Chapter 270 Powerful ventriloquist
At this time, Da Jinyazi who was standing behind Zhang Yang was even more startled, and subconsciously stepped back.

Just this battle, I'm afraid this big wild cat is going to eat people.

However, Zhang Yang was not moved. He just stood there and whistled softly.

Suddenly, the big wild cat braked extremely fast in mid-air, landed heavily on the ground, and even kicked up a lot of dust.

After that, the big wild cat felt as if it had been frightened by something, turned around and ran towards the entrance of the robber's cave.

The speed is very fast, I am afraid that I will be beheaded a second later.

Seeing this scene, Hu Bayi and Da Jinyazi both showed horror.

Obviously, the fear in the eyes of that big wild cat just now came from Zhang Yang who was still whistling.

After seeing the big wild cat leave, Zhang Yang stopped.

Da Jinyazi couldn't help being curious and said:

"Mr. Zhang, what were you bragging about just now? Why is that vicious big wild cat so scared?"

Zhang Yang said calmly:

"Just some tricks."

Seeing Zhang Yang speak so calmly, Hu Bayi who was beside him almost vomited blood.

Such a powerful ventriloquist is still a trick.

In the early years, Hu Bayi had heard about ventriloquism.

It is said that there are some extremely powerful tomb robbers who know all kinds of martial arts, and ventriloquism is one of them.

People who know how to ventriloquist can imitate the sounds of various animals, people, and machines. If they really learn what they sound like, they can really make it look like the real thing.

But just now Zhang Yang used his ventriloquism to scare away the big wild cat.

This is another skill of Zhang Yang.

"Mr. Zhang, we are amazed by your little trick."

Da Jinyazi at the side also seemed to have discovered that Zhang Yang was using ventriloquist just now, and even gave Zhang Yang a thumbs up.

At this time, Zhang Yang looked at Hu Bayao who was still stunned not far away:
"You don't hurry up."

Hu Bayi just woke up like a dream, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to get ready but took off the coat on the female corpse.

Suddenly aware that there seemed to be movement behind him, he turned his head abruptly, and his heart tightened suddenly.

Unexpectedly, at some point, another seven or eight wild cats, big and small, appeared on the coffin lid that he stretched out his hand.

These wild cats are quietly approaching the coffin, it seems that the purpose is very clear, that is to enter the coffin.

At this time, Hu Bayi panicked suddenly, he didn't expect so many to come just after sending one away.

Where does he have so much energy to deal with now?

At this time, Hu Bayi's forehead felt strange. To be honest, he went to the tomb so many times, and every time he went to the grave, he didn't always win by taking risks.

But this time it was different from before, I always felt that everything that happened here was so weird and abnormal.

Helpless, Hu Bayi turned his head to look at Zhang Yang again, with a look in his eyes asking for help.

Zhang Yang nodded, as if to say, let me handle it.

After that, Zhang Yang started to whistle again.

The seven or eight little cats turned their heads to look at Zhang Yang subconsciously, their facial expressions seemed a little nervous and uneasy.

However, Zhang Yang was not in a hurry to drive away these little guys, but started to communicate with each other.

These little cats are very honest, and quickly poured out the whole story.

Only then did Zhang Yang understand that these little wild cats were ordered to come here to guard the owner of the ancient tomb.

If it is found that someone is approaching here, they must dispatch to protect the owner of the tomb from harm.

If it really doesn't work, let the tomb owner jump over the coffin and let the tomb owner pick up the corpse directly.

Zhang Yang wants to ask more carefully, but unfortunately these little wild cats have been changed for several generations.

Their ancestors were the guardian cats who were ordered to stay here, and they had already passed away at this time.

Right now, their generation is already the ninth generation.

So they also know very little about this ancient tomb, they just know that the people in this ancient tomb must be protected.

It must not be destroyed by anyone, let alone the body of the owner of the tomb.

The big wild cat just now was the leader of their generation, and was scared away by Zhang Yang just now.

These few of them just hid in the dark and didn't come out directly. When they saw the commander leave, they all panicked and ran out.

Zhang Yang knew that these little wild cats were just following orders, and he didn't intend to make things difficult for them, but just let them leave on their own.

The little wild cat is naturally grateful to Zhang Yang.

They know in their hearts, but anyone who can communicate with them normally is definitely a master.

He is the one they cannot offend.

"Mr. Zhang, what were those little wild cats doing just now? Why does it feel like you are talking to each other?"

Da Jinya asked curiously.

"It's okay, they won't show up anymore."

Zhang Yang spoke quietly, then raised his head again to look at Hu Bayao who was not far away:
"You still have half a cup of tea."

At this time, Zhang Yang had roughly judged that the cock crow was about to begin.

As the saying goes, 'the crowing of a cock does not touch gold', this is their rule for touching gold captains.


Hu Bayi suddenly came to his senses, and immediately immobilized the female corpse like lightning.

After that, he stretched out his hand and tore off the loop of the jacket on the female corpse, and then lifted the left arm of the female corpse with his feet, trying to take off the sleeve of the jacket from the female corpse's arm first.

But just when he stretched out his hand, he suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck, and Hu Ba stopped subconsciously.

At this time, the arm was still raised, and a tongue as thick as an adult's fist slowly crawled over from the arm.

The big snake was crawling around, and it kept spitting out red lucky seeds from its mouth, which seemed a bit creepy to watch.

Hu Bayi never thought that besides the wild cats, there would be big snakes appearing here.

At this time, Hu Bayi tried his best to adjust his breathing, not letting himself make any sound.

The reason why the big snake just crawled slowly and never attacked him was actually very simple, because the big snake actually regarded him as a dead person.

Because he has been engaged in fighting for a long time, the yin energy in his body is extremely heavy, and the yang energy is relatively affected and will gradually weaken.

Coupled with the scattered coat on his body, basically the shielding effect on his body is no longer very obvious, so his body looks extremely light.

In addition, just before he jumped into the coffin, he took the Hongyan Miaoxin Pill, which suppresses the breathing and heart arteries and dissolves the poison of the corpse.

Therefore, in the eyes of the big snake at this time, he is actually similar to a dead person. Naturally, the big snake doesn't think he is dangerous anymore, let alone attack it actively.

(End of this chapter)

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