Chapter 280 Attacked by a Giant Python

"Mr. Zhang, which dynasty's tomb is this?"

Da Jinyazi also opened his mouth curiously.

As long as you see the tomb, it means that there must be something good in it.

A person like him who came down with a purpose naturally hoped that there would be as many treasures as possible.

"Go in and see if you don't know."

Zhang Yang walked over first as he spoke.

The others glanced at each other and followed quickly.

Soon, everyone arrived in front of the stone gate.

This stone gate is extremely huge, with a distance of five meters high, looking majestic and majestic, it looks like a big tomb.

However, there is something strange that there are no dragon and phoenix auspicious objects carved on the stone gate, but Buddha statues or something.

There are large and small Buddha statues, and there are many scriptures in traditional Chinese.

Zhang Yang took a general look, and found that those scriptures were all praising Buddhism, and they were carved by a person who worshiped Buddhism very much.

Moreover, the 'phoenix gall' has been mentioned many times in the scriptures. It seems that this has something to do with that thing.

Zhang Yang suddenly thought that maybe the Dragon Bone Book of Heaven, the other half that Partridge Whistle had been looking for before, might be in it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang reached out and was about to push the stone door open.

According to his current attribute value, it is naturally no problem to push open a stone gate weighing a thousand catties with bare hands.

Just when Zhang Yang stretched out his hand, the voice of Da Jinyazi suddenly came from behind him.

"Mr. Zhang, be careful."

Zhang Yang raised his head violently, and saw a huge python with its head swooping down from the beam above it, flying towards this side.

Zhang Yang seemed to have no time to react, subconsciously stretched out his right hand to block, and the giant python directly bit Zhang Yang's right arm.

The faces of all the people who saw this scene turned pale with fright, and Aolong even leaped to the back of the giant python, and stabbed the treasured knife in his hand fiercely at the spine of the giant python.

The giant python was in pain and shook its huge head vigorously.

Because Zhang Yang's arm was held in its mouth by the giant python, he also swayed in mid-air.

"My God, Mr. Zhang will be okay, right?"

Da Jinyazi looked at Zhang Yang who was hanging in the python's mouth in disbelief.

"Jin Ye, what nonsense are you talking about? Mr. Zhang is a man of genius, how could he not even be able to deal with a giant python?"

At this time, Hu Bayi hurriedly jumped out to speak for Zhang Yang.

"Yeah, how could something happen to a big man like Mr. Zhang."

Wang Kaixuan also nodded in agreement.


Honglian also directly threw out the white gauze in her hand, trying to wrap around the giant python's head to prevent Zhang Yang from being hurt.

But Zhang Yang was not afraid at all, he threw his big hand directly, and the Big Dipper Knife was held in his hand, and he stabbed at the giant python without hesitation.

The giant python wanted to dodge, but unfortunately because its body was too large, it couldn't dodge at all, and its right eye was directly blinded by the blade of the Big Dipper Knife.

Immediately, the blood flowed continuously, and the blood was flying everywhere.

The giant python was in pain, and opened its mouth slightly, Zhang Yang took the opportunity to jump out quickly, rolled beautifully, and he landed firmly on the ground.

The giant python was furious immediately, and swung its huge tail vigorously, sweeping everyone to the ground with one blow.

Zhang Yang violently pulled out the Big Dipper Knife, and then directly hit the giant python's abdomen with his fist.

The giant python directly spewed out a mouthful of black blood.

When Zhang Yang was about to continue the bloody battle, suddenly the giant python rushed towards the beam of the house at a very fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared above the beams.

"Mr. Zhang."

Aolong got up from the ground first, and quickly walked in front of Zhang Yang, looking worriedly at Zhang Yang's arm bitten by the giant python and said:
"Mr. Zhang, are you okay?"


Zhang Yang shook his head indifferently, and looked in the direction where the giant python disappeared.

I didn't expect this giant python to be quite brave, and it just took a bite when it came up directly. Fortunately, his concentration is good enough, otherwise it would be really embarrassing.

After all, it was the first time I was injured in front of so many people, and I felt somewhat uncomfortable in my heart.

"Sir, your arm is still bleeding."

At this time Honglian also came over, ready to bandage Zhang Yang's wound, but Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to stop her and said:
"no need."

Speaking of which, Zhang Yang directly tore off the sleeve of the injured arm, and saw a row of neat imprints appearing in front of his eyes.

The hole is very deep, deep enough to see the bone.

Obviously, there is no poison in the python's teeth, otherwise his arm would have already turned purple.

At this time, there was nothing on the arm except for the bright red blood, so it was certain that the giant python was non-toxic.

However, even if the python is poisonous, Zhang Yang is not afraid.

As for his body, which is invulnerable to all poisons, he is afraid of wool.

"Mr. Zhang, this, this."

Aolong was also frightened, this was the first time he saw Zhang Yang injured, and he was injured so badly all at once.

Zhang Yang still had a calm expression on his face, he directly grasped the injured arm, and then with a sudden force, he directly connected the dislocated part back.

The strength of the giant python's teeth just now caught him off guard and his arm was restricted, otherwise how could he give the other party a chance to hurt him.

However, this time it is a lesson, but there will be no next time.

While the arm was being connected, Zhang Yang moved his arm slightly. Except for some slight pain, there was nothing else.

He only needs to spend a little time, and the wound will heal automatically.

"Mr. Zhang, why don't you go back to the waterfall over there and go into the water to heal your wounds."

Honglian spoke to persuade.

"Yes, sir, isn't that water divine water? It is most effective for wounds."

Aolong also nodded.

But Zhang Yang said quietly:

"No need, this little injury is fine, let's go in and have a look first."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yang walked quickly to the front of the stone gate.

Looking up again, the giant python just crawled from the beam on the right side at the top of the stone gate.

At this time, obvious drag marks appeared on the beam of the house. It seemed that this thing had been entrenched here for quite some time.

Therefore, this thing can be regarded as the patron saint of this ancient tomb.

A spiritual animal like a boa constrictor usually sticks to one thing.

As long as it approves it, no one can take it away.

In this way, Zhang Yang felt more and more that what he wanted was in it.

"Mr. Zhang, do we still have to go in?"

Hu Bayi on the side spoke in fear.

It would be miserable if the door opened again and there was another nest of giant pythons.

Hu Bayi really didn't dare to imagine, if it was true, would they faint from fright.

"Go in, of course you have to go in."

Zhang Yang said with a determined face.

(End of this chapter)

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