Chapter 258 Swallowed Alive?

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang."

Hu Bayi opened his mouth tremblingly, his whole body began to tremble.

Da Jinyazi was so frightened that he couldn't say a complete sentence at all.

"what happened?"

Zhang Yang also noticed something strange, and subconsciously frowned.

"Mr. Zhang, I think you should take a look."

Hu Bayi spoke weakly.

Zhang Yang knew that it was not easy to determine the person, so he jumped directly, and the person had already reached the position above the entrance of the cave.

Unexpectedly, when he looked down, he was also stunned.

At this time, under the huge opening, there are countless corpses hanging all over.

Without exception, their whole bodies were wrapped in white spider webs, like a mummy.

All the bones were suspended in mid-air, and it felt like one couldn't help shivering just looking at them.

Originally, there were already enough dead people in the bronze tripod, but unexpectedly there were even more corpses here.

It seems that this place is simply a mass grave.

So many people died, it is impossible that no one does not know.

Even if the owner of this ancient tomb is very powerful, it is impossible to take so many lives to be buried with him.

"Mr. Zhang, can you pull us up first?"

At this time, Da Jinyazi was so frightened that he wished he could leave here immediately.

"Go down and have a look first."

After speaking, Zhang Yang jumped down first.

"Mr. Zhang."

Before Da Jinyazi could finish his words, he fell down along with him.

"Oh, my god, it hurts me to death."

Da Jinyazi landed on his buttocks, screaming in pain.

Hu Bayi has some skills, he rolled over the moment he landed, and he landed steadily.

At this time, the ground was piled up with bones, and there was a 'creaking' sound when stepped on.

Zhang Yang simply glanced at the entire tomb, it seems that this is a companion tomb.

All of them are bones, at least they are calculated in tens of thousands.

Not only were there a lot of bones piled up on the ground, but the top of the head was also densely covered with corpses.

Just this battle, it makes people feel panicky to watch.

At this moment, Zhang Yang had a hard time imagining the miserable experiences of those buried with him.

Obviously, all the people buried with them had their blood sucked dry by those giant human-faced spiders.

This kind of death is really cruel.

"Mr. Zhang, there are so many corpses here, I think we should go back."

At this time, Hu Bayi also became a little scared.

Although he is also a person who has experienced a lot of wind and rain, but seeing so many dead people, he still has some fear in his heart.

It's too cruel to accompany you.

"Did you smell anything?"

Zhang Yang suddenly spoke slowly.

"What is the taste?"

As soon as Hu Bayi said that, he started to smell it vigorously.

Da Jinyazi sniffed fiercely.

"This seems to be a kind of fragrance. Could it be some magic drug or something?"

As he said that, Da Jinyazi stretched out his hand and pinched his nose in an instant to prevent himself from absorbing too much and causing future troubles.

Hu Bayi shook his head and said:
"Phantom medicine should be impossible, but if it is said that the giant human-faced spider's shit is extremely possible."

Da Jinyazi said unwillingly:

"Does your poop smell delicious?"

The corner of Hu Bayi's mouth twitched suddenly, it seemed that he did too.

For something as ugly as that giant human-faced spider, the feces it must pull out are also extremely ugly.

I really had a brain convulsion to think of such a thing.

Da Jinyazi continued to speak:

"It's better not to smell it too hard, it won't be worth it if you get poisoned."

For him, saving his life is the most important thing.

After all, he just got so many good things, if he just died here, it would not be worth it.

"No way?"

As Hu Ba spoke, he stretched out his hand and pinched his nose.

Zhang Yang opened his mouth to remind:

"Don't make a sound."

Zhang Yang signaled Hu Bayi not to say anything, as if he heard some movement.

Seeing Zhang Yang's expression, Hu Bayi instantly understood that something must be happening, and directly gave Da Jinyazi a look, signaling to hold his breath.

Da Jinyazi was on the right track, and he understood it immediately, and he didn't even say a word.

Zhang Yang's ears moved slightly, as if something was approaching here again.

Especially the strong and dangerous aura is coming.

So, here's something coming.

However, he basically guessed something in his heart.

"Lean against the corner and don't move around."

As Zhang Yang said, he motioned Hu Bayi and Da Jinyazi to lean aside and avoid temporarily.


Seeing the danger, Hu Bayi and Da Jinyazi, of course, hid in the corner of the wall in an instant.

But with Zhang Yang's right hand slamming hard, the Big Dipper Knife was directly held in his hand in an instant.

As the voice continued to approach, Zhang Yang had predicted that the other party had already smelled the breath of a stranger, so he rushed over.

However, the only thing that surprised Zhang Yang was that there was a faint fragrance in the air.

The fragrance is not very strong, there is a slight fragrance taste.

When I smell it suddenly, there is an illusion of refreshing.

Without waiting for Zhang Yang to think, suddenly a black shadow directly covered the light above his head, and the entire tomb was instantly plunged into darkness.

Zhang Yang raised his head fiercely, his complexion changed instantly.

"Oh my God."

Hu Bayi couldn't help but exclaimed.

Da Jinyazi's legs trembled in fright, and a large piece of wet was directly between the trouser legs.

Zhang Yang squinted his eyes, looking at the behemoth above his head.

He didn't expect that the giant human-faced spider king was not on it, and the fire naturally didn't hurt it at all.

This giant human-faced spider feels like a big truck, directly occupying most of the head of the tomb.

At this time, his eight legs were even more gigantic. Every time he took a step, the mummy hanging on the stone wall would slowly shake.

They collided with each other, making a terrifying brittle sound.

Kind of like rhythmic music.

It's just that this kind of bone music still sounds creepy.

At this time, the giant human-faced spider was possessing its body and staring at Zhang Yang, and dark green sticky substance was still flowing out from the corner of its huge mouth.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yang felt sick in his heart.

"Master Hu, don't you want to swallow us in one gulp when you say something?"

Da Jinyazi said while tugging on Hu Bayi's arm.

"Don't worry, with Mr. Zhang here, nothing will happen."

Unexpectedly, just as soon as Hu Bayi's words fell, the giant human-faced spider king swooped down and swallowed Zhang Yang in one gulp.

Hu Bayi and Da Jinyazi turned pale with fright.

(End of this chapter)

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