Chapter 277 Human Face Spider Lays Eggs
"Why am I so itchy all of a sudden?"

Wang Kaixuan on the side suddenly stretched out his hand and scratched at his own.

Everyone touched themselves subconsciously, as if they didn't feel anything.

But Wang Kaixuan scratched harder and harder, wishing he could tear off all his clothes.

Zhang Yang stepped forward and tore off the clothes on Wang Kaixuan's back. Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

At this time, on Wang Kaixuan's back, there were densely distributed small red lumps, a large area glowing red, it looked very scary.

"Mr. Zhang, this, what is this?"

Hu Bayi was also quite frightened.

Unexpectedly, Wang Kaixuan still had this thing on his body, and he didn't even notice it just now.

"He was laid eggs by a human-faced spider, and it won't be long before the eggs will hatch."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth quietly.

"What? Spawn?"

Wang Kaixuan was terrified immediately. Doesn't that mean that he is about to give birth to a human-faced spider.

Hu Bayi and Da Jinyazi were also terrified, after all, it was the first time they heard that the spider laid eggs on humans.

And looking at such a shocking scene, I'm afraid I will never forget it in this life.

"Mr. Zhang, it seems that something has come out."

Suddenly, Honglian couldn't help but exclaimed.

Looking back, Zhang Yang found that the human-faced spiders from the corpse just now had broken out of their cocoons and landed on the purslane one after another.

Soon, the human-faced spiders began to spread rapidly on the purslane, seeming to be looking for a suitable shelter.

Soon, those human-faced spiders hid under the leaves.

"Let's get out of here first."

As Zhang Yang said, he turned around and walked towards the Shimen where water was flowing out just now. Aolong and Honglian also followed quickly.

"Fatty, stop scratching, bear with it, and follow quickly."

Hu Bayi dragged Wang Kaixuan, who was scratching his back, to follow.

Zhang Yang pushed the stone door open with a palm, and walked in quickly.

Unexpectedly, after entering, it was discovered that there was a huge river here, and there was even a ten-meter-high waterfall.

The water is pouring down from above.

Because the waterfall is high enough, when the water falls to the ground, it instantly turns into water vapor and floats in the air.

The whole scene is covered by white mist, and the visibility is not too high.

"Mr. Zhang, why is there a waterfall here?"

Da Jinyazi was almost dumbfounded by the shock, this was the first time he saw that the waterfall was actually underground.

"That's how those purslanes survive."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth quietly, then quickly turned around, and completely sealed the stone door.

But just in case, it's better to be cautious.

Looking at the appearance of those human-faced spiders, at least they need to be raised for a month to grow up, so there is no evidence.

And looking at the astonishing number of human-faced spiders, I'm afraid that the cultivation of giant human-faced spiders may be more cruel than imagined.

Some human-faced spiders with strong abilities and good physical strength will soon start to eat their own kind. The more they eat, the bigger their size will be and the faster they will grow.

An adult human-faced spider, at least, needs to eat tens of thousands of its kind.

Before, Zhang Yang thought it was strange how these human-faced spiders survived, but now he finally understands.

In the case of living things, it is natural to hunt living things.

If there are no living things, they will kill each other directly and eat the same kind directly to ensure that they can continue to survive.

This is the law of nature, winners and losers.

After doing all this, Zhang Yang returned to the crowd.

"Mr. Zhang, please help me, I'm dying of itching."

Wang Kaixuan looked like he was about to cry but had no tears.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal Wang Kaixuan to take off his shirt.

Wang Kaixuan didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly returned all the clothes.

Hong Lian turned her face away a little shyly, not daring to look.

When everyone saw the shocking red lumps all over Wang Kaixuan's body, they subconsciously reached out and touched them.

It's really scary to look at.

"These tumors are about to hatch and must be removed as soon as possible."

As he spoke, Zhang Yang picked up a Big Dipper Knife.

"Hold it."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yang stabbed the blade of the Big Dipper knife in his hand towards those lumps.

The pain caused Wang Kaixuan to scream even more.

The punctured lump soon flowed out black tumors, which made people feel disgusting.

Hu Bayi and Da Jinyazi subconsciously turned their faces away, not daring to look at it again.

Wang Kaixuan also grinned in pain, looking very uncomfortable.

But Zhang Yang didn't hesitate at all, and continued to pierce the lumps with the tip of the knife, and a large number of black tumors flowed out from them.

Soon, Zhang Yang almost broke through those cancerous tumors, and the cancerous tumors were almost gone.

Only then did Zhang Yang take out a bag of medicinal powder from his bosom, and sprinkled it directly on those lumps.

Wang Kaixuan yelled 'Wow' in pain.

"It hurts."

"To shut up."

Zhang Yang scolded in a low voice.

Wang Kaixuan shut up obediently in an instant, bit his mouth, endured the pain, and was sweating.

After those powders were sprinkled on the lump, white smoke began to be emitted, and the sound of "噗味噗味" sounded, as if hot oil was heating up in a frying pan.

Even Aolong couldn't stand it any longer, just tossing about like this, I'm afraid half of life will be gone.

At this time, Wang Kaixuan was also sweating coldly from the pain, but he didn't dare to make a sound. He could only bite the corner of the clothes he had taken off with his mouth to prevent himself from yelling.

As the white smoke gradually dissipated, the cancerous tumors on Wang Kaixuan's back were soon cleaned up, and blood red blood began to flow out.

Zhang Yang sprinkled another medicinal powder on it again, and the blood stopped flowing out instantly.

And those wounds healed quickly.

Seeing such a miraculous scene, Hu Bayi and Da Jinyazi looked at each other in blank dismay.

This medicinal powder is also really miraculous, as soon as it is sprinkled, it not only stops the bleeding, but also scabs quickly.

"Okay, don't touch the water for two hours."

Zhang Yang said calmly.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang."

Wang Kaixuan nodded fiercely, but his whole body was already weak.

Hu Bayi and Da Jinyazi hurried forward to help put on Wang Kaixuan's clothes.

Zhang Yang secretly felt lucky for Wang Kaixuan. If he hadn't taken one of his own pills to protect his heart veins, he would have died long ago.

And these human-faced spiders laid eggs in his body, and those eggs were affected by the medicine, so they didn't directly break out of the skin.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he would have been tossed by the youngsters of those human-faced spiders to find out that there was a pile of bones left.

Seeing that everyone was a little tired, Zhang Yang said:

"Everyone, let's rest for a while."

After receiving Zhang Yang's instructions, everyone relaxed and walked to the water's edge to drink water with their heads bowed.

For a while, he was dying of thirst, and now he finally had water, so he naturally wanted to take a good sip.

(End of this chapter)

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