Chapter 308 Are You Still Alive?

"Since there is nothing here, there must be an entrance."

Old Itchy spoke half-jokingly.

From entering this stone room to now, there is not even a door except for the entrance just now.

Logically speaking, since this is a storage room that should be abandoned, it is naturally connected to the main tomb.

Otherwise, how are these things here shipped out?
"It seems that there are no entrances and exits here."

Wu Xie also discovered this.

Looking around the entire stone room, there really are no doors.

Obviously, this is definitely not normal.

Zhang Yang suddenly felt something moving outside, as if someone was coming towards this side.

Subconsciously, Zhang Yang gave Aolong a look, and Aolong immediately turned around and walked outside.

Zhang Yang knew that there must be a secret passage or a hidden secret room in this stone room.

Otherwise, how would the stones outside be transported to the main tomb.

Since this is the material production base for the tomb, it naturally needs transportation and the like.

Unless, the passage is under the feet.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang stomped his feet vigorously and listened carefully.

Sure enough, I heard a slight echo below.

It seems that this secret passage must be below. As for the entrance to this secret passage, I am afraid that there is only the empty coffin in front of me.

It seems that this coffin is deliberately placed here to confuse people.

Moreover, the carvings on it were intentionally unfinished, and the purpose was to make people mistakenly think that this was just an ingredient room.

It seems that there is another mystery here.

"Mr. Zhang, what should we do now?"

Wu Xie had some uncertain openings.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal Wu Xie not to speak, because he seemed to have heard something outside just now.

Wu Xie shut up for a moment and stopped talking.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing this, Old Itchy asked even more curiously.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Lao Tiao finished speaking, he heard a miserable cry of "Ouch", and then a tall figure was directly thrown in.


The old itchy was taken aback immediately, he didn't expect that there were other people here.

Zhang Yang looked at the man on the ground, about thirty or forty years old, with a thick skin, he looked like a master who had been running around all year round.

The whole body was bloody, and it seemed that he was seriously injured.

But judging from the bite marks on the other party's body, I'm afraid it was done by the man-eating fish in the water.

"Boss, please forgive me, please forgive me."

The man got up from the ground in a panic, regardless of the injuries on his body, and kowtowed violently to Zhang Yang.

The man's complexion was a little pale, and he seemed to be quite frightened.

Zhang Yang wasn't sure whether he was scared by Aolong or by the man-eating thing in the water.

"Sir, this man is hiding in a stone wall next door. He is a ghost, so I caught him here."

At this time, Aolong followed him in.

Zhang Yang looked at the man, and then said:

"How many of you came down?"

Hearing this, the man was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously raised his head to look at Zhang Yang. After touching Zhang Yang's cold eyes, he said weakly:

"There were five of us in total, one of them was eaten by the fish in the water, and the other three went to nowhere."

As he spoke, the man began to choke up and cry.

A tall, burly man actually cried his nose here, no matter how he looked at it, he felt a little awkward.

Wu Xie and Lao Xie on the side were also taken aback, how did Zhang Yang know that there were other people on the other side.

Zhang Yang knew that the man was telling the truth, because only one person's body was found in that thing's stomach just now.

As for the other three people, I'm afraid they are.

Suddenly, a haggard, pale hand protruded from the half-open coffin behind him, with long and sharp yellow nails, which made the old itchy scream loudly in fright.

"It's Zongzi, it's Zongzi."

Then the whole person quickly shrank back, took a few steps, and sat down on the place, the flashlight was so scared that it rolled away a long distance.

Wu Xie was also terrified, after all, when he just looked inside the coffin, there was nothing, but now he suddenly stretched out a hand, it was a little frightening to panic.

Zhang Yang stood there indifferently, squinting his eyes to see where the coffin was.

Suddenly, he dodged over, grabbed the withered hand, pulled it hard, and fell out together with the person.

I only heard a scream of 'ouch', and then I saw a figure falling heavily to the ground.

I saw an old man with the appearance of a thin farmer covered in blood-red blisters, and his exposed skin turned crimson, looking like a half-cooked crab.

"Uncle Tai?"

When the man kneeling on the ground in the distance saw the old man, he shouted even more excitedly.

The man called Uncle Tai looked at the man, frowned slightly and said:
"Are you still alive?"

The man burst into tears and said:

"I managed to escape from that strange fish's mouth."

"Hey, stop chatting and reminiscing about the past, who are you?"

Aolong on the side seemed to speak impatiently.

When Uncle Tai heard this, he looked up at the crowd again, and after realizing that it was another group of people, he said incoherently:

"You, don't go down, or you will be cooked."

"What do you mean?"

The old itchy said that he couldn't understand what Uncle Tai said.

Uncle Tai directly raised his crimson arm, pointed at the blister on it and said:
"The water below is so scalding that it can cook people."

As he said that, Uncle Tai still had lingering fears.

"Your hand too?"

Wu Xie pointed at Uncle Tai's other hand, which looked very strange.

Uncle Tai shook his head helplessly and said:

"This is not, it was caught by Zongzi before, and the pus flowed out for more than ten days. After that, this hand will be completely useless."

Wu Xie suddenly remembered what his grandfather said before, it seems that after being scratched by a zongzi, the muscles will shrink.

It seems that Uncle Tai is not lying.

"What's going on next?"

Zhang Yang asked calmly.

Uncle Tai said again with a little excitement:

"Then, the water below is very hot, and there are quite a few water columns. The falling water is almost like hot oil."

"Isn't it? There is still a difference between water and oil?"

Wu Xie naturally didn't believe this.

But Old Itchy looked at Uncle Tai calmly, observing the blisters and injuries on his body, looking thoughtful.

"The rest of the people below are dead?"

Zhang Yang opened his mouth quietly.

Uncle Tai looked up at Zhang Yang again, then nodded and said:


(End of this chapter)

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