Chapter 222 Fishbone Temple

Soon, the boat arrived at the ferry in the small town of Gulan.

After the group arrived at the county seat, they went straight to the hotel.

Because at this time, except for Zhang Yang, everyone else has been soaked in water.

After taking a comfortable hot bath, everyone ordered some food in the restaurant of the hotel and chatted a little bit by the way.

While eating, Wang Kaixuan went to the store to inquire about the monster in the water. When the store owner heard this, his complexion changed drastically and he said:

"You have met the Iron-headed Dragon King."

"Iron-headed Dragon King?"

Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan glanced at each other. Didn't Zhang Yang just say it was a sturgeon?
However, they still believed in Zhang Yang's words.

Hu Bayi stretched out his hand to signal the shopkeeper to have a drink or two. The shopkeeper saw that there was free wine to drink, and sat down cheerfully.

Hu Bayi first poured a glass of wine upside down for the shopkeeper, and then asked what is the iron-headed dragon king.

The shop owner took a sip first, it tasted good, and even praised the wine as good.

Wang Kaixuan said cheerfully, this is his treasure, most people still can't drink it.

The shopkeeper was also happy, and asked for two glasses to drink again.

After three glasses of wine, the shopkeeper immediately started talking.

It is said that they don't know the name of the iron-headed dragon king, but they only know that it is a big fish.

Many people in the local area have seen it and thought its head was huge, like steel, so they called this fish the Iron Headed Dragon King.


The villagers who run the boat are very superstitious, saying that it was changed by the god of the river, and they don't usually see it, and only come out when there is a flood.

So everyone is in awe of the iron-headed dragon king. Generally, if they meet, they will walk around the road.

Later, I don't know what happened.

The iron-headed dragon king suddenly began to attack the fishermen on the boat wantonly, and even killed people wantonly.

As long as this iron-headed dragon king appears, it is guaranteed that nothing good will happen.

Because of this, the villagers gritted their teeth with hatred for the Iron-headed Dragon King, but there was nothing they could do.

After all, everyone relies on fishing for a living. If there is no way to fish, wouldn't it be a dead end?

Later, everyone tried their best to get rid of the iron-headed dragon king.

However, that is a real big guy, so how can he subdue him?

Everyone went one after another. Many people died and were injured.

Finally, an expert appeared in the village and said that he had a way to deal with the monster.

But you need to pay a high fee.

In order to make a living, in order to survive, the villagers had to scrape together the money and finally got the money together.

However, this expert is really powerful.

I saw that he placed an altar in the water, chanted some incomprehensible spells, and then drew a spell, still facing the water.

After that, they let everyone leave, saying that they could see the monster's body tomorrow.

The villagers were also dubious. After all, it was unbelievable that the monster could be subdued with just a few blows.

However, it is also very strange to say.

The next day, everyone found the shore where the iron-headed dragon king had washed up.

Everyone ran over to watch the excitement, but there was still a trace of breath left.

When everyone was discussing how to deal with this monster, they didn't expect that the iron-headed dragon king died suddenly before everyone reached a conclusion.

Those days were just catching up with the hot weather, as if it was under fire, and it started to rot within a day, with a stench that could be smelled from miles away.

The village felt that it was very unlucky, so they directly burned the monster completely.

Strange to say, the fire had just ignited, when suddenly it rained cats and dogs, and the fire was extinguished all at once.

That night, the wind was even more violent, and a huge flood hit the face, causing many fishermen on the island to lose their lives.

Everyone guessed that it was possible that the Dragon King had committed a crime, and that was why the flood was deliberately created.

After that, for a long period of time, no one dared to go fishing in the river, and even less dared to get close to the skeleton of the monster docked on the bank with only one skeleton.

After all, no one dares to touch this bad luck.

However, not long after, a strange plague spread on the island.

As a result, no matter men, women, old or young, poultry and live animals, they all have vomiting and diarrhea, and they can't get up at all.

The villagers knew that this was a warning from God, so they spent a lot of money and hired another expert to resolve it.

The expert said that this big fish is the king of the water, and now it died tragically on the shore, but no one helped to bury it alive, this is God's punishment to the villagers.

The villagers were even more frightened, and asked the expert to give advice.

However, the expert said that in order to resolve this disaster, the temple gate must be repaired for the iron-headed dragon king, dedicated to enshrining it, and eating incense from hundreds of schools.

Afterwards, the villagers had given up almost all their belongings for the iron-headed dragon king at this time, so there was no spare money to repair the temple gate for the iron-headed dragon king.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a foreign merchant suddenly came to the island, saying that he was willing to repair the temple gate for the villagers for free at his own expense.

But the other party has only one condition, that is, when they are repairing the temple gate and need assistance, the villagers must not refuse, let alone stop them from doing anything.

When the villagers heard this, they were taken advantage of for free, so they agreed without hesitation.

Afterwards, the merchant found a group of people to come to the island, and first went all over the island to investigate.

They said they were looking for the perfect Fengshui location of the temple, but the villagers did not dare to stop them, and even showed them the way.

In the end, the wealthy businessman finally chose the address, which was in Longling not far from here.

It is said that the geomantic omen is very good, there are mountains and water, it is an excellent treasure land, and it is very suitable to build a temple.

Afterwards, they spent more than half a year building a fish bone temple dedicated to the iron-headed dragon king.

"Fish Bone Temple?"

Da Jinyazi was overjoyed immediately, exclaimed and said:

"Is this fish bone temple the kind of temple dedicated to the river god with fish bones as beams and fish heads as doors?"

The shopkeeper nodded and said:

"I didn't expect you to know about this Fishbone Temple. Speaking of which, this Fishbone Temple really has some evil ways.

From the beginning of construction to the present, it has never been effective once. "

"How do you say this?"

Hu Bayi asked curiously.

The shopkeeper continued:

"Going to the Fishbone Temple to pray for rain, it's okay if you don't ask for it, the more you ask, the more dry it becomes, so it didn't take long before the incense was cut off."

"Aren't you afraid that God will punish you again?"

Wang Kaixuan said half-jokingly.

The shopkeeper shook his head helplessly and said:
"Everyone said that the wealthy businessman who paid for the temple was dishonest, or had done something lacking in virtue, which made the Fishbone Temple ineffective."

As he spoke, the shopkeeper sighed heavily again.

"It's possible."

Wang Kaixuan nodded in approval.

After all, there is no business without profiteers, so he doesn't believe that someone will build this fish bone temple for irrelevant fishermen at their own expense.

Unless the other party has another purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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