Chapter 27 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind
"Mr. Zhang, the jade figurine suddenly sat up, isn't it dangerous?"

At this time, Wu Xie also took two weak steps forward, wanting to see more clearly.

"will not."

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to indicate the position behind the jade figurine and said:
"There is an exquisite mechanism behind that, as soon as the coffin is opened, the corpse will be supported by a wooden stick and sit up."

Everyone looked behind the jade figurine, and they found a wooden stick.

These are all little tricks to scare people.

After all, it's not a problem at all for those who are not afraid of death.

"Mr. Zhang, amazing, you know all of this."

Fatty Wang couldn't help giving Zhang Yang a thumbs up.

He really admires Zhang Yang, not only is he capable, but he also knows everything.

This is simply so capable that people have to admire it.

"My God, this man's heart is still beating."

Wu Xie on the side suddenly exclaimed.

"Since this is a jade figurine, the people inside are still alive."

Fatty Wang said with a look of disdain.

"But why is the jade on this jade figurine black? Shouldn't it be the original color of jade?"

Wu Xie opened his mouth curiously, but looked at Zhang Yang who was at the side.

Zhang Yang said calmly:

"This person is wearing a jade armor, which is inlaid with jade. Because he has been trapped in this coffin for many years, he has absorbed enough Yin Qi, so it turned black.

As long as it is placed in the sun for a few days, the yin will dissipate and it will return to its original appearance. "

"So it is."

Wu Xie had a teachable expression on his face.

Zhang Yang knows too much. It should be said that there is nothing he does not understand in this world.

"Then how do we take this thing away? We can't take this corpse out with us, right?"

Pan Zi on the side spoke anxiously.

This thing looks good at first glance, but it would be a pity not to take it out.

"You are stupid, of course you took off the golden jade armor and took it out. If you take a living dead out, you are not afraid of being buried."

Fatty Wang spoke displeasedly.

"Then you take off."

Pan Zi has just observed it carefully, and it is not easy to take off this thing.

I don't know how to put it on in the first place, I'm afraid it took a lot of effort.

"Take it off, who is afraid of whom?"

Speaking of which, Fatty Wang rolled up his sleeves and prepared to start. He walked around the jade figurine for a long time, but he couldn't feel what to do.

"I am grass."

"How to do this thing."

Fatty Wang couldn't help spitting Xingzi.

Suddenly, with sharp eyes, he found a line under the armpit of the jade figurine, and immediately slapped his forehead and said:

"There is."

As he said that, he was about to reach out his hand, when suddenly an ancient black gold knife was thrown directly at him.

Fatty Wang was so frightened that he staggered and fell to the ground.

"Who the hell plotted against me?"

Fatty Wang got up from the ground cursing and pinching.


At this time Zhang Qiling had already walked in front of Fatty Wang.

"I said, brother, what do you mean?"

"Is this an attempt to seek wealth and murder?"

Fatty Wang grinned.

Zhang Qiling said coldly:

"If you untie the jade figurine, all the people here will be buried with you."


Fatty Wang spoke up without fear of death.

Zhang Qiling was so angry that he didn't want to say anything.

Fatty Wang is the one who broke the casserole and asked the end. Seeing that Zhang Qiling didn't speak, he looked directly at Zhang Yang beside him and said:
"Mr. Zhang, is this guy really so dangerous?"

At least this jade figurine has no lethality to everyone so far.

And they've been watching for so long, and they haven't seen the jade figurine getting up and making a fuss.

Therefore, his courage became more and more bold.

Zhang Yang said calmly:

"This man has been lying in the coffin for thousands of years, and his body is protected by the golden jade armor, so he is naturally unharmed.

Once out of the witch hazel jade armor, once the body comes into contact with the air, the skin of the body will fester in an instant, and then turn into a blood corpse. "

"What? Blood corpse?"

Fatty Wang's complexion changed drastically.

He had seen this blood corpse with his own eyes.

Even Zhang Qiling, who is extremely skilled, may not be able to deal with it, let alone these shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

That's not a dead end.

Wu Xie was also taken aback, he didn't expect that this golden jade armor seemed to be a big treasure, but it had such a sinister side.

I don't understand why those people are still trying their best to get it.

This is purely the rhythm of looking for death after eating enough.

"Then since this is the case, Mr. Zhang must know that there are other ways to take off the jade armor?"

Fatty Wang looked at Zhang Yang curiously.

Zhang Yang paused and said:

"It's not impossible."

"any solution?"

Wu Xie also looked over curiously.

Zhang Yang looked at the curious eyes of everyone, and then said:

"Put on this golden jade armor, and if you want to take it off, you have to shed your skin every 500 years."


Wu Xie subconsciously looked into the coffin.

I found a lot of things that looked like snakeskin, but it was slightly prettier than snakeskin.

At this time, there are still a lot of piles in the coffin.

"It's not these, is it?"

As he spoke, Wu Xie swallowed subconsciously.


Zhang Yang nodded.

"Uh, that's disgusting."

Wu Xie stepped back subconsciously.

"Mr. Zhang, since you said that you have to take off this jade armor to become a blood corpse, isn't that the blood corpse we met before?"

Wu Xie paused after speaking.

"The blood corpse I met at the entrance was the true owner of this ancient tomb—King Zhou Mu, who was later defeated by King Lu Shang, and he also wore the golden jade armor on himself, so That week, King Mu turned into a blood corpse."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth to explain.


"I didn't expect that King Lu Shang would still occupy the magpie's nest?"

Fatty Wang couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

"Too fucking not a thing."

"Then, didn't we meet another blood corpse in the passage before that?"

Wu Xie asked curiously again.

"That is King Lu Shang."

Zhang Yang spoke calmly.

"What? That blood corpse is King Lu Shang?"

Wu Xie stretched out his finger in surprise to the jade warrior beside him and said:
"Then who is he?"

"Iron-faced students."

Zhang Yang gave everyone the answer.

"Isn't Tie Miansheng the military advisor who advised King Lu Shang? How could it be him?"

Wu Sansheng also spoke in surprise.

Everyone didn't understand what was going on.

It turned out that he was here to defeat King Dou Lushang, but he unexpectedly met King Zhou Mu of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and then a tough man suddenly appeared.

"The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind."

Zhang Yang didn't bother to explain, and gave a sentence directly.

Suddenly everyone understood.

Fatty Wang looked cheerfully at the jade figurines in front of him and said:

"Boy, your oriole is quite powerful."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and slapped the Jade Warrior fiercely.

The jade figurine suddenly let out a sound of 'woo woo woo', because it was unable to speak normally because it was wearing the golden jade armor.

I'm afraid this tough-faced student never imagined that he would end up in such a bottom line that he could be manipulated by others today.

"Dare to resist?"

As he said that, Fatty Wang slapped him fiercely.

Tie Miansheng cried even more miserably.

Originally, Zhang Yang was going to step forward and strangle this iron face to death. Anyway, if he died in Zhang Qiling's hands, he would be dead.

Of course, he would be happy to die in his own hands and increase his attribute value a little bit.

After all, there was nothing to look at in this coffin, and only this humble life was left.

Suddenly there was a "crash".

I saw that the golden-haired jade armor on Tie Miansheng's body felt like a bead that had suddenly broken its thread, and fell all over the ground with a clatter.

"what's the situation?"

At this time, Fatty Wang was also frightened.

Originally, I wanted to pretend to be aggressive, but I didn't expect to get into a catastrophe.

(End of this chapter)

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