Chapter 250 Entering the Tiger's Den
Suddenly, Zhang Yang stepped forward quickly and cut off the silk thread that was pulling the big gold tooth.

The big gold tooth fell heavily on the ground, and his buttocks hit the ground, grinning from the pain.

"Come on."

Zhang Yang grabbed the big gold tooth on the ground and retreated towards the back.

Fortunately, the giant human-faced spider was not fond of fighting. After realizing that the person was rescued by Zhang Yang, it quickly crawled towards its lair.

Only then did Zhang Yang secretly feel relieved.

"Mr. Zhang, Lord Jin, are you all right?"

At this time Hu Bayi also walked over anxiously.


Zhang Yang shook his head and said it was okay.

At this time, the big gold tooth on the ground was in pain and screamed:
"The skin on my ass is almost worn off."

Hu Bayi walked over quickly, pulled the big gold tooth from the ground and said:

"Jin Ye, this little pain is far worse than a little life."

When Da Jinyazi heard it, he stopped barking immediately.

"Let's get out of here first."

As Zhang Yang said, he turned around and was about to leave, but felt his feet go soft, and when he looked down, it turned out to be the mummy of a big goose.

The flesh and blood must have been eaten by the giant human-faced spider.

Zhang Yang recognized it at a glance, it was one of the big geese carried in by Wang Kaixuan before.

So, it is extremely possible that Wang Kaixuan is also here?

Subconsciously, Zhang Yang turned his head to look at the dark cave entrance not far from his hand.

Even if he doesn't go in at this moment, he can still feel the dangerous aura coming from the cave.

Will Proud Dragon be trapped here too?

Zhang Yang secretly calculated various possibilities in his heart.

According to Aolong's size, I'm afraid this cave can't trap him.

But he has been missing for several hours, I'm afraid it's more ominous.

"Mr. Zhang, here, why is there a dead goose here?"

At this time, Hu Bayi and Da Jinyazi also came over, and when they found the corpse on the ground, their expressions changed slightly.

"It seems that they may also come here."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth quietly.


Hu Bayi suddenly turned pale with shock and continued to speak:

"Mr. Zhang means that Fatty and the others are here too? Isn't that so?"

Hu Bayi didn't continue talking, but subconsciously turned his head to look at the entrance of the cave not far away.

That giant human-faced spider just fled towards there.

If this Wang Kaixuan really came here, I'm afraid there will be no way out.


Suddenly, he stretched out his hand to signal Hu Bayi not to speak.

Hu Bayi was so frightened that he immediately shut up and didn't dare to speak anymore.

Zhang Yang's ears moved slightly, just now he seemed to hear a faint sound of breathing coming from the hole.

Kind of like the breath of a person.

Could it be that Aolong and Wang Kaixuan were really trapped in it?

Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows slightly, and opened his ghostly eyes, ready to see what happened.

Suddenly Hu Bayi yelled in horror.

"Mr. Zhang, be careful."

Zhang Yang turned his head fiercely, and found that the giant human-faced spider that he had killed just now miraculously came back to life.

Moreover, the legs that had been severed had also grown back.

So, this giant human-faced spider has the function of automatic recovery of body functions?

It was just a matter of time.

Could it be that there is really something precious here?
Zhang Yang suddenly felt a little excited.

Originally, he came here this time to obtain various system rewards and evolve into an immortal body.

If there is really any shortcut here, then naturally this opportunity cannot be missed.

At this time, the giant human-faced spider had completely stood up from the ground, standing straight with its eight hairy, plump and long legs.

With his mouth wide open, two sharp teeth were exposed, and there was a roar towards Zhang Yang.


A disgusting taste rushed straight to the forehead.

Zhang Yang twisted his nose, the smell is really sour.

Hu Bayi and Da Jinyazi were almost fainted by the smell.

Zhang Yang also unceremoniously raised the Big Dipper Knife in his hand. Since this thing is not dead, he should give it another ride.

The giant human-faced spider had just seen how powerful Zhang Yang was, so it didn't attack directly this time.

Instead, he quickly jumped onto the stone wall beside him, and then quickly retreated towards the cave.

"Mr. Zhang, this?"

Hu Bayi also expressed that he did not understand.

Even though the giant human-faced spider looked fierce just now, why did it run away all of a sudden?
"You guys go first, I'll go in and have a look."

As he said that, Zhang Yang ran straight towards the entrance of the cave.

It is said that if you can't enter the tiger's den, you can't get a tiger's cub, so he has to take a risk and fight.

Even if this is really the lair of the giant human-faced spider, he still wants to break into it.

"Mr. Zhang?"

Hu Bayi and Da Jinyazi looked at Zhang Yang, who had gradually gone away, with horrified expressions.

They didn't expect Zhang Yang to choose to throw himself into the trap, and they became more and more worried in their hearts.

"what should we do?"

Da Jinyazi and Hu Bayi glanced at each other.

"What can I do, of course I have to go and have a look."

Hu Bayi was a little worried about Wang Kaixuan's safety.

After all, this big goose has been following him all the time, and suddenly the corpse appeared here, I'm afraid it's more than auspicious.

"Yes, have you passed?"

Da Jinyazi was a little afraid.

He had narrowly escaped death just now, and now he finally escaped, and he was really unwilling to go to die again.

If he had known that going to the tomb would be so dangerous, he would not have joined in the excitement and followed.

It's better to go back to Pan's yard and continue to be a peddler selling antiques. Although I don't make much money, my life is guaranteed.

Where is it like it is now, every minute, my life is gone.

This money, it’s the money of hard work, and it’s impossible to use it.

"What if we don't go there? If there is no protection from Mr. Zhang, we will definitely not be able to get out here."

Hu Bayi directly administered a dose of Mongolian medicine.

He naturally knew in his heart that Da Jinyazi didn't want to continue taking this risk.

But for Wang Kaixuan, he had to go all out.

Otherwise, he would feel sorry for this good brother who was born and died.

When Da Jinyazi heard this, he panicked.

If it weren't for Zhang Yang, I'm afraid they would be trapped here to death in minutes, and there would be no way for them to escape.

It's just that Zhang Yang is very courageous and capable, so naturally he is not afraid of anything.

Even such a powerful giant human-faced spider is no problem for Zhang Yang.

But he failed, not only did he not have the ability to stand by himself, but he also did not even have the ability to save himself.

How can we save ourselves from danger in this extremely dangerous tomb passage?
"Repay it, Lord Jin. If you're scared, just wait here. I'll go over and have a look first."

Hu Bayi let go of the hand supporting Da Jinyazi as he spoke, and was about to go there.

"Hey, old Hu, don't, I'll go with you, it's good for the two of you to have one to take care of you, right?"

Da Jinyazi grabbed Hu Bayi's hand with a flattering expression.

At this time, it is safer to follow the capable people, and you can save your life at critical moments.

"Let's go then."

As Hu Bayi spoke, he dragged his big gold teeth and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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