Chapter 239 The Weird Ancient Tomb
Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then stopped.

The two started to look at each other, but they didn't intend to do anything anymore.

The eyes in the stone coffin began to move rapidly, as if they were thinking of ways to deal with Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang was surprised to find that the legs of the stone coffin began to grow slowly, and the stone coffin also gradually grew taller.

So, is the stone coffin changing shape?

When Zhang Yang was wondering, he suddenly found that the hands of the stone coffin began to rise rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, it has become twice its original size.

what's the situation?
Zhang Yang was taken aback, this was the first time he saw such a transformed stone statue, it felt like a Transformer.

Without waiting for Zhang Yang to think about it, the huge long arm waved towards Zhang Yang, as if he wanted to take Zhang Yang down.

Zhang Yang jumped quickly and directly avoided the opponent's attack.

It seemed that the stone coffin did not give up, and another big hand waved over.

Zhang Yang jumped up again to avoid it.

The stone coffin was not discouraged, and began to attack Zhang Yang with the eight pairs of giant hands.

Zhang Yang jumped up again, avoiding the opponent's attack.


Zhang Yang knew that avoiding all the time was not the solution, he had to attack directly.

This time Zhang Yang didn't dodge, but directly raised the Big Dipper Knife in his hand and slashed at that arm.

Hearing a loud 'click', one arm was cut off directly by Zhang Yang.

The arm fell to the ground with a clanging sound.

The stone coffin seemed to be able to sense the pain, and a deep roar came out of its mouth.

After that, the other arms began to attack Zhang Yang violently.

Zhang Yang smiled coldly, raised the Big Dipper Knife in his hand again and slashed down again, this time directly cutting off the opponent's two arms.

Right now, only five of the eight arms remain.

The stone coffin seemed to be aware of Zhang Yang's ability, it should be said that it was the power of the Big Dipper Sword, and he was a little afraid.

How could Zhang Yang control so much, he continued to chop with the knife.

Three times and two times, three more arms were cut off.

There were only two arms left in the stone coffin, so he turned around and prepared to run away.

Of course, Zhang Yang couldn't give the opponent this chance, so he immediately chased after him with his sword raised.

The speed of the stone coffin was very fast, and the legs were long. He stepped on it with a brisk step, and suddenly fell down with a 'gu dong' and disappeared.

Zhang Yang ran over, but found that there was a well-designed hole in front of him.

The stone coffin just stepped on the edge of the hole, so it fell directly into it.

So, this thing came up from below?

Zhang Yang didn't hesitate at all, he stepped on the edge directly, and the whole person fell directly.

'Mr. Zhang? '

Seeing this, Shirley Yang chased after her even more anxiously.

Unfortunately, when she came, the hole had already been closed.

"Mr. Zhang?"

Shirley Yang yelled for a while, but couldn't see any trace of Zhang Yang.

And the mechanism under his feet was closed at this time, and there was no entrance at all.

"Where is Mr. Zhang?"

Chen Yulou followed suit, a little out of breath.

If it wasn't because he was seriously injured just now, he would have caught up long ago.

"Mr. Zhang just went down, but I don't know where the entrance to this institution is?"

Shirley Yang seemed a little anxious.

"Then let's find the entrance first, it must be here."

Da Jinyazi also followed.


Shirley Yang nodded in agreement.

The three began to look around the entrance for a mechanism that could enter the underground entrance, but unfortunately they found nothing.

On Zhang Yang's side, he fell into a tunnel along the entrance of the passage.

Looking at the authentic appearance, it seems that it has been repaired for many years, and there are many traces of spider webs at the entrance of the cave.

However, many spider webs have been destroyed, and it seems that they are the masterpiece of the stone coffin just now.

Zhang Yang carefully observed the entire passageway, and there must be some time when no one has been there.

Zhang Yang directly turned on the flashlight, and decided to continue walking forward to find out.

Halfway through the walk, Zhang Yang found that there were sketches on the surrounding walls.

It's just that the petroglyphs on the wall of the tomb are full of faces with strange expressions, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

This reminded Zhang Yang of the facial expression of the stone statue just now, which was very similar to this portrait.

Could this be the passage to the Western Zhou tomb?

While Zhang Yang was thinking in his heart, he continued to walk forward.

Soon, Zhang Yang discovered that there was a very narrow tomb in front of him.

And on the stone wall of the tomb, there are actually many ancient paintings carved.

These ancient paintings above are all depicted in a bright red color, which looks as bright as blood, bright as new.

If this tomb passage is from the Western Zhou Dynasty, no matter how well preserved it is, it is impossible to have this effect.

And the petroglyphs appear to be at most one or two hundred years old.

Zhang Yang even noticed that the rocks that made up the tomb passage had no signs of peeling off from the past at all.

Although it does not look like it has just been completed, it is by no means built thousands of years ago, and gray stone stubble is still exposed in some places.

Zhang Yang felt that most of this place had something to do with the stone statue.

If it is said that the stone statue is related to the Western Zhou Dynasty, then these murals are the best proof.

So, is this the ancient tomb of the Western Zhou Dynasty?

Zhang Yang secretly guessed in his heart, because there is no definite evidence, he can only temporarily feel that this possibility is extremely high.

However, the expression on this stone statue looks exactly the same as the expressions on these murals, a half-smile, not a smile, unusually indifferent, with a weird and gloomy aura in his bones.

This is obviously from the same person's hand, and it is absolutely unmistakable.

Zhang Yang took a closer look, but found something different.

The expressions on the stone statues were basically the same, without much change.

But the expressions on these paintings are slightly different, some are happy, some are worried, some are sad, some are angry, some are surprised, and some are hurt.

However, no matter what kind of expression it is, it feels different from the expression of normal people.

Especially these expressions, just look at the feeling that makes the bottom of my heart tremble.

So, these expressions are problematic.

Zhang Yang was studying these expressions when he suddenly stretched out his hands and slowly stretched them out.

Just as he was about to slap Zhang Yang on the shoulder, Zhang Yang suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the opponent violently, and then fell over his shoulder beautifully, directly throwing the opponent to the ground.


"It hurts to death."

A miserable cry entered Zhang Yang's eardrums.

Zhang Yang was slightly taken aback, and after seeing the people on the ground clearly, he frowned slightly.

"Why are you here?"

Zhang Yang asked the other party coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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