Chapter 234 The Underworld Without a Coffin
After everyone entered the stone gate, they all stood in place, unable to make any sound for a while.

Obviously, this is the Hades of the ancient tomb.

Looking at the scale, it is really not small.

Zhang Yang took a rough visual inspection, and at least it was about [-] square meters.

The whole hall is extremely large, and the momentum is just right.


The only strange thing here is that in the huge Netherworld, not even a single coffin has been seen.

This is clearly a problem.

Shirley Yang held the wolf eye lighting in her hand, looked around, and couldn't help asking:
"Mr. Zhang, here...why is there no coffin in this palace of the underworld?"

The others also looked around curiously, as expected, they had never even seen a shadow of a coffin.

As Captain Mojin, everyone knows it in their hearts.

Since ancient times, the Nether Hall has been the place where the coffin of the owner of the tomb is placed. It can be regarded as the center of the entire ancient tomb, and it is also the core part of the mausoleum.

Whether it is a joint burial or a solo burial, the main tomb must have a coffin, and sometimes there is more than one.

Basically, after the death of the tomb owner, he should wear a large uniform, sleep peacefully in the coffin, and then cover the outer coffin.

Even if the tomb owner's body cannot be placed in the coffin here for some reason, the tomb owner's clothing, crown and shoes during his lifetime will be buried in the coffin.


There may be no corpses in the coffin, but the coffin is in the bedroom anyway.

"Could it be that some grave robbers smashed the coffin out together?"

Da Jinyazi opened his mouth curiously.


Zhang Yang and Shirley Yang rejected this possibility with one voice.

"Why is it impossible? There is not even a coffin here. If it hadn't been tossed out, where else could it be placed?"

Da Jinya opened his mouth unconvinced.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:
"The successive Lieutenants Mojin would never throw out the coffin when they dismantled the Qiumen. This is a rule, and it is a kind of respect for the dead."

"That's right, what Mr. Zhang said is absolutely right. Captain Mojin definitely couldn't do this."

Shirley YangMeng nodded in agreement.

At least for so long, she has never heard that Captain Mojin even dared to steal the coffin.

Unless they are not from the same family.

Zhang Yang pointed to the stone gate not far away, and continued to speak:

"You have also seen the robbery hole over there. The space is limited. Even if the coffin is not big, it is impossible to fall out of the robbery hole."

Everyone looked in the direction of Zhang Yang's finger, and they found that a small hole had also been opened on the other side.

Obviously, this was also typed out in an extremely professional way.

It seems that this group of tomb robbers really have some skills, and it's not bad that they can drill the robbery hole here.

"What does Mr. Zhang mean to say that there is no coffin here?"

Da Jinyazi asked the question in his heart again.

Zhang Yang didn't make a sound, but quickly walked to the middle of the Nether Hall, looking up at the position above his head.

There is only a faint white light falling from the top of the head, it seems that this place is not very far from the ground.

At least, here's where light slips through.

Could it be because of the movement of the earth's crust that the Hades slowly moved up?
After all, it is absolutely impossible for the general Hades to be so close to the ground, which is unscientific.

Unless it is caused by some special reason.

In addition, the landform here was originally riddled with holes, and it is reasonable to occasionally expose some light.

"Mr. Zhang, is there anything on it?"

Da Jinyazi walked over curiously, looking up like Zhang Yang did.

"It's nothing."

Zhang Yang shook his head.

Anyway, if he explained it, Da Jinyazi might not understand it, so it would be better not to say it.

"Mr. Zhang, apart from the absence of a coffin, I always feel that something is wrong."

Shirley Yang also walked over and spoke weakly.

Zhang Yang didn't say anything, but carefully looked up, down, left, and right of the huge Nether Hall.

This place is not only weird, but also full of a weird atmosphere.


In the huge Underworld, not only is there no coffin, it can be said that there is nothing at all.

The ground was empty, not to mention the funeral objects, there was not even an extra stone.

This is also so empty that some are too thorough.

However, Zhang Yang discovered that the scale and structure of the Nether Palace was more like a first-class tomb of a prince in the Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, the entire building structure is also round at the bottom and square at the bottom, with edges and corners, smooth and neat.

The shape of the top is like the roof of a yurt, in the shape of a dome, which is called the round sky.

Such a structure of "round sky and earth" can definitely be said to be the style of a real tomb.

The tombs of ordinary people's homes are at most one shape, either round or square.

This is the mausoleum of a certain prince and noble in the Tang Dynasty. It must be unmistakable.

Whether it is the tomb of the princess above is another matter.

However, the only decorations are that there are six stone shelves on the floor of Hades Hall, and these stone shelves are empty, with nothing on them.

According to the normal rules, on this stone shelf, there should be six kinds of jade, Cong, Guizhang, Bi, Huhuang, which are used for offering sacrifices to the six parties, and they are treated only by members of the royal family.

Moreover, there are some murals painted on the walls of the entire mausoleum, but they are all white backgrounds, only the prototypes are painted, but no coloring.

Zhang Yang took a rough look and found that the painting was about the sun, moon and stars. Because there was no color rendering, it didn't look so vivid and beautiful.

However, in addition to this, the most important thing on the mural is the thirteen palace ladies painted.

These palace ladies are of different shapes and different.

Some are holding brocade boxes, some are holding jade pots, and some are holding musical instruments.

However, these court ladies have a common feature, that is, they are all fat and fat, showing a picture scroll of court life in the Tang Dynasty.

In the Tang Dynasty, fat was regarded as beautiful, which is well known by everyone.

Moreover, the folk customs of the Tang Dynasty were open, so the clothes looked very trendy.

Especially those fringed tube top skirts and so on, which are so vividly painted that they show the beauty of women vividly.

It's just that these murals are not finished, it seems that they just painted a beginning, and then there is no more.

Zhang Yang frowned, obviously this was very unconventional and extremely unreasonable.

It is very rare for such a royal mausoleum to be suspended after being repaired halfway.

Unless some kind of force majeure is encountered, it is absolutely impossible to stop such a huge construction period in half of the cases.

Judging from the current situation of this mausoleum, at least it has been under construction for half a year.

Half a year after the start of construction, the mausoleum was shut down, indicating that there must have been a problem.

Whether it is a human factor or a congenital factor is unknown.

(End of this chapter)

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