, then raised his head and flew straight into the sky, leaving the underground palace directly.

Only Zhang Yang was left standing still.

Because he still has one last thing to do, and it is also a thing he must do.

Otherwise, if you miss it, you may never have another chance in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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