Chapter 263

Hu Bayi complained repeatedly from the bottom of his heart.

He never thought that he would meet a ghost, and it was a skeleton ghost through and through.

No wonder Da Jinyazi was terrified. I'm afraid he would be terrified if he really saw that skull face.

The pair of skeleton hands continued to touch down along Hu Bayi's shoulders, and soon reached the position of the chest.

At this moment, Hu Bayi could clearly feel a chill rushing towards his forehead, especially his back, which was even more severe, causing his whole body to shiver from the cold.

This thing, why does it feel like it came out of an ice cave, it's freezing to the bone.

Zhang Yang looked coldly at the skeleton female corpse lying behind Hu Bayi at this time.

I saw that there was only a skeleton left in the other party's body, and there were still slender hairs on the bare skull.

So, obviously, it's a woman.

It seemed that the other party was very interested in Hu Bayi, and the skeleton hand was carelessly stroking Hu Bayi's chest.

This feeling is like the reaction of a cat who hasn't eaten meat for a long time after seeing oily meat.

Unexpectedly, this is still an old ghost.

Seeing that Hu Bayi was so frightened that sweat dripped from his forehead, Zhang Yang was not in a hurry, but wanted to see what the other party's purpose was.

The skeleton woman may feel uncomfortable through the clothes, so she tore the clothes on Hu Bayi's chest with her big hands, revealing the strong body inside.

After that, the skeleton hand began to caress unscrupulously.

Hu Bayi dared to be angry at this time, but he didn't expect to be eaten tofu by a dead ghost.

However, since Zhang Yang told him not to move around, he naturally didn't dare to move around.

Suddenly, the fingertips of the skeleton turned into sharp spikes, which were about to pierce into Hu Bayi's heart.

It's too late, it's too soon.

Zhang Yang flew over with a silver needle and pierced the palm of the hand directly.

The skeletal hand retracted in an instant due to the pain, and then heard the miserable cry of the 'ah' woman.

Before Hu Bayi could react, he felt a force directly dragging him forward.

Because he reacted a little too slowly, he fell straight down and didn't get up for a while.

"Old Hu."

Although Da Jinyazi was afraid, he still ran over very loyally and helped Hu Bayi up.

At this time, Zhang Yang had already started fighting with the skeleton woman.

Although the other party is only a skeleton, but the ability is really not small.

Even though Zhang Yang was close to the Big Dipper Saber, he still didn't hurt him at all.

Especially the long black hair of the skull, it is simply an extremely powerful lethal weapon.

Flicking it over, he completely blocked his line of sight.

If it weren't for Zhang Yang's ghostly eyes, I'm afraid he would have already been plotted against by the other party.

This long hair reminded Zhang Yang of the concubine she met at the bottom of Xisha before.

This thing is simply the same.

Zhang Yang wanted to cut off that hair directly, but the other party was really cunning, so Zhang Yang couldn't seize the opportunity.

In the end, Zhang Yang's heart fluttered, and he directly took out a talisman from his bosom, and after mourning a few words in his mouth, he still pointed the talisman at the other party.

The skull was very afraid of the spell, turned around and fled into the side stone wall.

The spell landed in an instant and burned into ashes.

Zhang Yang was also stunned, he didn't expect the skull to pass through the wall.

This is the first time I have heard of such a ghost.

Zhang Yang walked over quickly, and reached out to touch the stone wall where the skull passed through the wall just now.

Nothing has changed.

Zhang Yang reached out and knocked on the stone wall again, but there was no echo.

Therefore, the stone wall is solid.

Then how did the skull just pass through the wall directly?

"This, this thing can go through walls?"

Hu Bayi and Da Jinyazi were also quite frightened.

This is a great character.

Unwilling to give up, Zhang Yang took out another spell from his bosom, and after chanting something, he stuck it directly on the stone wall.

For about half a minute, there was still no movement on the stone wall.

Zhang Yang knew in his heart that the thing might have already escaped.

However, I just saw the skull look very frightened after seeing the spell, I'm afraid it's very taboo to this thing.

Or rather, someone once used this spell against her.

It seems that what's here is far more complicated than he imagined.

"Mom, what the hell is this?"

Da Jinyazi's terrified cry came from behind him.

As soon as Zhang Yang turned his head, he saw Da Jinyazi slumped to the ground with a look of horror on his face.

"what happened?"

Zhang Yang frowned slightly.

"Mr. Zhang, he, he seems to have a face on his back."

Da Jinya opened his mouth tremblingly, and pointed to the upper left of Hu Bayi's back not far away.

"What? A human face?"

Hu Bayi also had a frightened expression on his face, and subconsciously reached out to touch his back.

Just being dragged by the giant human-faced spider, the clothes on the back are almost worn out.

Right now, he was inexplicably molested by a skull, and only a few rags were left hanging on his clothes.

Hu Bayi, who had just been in danger, now heard Da Jinyazi's nonsensical words, and his heart felt as if a basin of cold water poured from head to toe.

Right now, Hu Bayi's heart is mostly cold.

Because he couldn't see his back clearly, Hu Bayi shouted anxiously:
"Damn it, Big Gold Tooth, what nonsense are you talking about? Why do I have a human face on my back?"

Da Jinyazi was still in shock, and pointed at the face with trembling hands.

Zhang Yang walked over quickly, and when he saw the face, he immediately became less nervous.

He already knew what this thing was.

It should be said that since the last time I went to the ancient Jingjue country, this thing is bound to appear.

"Mr. Zhang, tell me, I really have a human face on my back?"

Hu Bayi opened his mouth to confirm with Zhang Yang, feeling extremely uneasy in his heart.

"It's not a human face, it's just an eye."

Zhang Yang said calmly.

"What, eyes?"

Hu Bayi also looked confused.

Why did he say it was a human face at one time and eyes at the other? He was almost dying of anxiety.

It feels like my whole body is being roasted directly on the fire, that kind of feeling needs to be more tormented and more tormented.

I wish I had something superficial or something, so I could turn my head to see clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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