Chapter 260

"Mr. Zhang, why does this smell so much like chocolate?"

Hu Bayi asked curiously.

Da Jinyazi on the side subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and when he talked about food, he really felt a little hungry.

Especially under such circumstances, I feel more and more hungry and panicked.


Zhang Yang nodded indifferently and agreed.

"Then, can Mr. Zhang eat this?"

Speaking of Da Jinyazi, he directly reached out to touch it, then put his hand between his nose and smelled it, and immediately felt a milky smell coming into his stomach.

The whole heart began to be noisy, and the stomach made a 'cuckoo' sound very and appropriately.

At this time, the big gold tooth is still haggling, and he can't wait to rush up and hug him for a bite to satisfy his hunger.

"Jin Ye, what are you doing? This is a stone, not something to eat."

Hu Bayi seemed to have discovered Da Jinyazi's intentions, and even reached out and grabbed Da Jinyazi's arm.

"I, I just want to taste if this thing tastes as sweet as it smells?"

Speaking of which, Da Jinyazi laughed a little awkwardly.

"Jin Ye, I'm afraid you're starving, can this thing be eaten?"

Hu Bayi was speechless for a while.

It seems that this big gold tooth is really hungry and dizzy.

"It's definitely edible. If you don't believe me, ask Mr. Zhang."

Speaking of Da Jin Ya Zi, he gestured towards Zhang Yang who was on the side.

Zhang Yang looked at the stone, and then slowly said:

"I have been to the Kunlun Mountains several times in the past, but I saw a lot of strange rocks.

It's the first time I've seen a fossil like this tree trunk, but I'm afraid it's not edible. "

Hearing this, Da Jinyazi immediately smirked like a deflated ball.

"Then, Mr. Zhang, what is this?"

Hu Bayi looked at Zhang Yang very curiously.

Looking at Zhang Yang's appearance, I'm afraid he knows something.

Zhang Yang looked at the stone, and then slowly said:

"This should be the rumored 'Wenxiangyu'."

"What, Wen Xiangyu?"

Upon hearing this, Da Jinyazi's eyes immediately glowed with golden light, and his whole body straightened up.

"Mr. Zhang, this, is this really the rumored priceless Wen Xiangyu?"

Da Jinyazi spoke uncertainly and confirmed again and again.

Zhang Yang nodded and said:

"It shouldn't be wrong."

Zhang Yang remembered that with the development of the plot, a piece of Wenxiang jade appeared.

However, the one described in the book is not so big. The Wen Xiangyu in front of me is a little bigger, about the size of a grown man's head.

Things of this size are extremely rare.

Needless to say the value.


Immediately Dajinyazi became extremely excited, rubbed his hands together, and said with a smile on his face:

"Then we made a fortune this time."

This piece of Wen Xiangyu, which was the size of a thumb, was already considered valuable, but now it is still a whole piece of rough stone, wouldn't it be enough for him to eat and drink for a lifetime.

At this time, Da Jinyazi was already dreaming of sitting in a luxurious villa, basking in the sun, facing the sea, and the scene of spring flowers blooming.

This is standard for rich people.

"Jin Ye, what are you talking about?"

Hu Bayi looked at Da Jinyazi with a puzzled expression.

With his current appearance, he felt more excited than winning tens of millions.

Although he has been in this business for a long time, he has always dealt with ancient tombs and rarely touches rare objects.

The big gold tooth is different, but it doesn't know that you have to touch hundreds of things every day, so you are naturally well-informed.

As long as it is something that he likes, it is really worth a lot of money.

Da Jinyazi first looked up at Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang nodded his head, and then said:

"The 'scented jade' mentioned by Mr. Zhang is actually the so-called 'golden fragrant jade' in layman's terms.

This thing is worth the old nose money. "

Hu Bayi exclaimed suddenly:

"Isn't that the meaning of the phrase 'There are eyes that don't recognize Jin Xiangyu'?"

Da Jinyazi snapped his fingers directly and said:


"Mass egg."

Hu Bayi couldn't help cursing in a low voice:
"I used to think that the 'Jin Xiangyu' in this sentence meant a big girl, but I didn't expect it to be a stone."

Da Jinyazi shook his head helplessly and said:
"Old Hu, with your ability, I'm afraid that if you want to become a dog in the antique market, you may need to practice for a while."

Hu Bayi smiled awkwardly, he had no choice but to go to the tomb, not to hang out in the antique market.

With his eyesight, even if this Jin Xiangyu was placed in front of him, he would just treat it as a piece of worthless broken stone.

How could it be possible to know this thing.

"Just smell this unique fragrance, and it will definitely not lose to any big girl."

Da Jinya opened his mouth with a grin.

"However, what's the use of this scent? Isn't it worth a lot just because a broken stone has a scent?"

This time Hu Bayi looked directly at Zhang Yang who was at the side.

Zhang Yang said quietly:

"Actually, this thing was originally a secret treasure of the royal family, so ordinary people naturally can't see it.

However, the people who turned against the fight later found this thing from the ancient tomb of the royal family, which made the world little known.

It is said that this thing first appeared between the Qin and Han Dynasties.

In ancient times, because it was rare among folks, few people knew about this rare treasure, and they didn't know anything about the usefulness of the treasure.

However, this thing really has a lot of magic.

The drier the environment is, the stronger the fragrance it emits.

I've gotten a piece before, but it was all from other people's hands, but it's not that big. "

Upon hearing this, Da Jinyazi immediately opened his mouth with great excitement and said:

"Mr. Zhang, how much is this piece worth?"

Zhang Yang looked at it before opening his mouth and said:

"The larger the original stone of Wen Xiangyu, the more valuable it is, and the outer skin of this thing is also wrapped in a very precious medicinal material, which is said to have miraculous effects on treating difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

If it is as big as the one in front of you, and the material is considered to be extremely good, among the many rough stones, it is definitely top-grade.

According to the current estimated price, at least it is not a problem to be able to buy an entire small western-style building. "

Upon hearing this, Hu Bayi immediately became excited.

How much is this worth?
"It's just, Mr. Zhang, why is this thing in the stomach of that giant human-faced spider? Could it be that someone deliberately put it in that thing's stomach to prevent it from being stolen?"

Da Jinyazi spoke again.

(End of this chapter)

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