Chapter 241
"What eyes?"

Zhang Yang saw that Hu Bayi's face was pale with fright, and his whole body trembled slightly. He suddenly looked up, but there was nothing, nothing.

"Mr. Zhang, I really saw a pair of eyes there just now, and they are still moving."

Goosebumps all over Hu Bayi's body when he said that.

It seemed that he was not lightly frightened.


Zhang Yang squinted his eyes and looked at the crescent-shaped hole again.

He knew in his heart that it was absolutely impossible for this Hu Bayi to be fooled.

So, there must be something on it.

Could it be the stone coffin from before?

Because he is not very sure, Zhang Yang does not intend to jump to conclusions.

"Let's go up and have a look."

Zhang Yang still decided to go up and have a look.

"Go up, go up?"

Hu Bayi was obviously a little scared.

I don't know why, the appearance of those eyes kept appearing in his mind, which made some of his inner defenses broken through.

"Well, go up."

Zhang Yang nodded with determination.

"Okay, okay."

Although Hu Bayi was somewhat reluctant, but thinking that it was better to follow Zhang Yang than to stay here alone and be trapped alone, he nodded in agreement.

Soon, Zhang Yang and Hu Bayi arrived under the crescent-shaped gap.

Zhang Yang flicked his finger lightly, and a rope flew up directly, and the rope was fixed immediately.

Zhang Yang pulled hard, and after confirming that the rope was stable, he pulled the rope lightly with his hands, and he went straight up quickly.

Soon, Zhang Yang reached the crescent-shaped gap.

Zhang Yang looked around first, and after making sure that there were no foreign objects around, he jumped on it with both hands.

Then the rope was thrown down again.

Hu Bayi hurriedly stretched out his hand to grab the other end of the rope, and was soon dragged up by Zhang Yang.

"Mr. Zhang, is this place?"

Hu Bayi, who just came up at this time, was dumbfounded when he saw the scene in front of him.

In front of him was a stone step going up.

The entire stone steps are wide, and each floor is made up of whole large stone strips.

Subconsciously, Hu Bayi took the flashlight in his hand and shone it downwards and upwards. The beam of light from the flashlight seemed to be swallowed by the darkness.

There are black holes more than ten meters away, and the situation above cannot be seen.

"It's stone steps."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth quietly.

"Stone steps, why are they located in this place?"

Hu Bayi felt it was an incredible feeling.

"I'm afraid this is the uppermost floor leading to the ancient tomb. It should be connected to the entire tomb passage. Maybe you can go out."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth to explain.

"Can I go out?"

Hu Bayi suddenly regained his energy, as long as he can go out, he can do whatever he wants.


Zhang Yang nodded.

"Then, let's go quickly, lest they should worry if they can't find us."

After speaking, Hu Bayi couldn't wait to walk towards the stone steps.

Zhang Yang first turned his head to look at the crescent-shaped hole just now, and then raised his eyes to look at the dark air around him.

The death-like silence here makes people feel that it is so quiet that it feels a little scary.

Zhang Yang vaguely felt that there was something weird here.

It seemed as if something was staring at him secretly, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

This feeling has been there since he entered this tomb passage, and I don't know if it has something to do with the stone statue?

At this time, Hu Bayi had already walked a few steps away, and when he realized that Zhang Yang hadn't followed, he hurriedly stopped, turned his head and looked back and said:
"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:

"It's okay, let's go."

Said Zhang Yang raised his foot and continued to walk forward.

The two walked in tandem for about ten minutes, but found that no matter how they walked, there were countless steps.

Even with a flashlight, it can only illuminate a small range of steps.

It is impossible to see the whole picture of the whole step.

Hu Bayi was obviously a bit weak, and his speed gradually slowed down, so he started chatting with Zhang Yang.

"Mr. Zhang, why do these people build so many steps here? Isn't it bothersome and troublesome?"

Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows slightly, and said lightly:

"When people in ancient times built ancient tombs, they would choose to build them near mountains or water. Like ours, if they built near mountains, they had to hollow out the mountains.

The soil and stones that have been taken out are all moved out from the embedding, but because of the huge amount of work, they are changed to build steps, which not only saves the way to carry them, but also achieves an aesthetic effect.

Generally, after such steps, after the owner of the tomb was encoffined, the tunnel was sealed, and the craftsmen and slaves who repaired the tomb were also buried alive in it.

But those craftsmen naturally wouldn't sit still and die peacefully here to be buried with the owner of the tomb, so most of the time, those craftsmen would secretly leave secret passages so that they could escape here. "

"Mr. Zhang means that these steps are extremely likely to be escape routes left behind by those craftsmen?"

Hu Bayi's eyes brightened immediately.

"That's pretty much it."

Zhang Yang nodded in agreement.

"Then, let's go faster, maybe we will be able to get out of this ghost place soon."

As Hu Bayi said that, he subconsciously quickened his pace.

"Wait a moment."

Zhang Yang suddenly reached out his hand to signal Hu Bayi not to move.

"What's wrong? Mr. Zhang?"

Hu Bayi's face was suddenly full of tension and uneasiness.

"It's not right, it's not right."

Zhang Yang suddenly muttered to himself.

"Mr. Zhang, what's wrong?"

Hu Bayi became more and more anxious, and seemed to realize that something was wrong.

Zhang Yang stepped on the crescent-shaped mark on the ground and said:
"What do you think this is?"

Hu Bayi looked down, smiled and said:

"This is not just a crescent-shaped gap, it may have been knocked off during construction."

"Do not."

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:

"Every time we went up twenty or thirty steps, we would find the same crescent-shaped gap.

At the beginning, I actually didn’t pay much attention to it. After counting carefully, there is such a crescent gap every 23 steps, which must be a problem. "

Hearing what Zhang Yang said, Hu Bayi seemed to remember it too.

It seems that he has seen this crescent-shaped imprint more than once.

So, this is not knocked off at all, but something like a mark made by someone?

"It's absolutely impossible to be a coincidence, it's extremely likely that we've been spinning in circles all along."

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, Hu Bayi looked at Zhang Yang nervously and said:
"Then, Mr. Zhang, what should we do now?"

(End of this chapter)

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