Chapter 226 Entering the Fishbone Temple

Zhang Yang opened his mouth and explained:

"In the Tang Dynasty, when the national power was strong, mausoleums were built in the mountains, and the mountains were the mausoleums.

On the ground of these mausoleums, relatively, stone tablets and statues will be repaired as places to record the mausoleums.

Under normal circumstances, the stone statues are carved with stone camels, stone suanni, etc., as symbols of arch guard mausoleums.

This lex is a kind of auspicious beast lying on the stone tablet. It is said that it is a spirit beast of the Western Heaven, and its voice is pleasant, like fairy music.

And this stele should be about singing meritorious deeds or something.

Eighteen miles in front of the mausoleum, there is a pair every other mile, and Lex is the second pair of steles. "

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, everyone was overjoyed.

That means that there must be a large tomb of the Tang Dynasty here.

If I can go in, I'm afraid I will have no regrets in this life.

"Mr. Zhang, didn't the shop owner say that this is the tomb of the Western Zhou Dynasty? Why did it become the tomb of the Tang Dynasty?"

Hu Bayi was puzzled.

Zhang Yang opened his mouth to explain:

"Generally, a good mausoleum will be liked by many people.

If this is really a geomantic treasure vein, it is not surprising that there must be many acupoints where mausoleums can be set up. "

"What does Mr. Zhang mean to say that there may be tombs of two dynasties here?"

At this time, Da Jinyazi's eyes suddenly glowed with golden light.

Unexpectedly, if he didn't come out of the mountain, he would become a blockbuster as soon as he came out of the mountain.

Suddenly came across the mausoleums of two dynasties, which is a fortune.

Zhang Yang said calmly:

"That's true, but it's impossible for an entire ground vein to be a good place, and there are high and low acupuncture points.

Under normal circumstances, the best location above the entire Fengshui dragon vein is often only enough to build a tomb.

However, it does not rule out the possibility that the ancient tombs of the two dynasties all focused on the same acupuncture point. "

In fact, Zhang Yang was also a little uncertain. He didn't know whether these two mausoleums were really located.

Everyone felt that what Zhang Yang said was extremely reasonable, and they all expressed their agreement.

Only Chen Yulou had a serious expression on his face, which seemed to be a little worried.

Zhang Yang naturally had a panoramic view of it, but he didn't say anything.

This time Chen Yulou begged him to come out of the mountain, originally to save a friend.

This time he also came in together, just for peace of mind.

If there are really two tombs here, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find people.

After all, there must be a lot of protective measures between the mausoleum and the mausoleum. They are afraid that each other's dragon veins will be affected by the other party, and they are even more afraid that their own luck will be robbed by the other party.

Therefore, even if there are two tombs, everyone does their own thing and does not disturb each other.

I just don't know which tomb this friend went to. If he crosses the road, then there is something to look for.

"Everyone pack up, let's go."

Zhang Yang didn't want to waste time either, and planned to make a quick decision, get what he wanted and leave here as soon as possible.

After a few people tidied up briefly, they prepared some water by the way, bid farewell to the old couple and prepared to go on the road.

Unexpectedly, they happened to run into an old friend who had not been seen for a long time, and the group happened to run into each other head-on.

"Miss Yang?"

Hu Bayi was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly realized.

"American girl?"

Wang Kaixuan also had a surprised expression on his face.

Shirley Yang saw Zhang Yang for the first time, and immediately took two steps forward with great joy.

"Mr. Zhang, is it really you?"


Zhang Yang nodded in response to the other party.

Shirley Yang seemed a little excited, and hurriedly helped an old man beside her and said:
"Mr. Zhang, this is Taishan Beidou in the archaeological world-Professor Sun from the Bureau of Cultural Relics."

When Professor Sun heard Shirley Yang say "Mr. Zhang", he was in awe of Zhang Yang.

I heard that this is a worldly expert before.

Seeing it today, it really has an extraordinary temperament, which is beyond comparison for ordinary people.

"Professor Sun, this is the Mr. Zhang I mentioned to you before."

Shirley Yang enthusiastically introduced each other.

"Mr. Zhang, nice to meet you, nice to meet you."

Sun Jiaoxiu was obviously a little excited, and even looked at Zhang Yang with admiration, as if he was a little fan.

He has heard a lot about Zhang Yang's deeds, and he is a strange person.

"Since we're all here, let's go together."

Zhang Yang didn't bother to make detours anymore, he already knew the purpose of Shirley Yang and Professor Sun's trip, so he didn't say much.


Professor Sun nodded sharply.

Shirley Yang was even more happy, she couldn't invite Zhang Yang even if she wanted to invite her before, but she didn't expect to meet her this time.

This is a big deal for her.

I just don't know who invited Zhang Yang out of the mountain this time.

Is it the blind man with the sunglasses and the cane?
Still that handsome young man.

No matter who it is, she must thank them.

With Zhang Yang here, she naturally doesn't have to worry that this plan will fail.

Soon, everyone arrived at the col of the Longling Miku.

Zhang Yang looked up, and there were ravines and ravines, and fragmented earth fields, earth beams, earth mounds, and earth ditches stood all around.

Although this is not a loess plateau or anything, but hesitation is affected by the yellow flood, and there are a lot of yellow hard mud on the surface.

And this mountain wind created all of this, directly cutting and chiseling the originally rolling mountains, forming countless ravines and wind tunnels, and the ravines in some places are frighteningly deep.

Facing such a harsh natural environment, it is naturally sparsely populated.

And the mountain wind whimpered through the valley, like the wailing of a ghost, which sounded a bit penetrating.

If you are timid, if you come here in the middle of the night, you will be frightened and say that it is very possible.These continuous mountain ridges are full of large and small caves, bottomless.

Seen from a distance, it looks like the hillside is covered with black spots, which is very scary.

We walked for about three hours before arriving near the Fishbone Temple.

I saw that the fishbone temple was built in a mountain depression, and the temple was even more dilapidated than imagined.

It is said that the incense here has been broken for more than ten years, and it seems that it was really abandoned by people.

Soon, everyone arrived at the gate of the Fishbone Temple.

Everyone looked up at the huge fish head and was also shocked.

The head of this fish is really surprisingly big. I'm afraid that even the eight people on this trip could swallow it in one mouthful without any effort.

"Go in and have a look."

Zhang Yang raised his foot and walked in.

Although before coming in, Zhang Yang had already made preparations in his heart.

I just came in and took a look, only to find that the dilapidated temple was almost falling apart. It was obvious that this was really a tofu project.

With this thing, it might be difficult to manifest a spirit.

And this fishbone temple has only one temple, and there is no distinction between the front and the back. The east wing and the west wing, the temple gate has long since disappeared.

It seems that this wealthy businessman doesn't even do a good job of superficial skills, no wonder it will arouse the wrath of the sky.

At this time, the statue of the Dragon Lord in the temple had long gone, leaving only the base of a coral plate and a small half of his figure.

The beams on the ground are full of dust and cobwebs, and it looks like it has been abandoned for many years and no one has taken care of it.

However, there is one wall that has not completely peeled off, and the four characters "Feng Tiao Yu Shun" can barely be recognized on it.

"What the hell is this geomantic treasure? It looks like a ruined place. There is nothing but the wind blowing."

Fatty Wang complained, and subconsciously shrank his neck, pulling his clothes back.

Because the fishbone temple here has been dilapidated for a long time, there are air leaks everywhere.

In addition, the temple was built in a mountain depression, and the wind rushed in even more, making people shiver from the cold.

Zhang Yang spoke quietly.

"There is hiddenness in the valley that cannot penetrate the heart, pierces the heart but does not enter the form."

"Mr. Zhang, what do you mean?"

Hu Bayi asked curiously.

He knew from the bottom of his heart that Zhang Yang's attainments in this area were very good, and if he could learn a thing or two, it would be considered his own good luck.

(End of this chapter)

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