Chapter 322 African Giant Rat
Zhang Yang knew that everyone could not understand the existence of this thing, so he slowly explained:

"Actually, this thing is a giant African rat, the largest rat in the world.

Generally, the total body length of this kind of mice is almost equivalent to the height of a six-year-old child, about 91cm, and their life span is long, up to eight years. "

"My God, I didn't expect this kind of mouse to exist in this world."

At this moment, the other three sighed secretly.

This African giant rat is really not simple.

"Then, do they like to steal food like other mice?"

The old itchy mouth opened weakly.

Zhang Yang nodded and said:

"Generally, the characteristics of this African giant mouse are similar to those of the mice we know, the only difference is that they are bigger."

"my God."

Wu Xie subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, it's not just too big, it's a very big body, and it feels scary.

"Mr. Zhang, it's impossible for this thing to make a living by eating the carrion here, right?"

Old Itch spoke again.

"What do you think?"

Zhang Yang responded indifferently.

"No, then aren't they going to eat human flesh?"

Old Itchy was even more frightened.

As we all know, although this mouse is powerful, it only eats and drinks secretly. It is absolutely impossible to eat human flesh.

But the giant African rats here are not easy to talk about, especially those who live here all the year round, so they naturally crave human flesh.

Once you slap your mouth, it will be difficult to shut up.

It seems that the giant African rat attacked them just now, maybe it also wanted to eat their meat.

If I stay here, I'm afraid I won't even be able to keep my whole body.

Thinking of this, Lao Xie couldn't help but shudder.

"Mr. Zhang, do you think there are still giant African rats here?"

As Wu Xie said that, he slowly moved closer to Zhang Yang, for fear that another one would come out from somewhere.

If this is caught by the other party, it will have to peel off its skin if it is not dead.

"There should be quite a few more."

As Zhang Yang said, he pointed to the bones and said:

"You can see that there are some potholes on the bones. I didn't understand what caused them before. Now it seems that they are the masterpieces of these giant African rats."


Wu Xie moved closer to Zhang Yang, and countless scenes of giant African rats attacking people appeared in his mind.

I'm afraid it's just the four of them, once they are besieged by the giant African rat, it will be difficult to escape from here successfully.

"Mr. Zhang, I think we should find a way to get out of here quickly, otherwise we will be trapped in this corpse formation forever, and I'm afraid it will soon become the meal of this giant African rat."

Wu Xie couldn't help urging.

"Not urgent."

Zhang Yang didn't seem in a hurry.

"Not urgent?"

Wu Xie looked at Zhang Yang even more puzzled.

Zhang Yang said calmly:

"Although these African giant rats are extremely large, they have poor eyesight because they live in a dark and humid underground environment all year round, but their sense of smell is extremely sensitive.

If you want to avoid the attack of these giant African rats, you just need to find a way to lure them away. "

"Get away?"

Wu Xie looked at Zhang Yang in surprise.

There is still a way to lure it away, which is really insightful.

Zhang Yang pointed to the pile of bones not far away:
"That place is the perfect location."

"don't know."

Wu Xie shook his head helplessly.

Zhang Yang continued to explain:

"Under the pile of white bones, there is a lot of carrion that hasn't completely decayed, and some of the bones still have some skin and flesh.

As long as we make some noise there and lure them over there. "

"What does Mr. Zhang mean?"

Wu Xie spoke with a vague understanding.

"Aolong, you go."

Zhang Yang directly opened his mouth to ask Lao Tiao.

"Yes, sir."

Aolong walked quickly towards the direction of the skeleton.

The old itchy on the side reached out and tugged Wu Xie's arm inexplicably, and said in a low voice:

"Old Wu, what does Mr. Zhang mean? Why do I feel like I don't understand?"

Wu Xie smiled softly and said:

"Soon you will understand Mr. Zhang's intentions."


The old itchy still didn't understand, but he could only respond casually.

I saw Aolong quickly walked into the pile of bones, and then directly stabbed in with the weapon of his fingers.

With another violent pumping, those bones that were piled together were instantly brought to the ground and collapsed.

There was an ear-piercing sound immediately, and countless broken bones fell down, some of which were directly smashed into powder.

Some were smashed to pieces and scattered all over the ground.

But at this moment, a 'bang' sound was heard suddenly, and a huge African giant rat jumped out of it, and flew towards Aolong directly.

The speed was so fast that the others had no time to shout out.

After Aolong saw clearly what was rushing towards him, he was a little dumbfounded for a moment.

Before he could react, he felt that his waist was pulled back by a force, and he avoided the opponent's attack perfectly.

At this time, Aolong realized that it was Zhang Yang who saved him.

Hastily thanked:
"Thank you, sir."

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Yang shouted again:

"Look down."

Aolong bent down subconsciously, and saw a huge black behemoth flying over his head.

At that moment, the two missed perfectly in mid-air.

Aolong's waist strength is not bad. After a beautiful lower waist, he stood up abruptly, and his reaction was quick and fast.

I saw that he raised the weapon in his hand without hesitation and put himself on the defensive.

He didn't expect that the giant African rat would attack him, which was also beyond his expectation.

At this time, the three people watching the battle, Wu Xie and Lao Tiao were even more terrified.

If it were them, I'm afraid they would have already fallen into the jaws of the giant African rat.

Only Aolong and Zhang Yang have the ability to avoid it.

It's a good thing they followed the two of them, otherwise, I'm afraid they would have fed the rat's mouth so many times.

At this time, Zhang Yang was concentrating on observing the African giant with quick movements and quick reactions.

It seems that these things have eaten a lot of dead human flesh down here, and they have directly opened their minds, and they already have their own thinking.

At least, compared with those mechanical animals, they have improved a lot.

However, there is still one thing that Zhang Yang doesn't quite understand.

That's how such a huge African giant rat was hidden inside the narrow skull.

And even he didn't find the other party's trace.

Could it be because of the bone shrinking skill?
Or is there something else hidden here?

(End of this chapter)

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