Chapter 293 The Mysterious Box

"Mr. Zhang, what should we do next?"

Chen Yulou naturally realized this, and asked Zhang Yang for a solution.

Zhang Yang looked at the black mist that had surrounded the coral tree, and knew that this thing was bound to kill people.

Presumably the white bones on the ground just now were corroded by this black mist.

Therefore, if they want to escape, they have to use their brains to find a way.

Zhang Yang tried his best to recall the development in the previous plot, and there was always a way to escape from here.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and opened his ghostly eyes, and looked around the stone wall through layers of black mist.

He was looking for an empty lamp embedded in the wall, which was the key to escape.

Sure enough, Zhang Yang soon discovered that the hole lamp was on a stone wall not far from him, preferably above the bone.

Suddenly Zhang Yang was overjoyed.

According to common sense, under normal circumstances, the ever-burning lamps in this ancient tomb are placed three feet three inches three feet from the ground as usual.

But the height of the ever-burning lamp in front of him was obviously a bit lower.

And the low half-inch is slightly downward at the angle of the lamp socket of the long-burning lamp. There must be a mechanism for the dark wall.

In fact, this mechanism is very easy to break, as long as someone gently pushes the lampstand upwards, the entire tomb wall will be turned over in an instant, and then the secret room hidden in the back room will be opened directly.

Secret rooms like this are usually built extremely concealed.

In fact, it is similar to the secret room we talk about in modern times, also known as "chatting".

Places like this are usually used to put the most important funeral objects of the owner of the tomb, and the things inside are definitely of great value.

It's like the treasure house that our ordinary people say, the more expensive something is, the more delicately it is placed.

In fact, the purpose of the owner of the tomb is very simple. Even if the ancient tomb is stolen by tomb robbers, the artifacts in this secret room are not easy to be discovered by tomb robbers.

As a veteran of the tomb, it is natural to be able to tell at a glance.

So, that is the door of life and death.

Presumably, the white bones from before must have seen something, but it was a pity that it was still a step too late, and ended up being murdered.

It's just a pity, after all, there are very few people in this world who have the ability to fall here.

Presumably the other party must also be a master of tomb robbers.

Zhang Yang looked at the crowd and said:

"I have a way to take everyone out of here, but there must be someone to cover me."

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, everyone explained and looked at each other.

Only Aolong and Chen Yulou stood up and said:
"Sir, I'll go."

"Sir, I'll go."

Zhang Yang looked at the two of them, then said:

"It's better for Aolong to stay, and the rest of you will follow my arrangement."

"Yes, sir."

Aolong hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Zhang Yang said again:

"This black mist actually follows the breath of living people. Wherever there is breath, it will drift away."

Hearing this, everyone was slightly surprised.

After all, this is the first time I have heard of such a thing, and I can even sense the breath of humans.

Zhang Yang continued to speak:

"After a while, everyone held their breath, followed me and walked down there with lowered heads. Aolong held his breath here to temporarily restrain the black mist."

Speaking of which, Zhang Yang stretched out his hand, meaning that the position below the black mist was indeed about one meter away from the ground.

This is a great opportunity for everyone to escape.

Everyone nodded in understanding.

Soon, Zhang Yang held his breath, and led the others along the lower part of the black mist, carefully walking towards the stone wall.

Sure enough, this trick is very effective.

Aolong stood still on the coral tree, and the black mist did not move.

In this way, everyone arrived at the stone wall near the white bone very smoothly.

At this time, Da Jinyazi's face was flushed red, a sign that he could hardly hold back.

Seeing that he was about to open his mouth to breathe, Hu Bayi who was on the side directly slapped him, and blocked the opponent's mouth.

Knowing that everyone couldn't hold on for long, Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to grab the lamp and let out a loud drink.


In the blink of an eye, Aolong leaped and jumped down from the coral tree, and then quickly dodged, and the person rushed past under the black mist.

At the same time, there was a 'roaring' sound in everyone's ears.

The wall behind the group of people turned back, and Aolong also flew over.

The black mist noticed something strange, turned around and rushed towards the crowd.

It's too late, it's too soon.

I saw the stone wall closing quickly, blocking the black mist outside.

At this time, the heads of the people who were brought to the other side by the stone wall were even more dusty, and dust fell on everyone's heads.

Everyone was even more ashamed, and they couldn't help coughing several times.

Zhang Yang was safe and sound, and quickly looked at the hidden secret room in front of him.

This place is different from the mountain of gold and silver outside. There is nothing inside, except for a locked box in the middle of the tomb.

Zhang Yang was overjoyed immediately. Could it be that this is the box that contained the rumored 'Dragon Bone Book of Heaven'.

But, how to open this thing?
Suddenly Zhang Yang's eyes fell on the lock on the box.


Suddenly Zhang Yang's complexion changed, and he cried out inwardly.

If he remembered correctly, the bones held a bunch of keys in their hands.

Just now the bones were blocked in the tomb next door, I am afraid that if you want to open the box in front of you, you have to go out.

In fact, unlocking is not difficult for Zhang Yang.

But the lock in front of him is not an ordinary lock, it can be opened as soon as it is opened.

There is actually a strange stone installed on the lock core, which is rumored to be called 'rotten jade'.

It is said that if the lock cannot be opened with a normal key, the rotten jade will leave and eat back, and then the entire box will be corroded to nothing, not even the contents inside.

That's what's really bad.

Therefore, this thing still needs to use a key.

If you want to use the key, you have to open the mechanism again.

Presumably, the black mist must be waiting outside, waiting for them to go out and throw themselves into the trap.

I didn't expect the owner of the tomb to be so insidious, and still keep this trick.

It seems that he really underestimated the ability of the tomb owner.

"Mr. Zhang, here, why is there only one wooden box here?"

At this time, everyone had almost recovered, and they all looked at the wooden box in unison.

Everyone knows in their hearts that there must be some valuable treasures hidden in it, otherwise they would not use a tomb for storage.

Shirley Yang's eyes straightened in an instant, and she knew very well in her heart what was inside.

This time she originally came here for this.

(End of this chapter)

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