Chapter 25
Soon, a group of people followed Wu Xie towards the steps.

At this time, Zhang Yang had already stood in front of the bronze coffin.

Taking a rough look at the steps under his feet, it turned out to be built with chunks of Tianxin Rock.

This is an extremely huge project, and most people don't have this kind of treatment.

It is enough to show how strong the financial resources and strength of King Lu Shang were at that time.

Zhang Yang inspected it visually, and found that the bronze coffin in front of him was at least two meters and five meters long, and it was densely engraved with inscriptions, but they were all about the life stories of King Nalu Shang.

He is not interested in these things.

What he was interested in was the things inside the coffin, and wondered if there was anything that could improve his attributes.

Although the ghost seal has been taken away by Zhang Qiling in advance, there should be a lot of valuable things in it.

Anyway, he is also King Lu Shang with outstanding military exploits, and he is also a famous Tufuzi, so the funeral objects are naturally indispensable.

Maybe he can find some rare treasure, and improve his physical attributes along the way.


Zhang Yang's eyes stopped at the iron chains wrapped around the bronze coffin, and each iron chain was as thick as a thumb.

Both have had some serious aging over time.

As soon as Zhang Yang exerted force on the palm of his hand, the Big Dipper Knife appeared in an instant, and he slashed towards those iron chains.

Immediately, all the iron chains were cut off in an instant, not a single one remained.

"Crash." With a sound, the bronze coffin landed directly on the stone steps, making a heavy sound.

"There seems to be a sound."

Wu Xie spoke subconsciously.

"Little third master, don't scare me. I'm timid, so I can't help being scared."

Da Kui shrank his neck while talking, and subconsciously took two steps back.

There are too many evil things here, and he still has some fear in his heart.

"Really, I seemed to hear a human voice just now."

Wu Xie spoke seriously.

The moment the bronze coffin fell to the ground, he really heard the sound, as if it came from the bronze coffin.

In fact, Wu Sanxing also heard it just now, and thought it was an illusion just now, but Wu Xie also heard it.

He subconsciously looked at the silent Zhang Yang and said:
"Mr. Zhang, is there really something in here?"

Looking at Zhang Yang's posture, I'm afraid he already knows what's inside.

"Open it and see, don't you know?"

Zhang Yang didn't answer directly either.

Anyway, it was necessary to open the coffin, this procedure is naturally indispensable, and it is good to keep some suspense.

Since these people dare to come here to rob tombs, it is natural that a tense atmosphere is needed to set it off.

Wu Sansheng was about to speak, when suddenly the bronze coffin shook again, and let out a deep muffled hum.

"I am grass."

"There's real movement in here."

Fatty Wang on the side was also surprised.

Wu Xie also had cold hands and feet, it seems that he really heard right just now.

At this time, Wu Sansheng naturally heard that muffled snort, and it was very real.

"It's broken, it's impossible for the **** to have something alive in it."

Speaking of which, Wu Sanxing stretched out his hand to Da Kui with a vigilant face and said:
"Da Kui, quickly give me a black donkey's hoof."

Da Kui took out the black donkey's hoof from the backpack tremblingly.

You can rely on this thing to save your life along the way.

Seeing this posture, everyone subconsciously took a few steps back, keeping a certain distance from the bronze coffin.

Looking at the movement and listening to the sound, it is obvious that there is really something wrong in the bronze coffin.

This coffin has been here for at least a thousand years, and there are still voices, which must be abnormal, and it is not a good thing at first glance.

Only Zhang Yang and Zhang Qiling stood still.

Zhang Yang has already known that the jade figurines inside are bounded hands and feet, without any lethality, so naturally he is not afraid.

And Zhang Qiling had already opened the coffin, and he knew what was inside.

Wu Xie saw that there was no movement between the two of them, especially Zhang Yang, who stood at the closest distance to the bronze coffin without changing his face.

Immediately, I respected him even more, this is a truly capable person, he will not be surprised in the face of any danger, highlighting the true qualities of a man.

Dakui on the side said tremblingly:

"Third Master, I see that there is something alive in this coffin. I think it's better not to open it."

But Wu Sansheng shook his head and said:
"There can be no living things.

The coffin is well sealed, and the air cannot circulate normally. No matter what living things are inside, it is impossible to stay in it for thousands of years.

Even if there was, I'm afraid it would have been smothered in it long ago.

Besides, this is a superimposed coffin of mother and child, but there are several layers of coffins inside. "

Everyone nodded in agreement, but Zhang Yang didn't say a word.

Sometimes, there are some things that can be accomplished beyond the limits of human imagination.

For example, the jade figurines that we will meet later.

However, Zhang Yang did not plan to reveal this matter in advance.

"Everyone come up to help, I want to see what is buried here."

Wu Sanxing signaled to the people on the side.

"Third Master, do you really want to open it?"

Pan Zi spoke with a worried face.

The others also stood still and did not dare to move.

"Aren't you fucking talking nonsense? Could it be that we came all the way here just to see what this coffin looks like?"

Hearing what Wu Sansheng said, Fatty Wang stood up first and said:

"Yes, open it and take a look, even if you die, you have to die to understand."

Dakui and Pan Zi glanced at each other, then walked out and said:

"Third Master, we listen to you."

Wu Xie looked at Zhang Yang at the side, and then took two steps forward:

"I'll join too."

Seeing that everyone agreed, Ah Ning was embarrassed to continue standing, and subconsciously took two steps forward.

Except for Zhang Yang and Zhang Qiling who stood where they were, everyone else took the initiative to step forward.

Everyone worked together and quickly opened the coffin on the first floor.

Inside is an exquisite jade-inlaid lacquer coffin, which is inlaid with jade, shining brightly, but it is a bit eye-catching.

Everyone is happy, it seems that this bet is right.

"I am grass."

"Why so many jades, we were lucky to have such a big ticket at the last stop, this trip was finally worth it."

As he said that, Fatty Wang's eyes suddenly glowed with gold, and he rubbed his chubby little hands.

"If you go out here, you can walk sideways."

As he spoke, Fatty Wang was about to pry those jade stones.

"do not move."

Wu Sansheng stretched out his hand to stop it.

"What's the matter? This jade is seen by everyone. As the saying goes, those who see it have a share. Is it possible that you want to swallow it all?"

Fatty Wang suddenly became a little unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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