Chapter 211 Successfully Evolved Advanced Longevity Body

Zhang Yang calmed down for a while, looked around carefully, and found that he was already on the beach.

And at the position where I stretched out my hand, it was a small island with few people inhabited.

It seems that this is an island of primeval forest.

This is also the biggest sign of the seabed tomb.

It seems that Wang Zanghai is not stupid, he knows to leave room for himself.

Just as Zhang Yang was thinking, he suddenly felt the sand under his feet surging.

When he lowered his head, he found that the sea water under his feet was continuously flowing towards the entrance of the cave along with the sea water.

It looks like a collapse is about to happen here.

Zhang Yang didn't dare to stay any longer, and quickly walked towards the coast.

Zhang Yang had just landed when he heard a loud bang behind him.

Turning around suddenly, he found that the place where he came out just now had collapsed in a large area.

The sea sand on the entire coast is still flowing rapidly towards it.

The speed is very fast, directly forming a huge mediation, and then quickly sucking away the surrounding sand and sea water.

Zhang Yang knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time. If the entire underground palace was to be filled, there might not be enough sea sand in the entire island.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang got up abruptly and blew a whistle casually.

Suddenly, a huge dragon's head sprang out of the sea not far away, and then the whole dragon's body rose into the air, and flew directly towards Zhang Yang.

Soon, Zhang Yang sat on Aolong's endorsement and left the island.

Less than 5 minutes after the two left, the originally isolated island had completely disappeared.

From a distance, there is only a flat sea and a huge mediation.

Zhang Yang sighed secretly, it seemed that the underground palace was completely destroyed.

But it's not a pity to think about it, after all, he has already seen everything that should be seen, so this trip is worthwhile.

Soon, Zhang Yang and Aolong returned to a fishing boat docked in another sea area.

There was no one in the boat at this time.

This is what he meant, he didn't plan to go back directly to meet Wu Xie and the others.

After all, this Aolong has a special identity, if they know about it, I'm afraid there will be something inappropriate.

Originally, he planned to hide Aolong's true identity, and he did not intend to make it public.

As for Wu Xie and the others, let them hang out for now.

Zhang Yang walked into the cabin and quickly scanned the situation inside.

It turned out that the fish in the fish warehouse were still alive, which meant that the owner of the fishing boat was still fishing at least half an hour ago, but there was no one there.

So, these people were escaped?

Or is it dead?

Zhang Yang didn't bother to care about it anymore, after all, he has never been too nosy.

"Sir, let's have a cup of hot water first."

At this time, Aolong has already graciously handed over a glass of warm water.

Zhang Yang lowered his head and took a sip. Unexpectedly, the water was still warm. It seemed that the owner of the fishing boat had just left.

And it can be seen that the person who left was in a hurry, and he didn't even have time to take away the fish he just caught.

Unless something happened, these fishermen would never abandon their livelihood.

"Sir, are you hungry, how about I make you some fish soup?"

Aolong spoke politely again.


Zhang Yangzheng felt a little hungry and wanted to eat something.

Since someone does it for you for free, why not do it?

Aolong turned around and went in and out of the cabin, and went out to cook.

Zhang Yang directly threw his head up and fell on the bed beside him. Although it was rough and crude, it was still comfortable to lie on.

After that, Zhang Yang slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

At this moment, the two forces in the body began to violently collide with each other.

In particular, the inner alchemy of the golden-haired drought man and the inner alchemy of the black bear spirit collided fiercely. It seems that the owner of the inner alchemy did not deal with it in life.

Unexpectedly, after this died, even Neidan would do the same.

Zhang Yang is not in a hurry, he needs time to make adjustments now.

In order to prevent the two forces from colliding, Zhang Yang could only temporarily control the power of the golden-haired Hanba's inner alchemy.

Let's get this over with for now.


Zhang Yang began to adjust his breath and luck, stimulated the inner alchemy in his body, and began to conquer the two outer inner alchemy.

Although the golden-haired Hanba's inner alchemy is domineering, it no longer has the protection of the original owner. Compared with Zhang Yang's inner alchemy, it is naturally inferior.

About half an hour later, Zhang Yang successfully conquered the inner alchemy of the golden-haired Hanba, and absorbed it together.

At this moment, a system notification sound appeared in my mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, successfully promoted to the advanced mode of the longevity body. 】

[Rewards obtained: Adults can enter the half-use physical state, and if any abnormal situation occurs, they can quickly recover within half an hour. 】

Hearing this, Zhang Yang almost screamed.

This means that he has now reached a situation where any part of his body can grow freely.

Even if it is a broken limb, the body can repair itself.

With this ability, what else is he afraid of?

Anyway, he is already an indestructible King Kong, and with this skill, he is like a tiger with wings added.

Just this ability is enough for him to go to heaven and earth and stir up the situation.

Just as Zhang Yang was thinking, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

"Sir, the fish soup is ready, may I bring it to your house to eat?"

Only then did Zhang Yang suddenly come to his senses, thinking that he was still at sea here, and hadn't returned to the mountains, so he should keep a low profile for the time being.

Zhang Yang paused, and then said:

"No, I'll go out to eat by myself."

After speaking, Zhang Yang stood up and walked outside.

Unexpectedly, this Aolong's craftsmanship is good. Not only did he cook a pot of fish soup, he even cooked rice, and he also made a steamed fish and a sweet and sour fish.

Just looking at the color and brightness, I feel pretty good.

Presumably the taste will not be bad.

"You can cook?"

Zhang Yang asked curiously.

Aolong lowered his head slightly, nodded sadly and said:

"I was abandoned by my father in the cold palace since I was a child, so many things need to be done by myself, otherwise I would have starved to death in the cold palace."

Hearing this, Zhang Yang also sighed heavily:
"Born in the emperor's family, that's how life should be."

Aolong just nodded and said:
"However, it's okay now. I met Mr., and I won't have to suffer those hardships in the future."

Zhang Yang just smiled lightly and didn't continue talking.

Seeing this, Aolong tactfully added rice and handed it to Zhang Yang, saying:

"Sir, you eat."


Zhang Yang reached out to take the bowl and chopsticks, and began to eat with his head down.

The first bite, I feel the taste is not bad.

It seems that this Aolong is a master who knows how to cook, so wouldn't he be lucky again in the future.

If you want to eat, you don't have to do it yourself, you just need to move your mouth.

At this moment, Zhang Yang actually felt that it might not be a bad thing to have one or two people around him.

And can be lazy or something.

From now on, the outside of the Lingzhu will be opened, and the Aolong will be inside.

Zhang Yang can also bask in the sun every day, look at the flowers, tease his pets, and live a life of idle clouds and wild cranes, which is also extremely comfortable.

Because Aolong's craftsmanship is good, Zhang Yang ate two bowls of rice in one go, and even drank three bowls of fish soup.

After eating and drinking, Zhang Yang was ready to go back to the house and take a good rest.

After all, the past two days have been a bit of work, so it's time to take a good rest.

Aolong is responsible for sailing the boat, and Zhang Yang only needs to be responsible for sleeping.

(End of this chapter)

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