Chapter 325 Ancient Tomb
"This, is this the tomb of the Snake Country people?"

Wu Xie also looked at the surrounding buildings curiously, these are really extremely rare.

Zhang Yang observed the situation in the tomb calmly, and it was obvious that the style of the entire tomb was that of the Snake Country Fengren.

Around the stone chamber, there are all stone walls made of strips of stone, and colorful murals are depicted on them.

Moreover, the tops of those stone strips are inlaid with blue bricks, which look extremely graceful and luxurious, rather like the style of an ancient tomb of an aristocrat.

Perhaps it is because the place is buried on the ground all year round, and affected by the water vapor under the ground, the whole room seems a little humid.

As a result, the entire room was covered with black mold spots, and there was a rotten smell in the air.

However, this stone chamber looks very small as a whole, except for some weapons and ordinary tools, there are no funerary objects.

And in the center of the stone room, there is not even a coffin.

However, it is very obvious that a coffin was once placed on this ground, because there is still a trace of the coffin on it.

"Mr. Zhang, do you think there was a coffin here? Could it have been taken away by the previous group of people?"

Wu Xie spoke in a low voice.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:
"No, it is extremely difficult to take away a coffin in a place like this. Moreover, the terrain here is dangerous, with mountains and mountains. It is difficult for ordinary people to get out of here, let alone bring a coffin with them."

Wu Xie nodded in agreement and said:
"It seems to be the same reason, but where did the coffin here go? Could it be that it was weathered because it was too old?"

Zhang Yang shook his head again and said:

"will not."

Old Itch felt a little depressed, and searched for a long time, but found nothing of value.

These are ordinary and common things, and they can only be regarded as old antiques if they are taken out, they are not worth much at all.

"Mass egg."

"With such a big place, is it possible that it is the ancient tomb that the dead outside will protect to the death?"

The old itchy couldn't help but complained in a low voice.

Zhang Yang raised his head suddenly, because he found that the murals above his head seemed to be slowly changing.

What was already eclipsed at this time began to become more and more lively, which made people feel a little unreal.

"No, we have to get out of here as soon as possible."

Zhang Yang shouted.

Wu Xie and Lao You also noticed this situation. It seems that the heat from above has already passed down. If there is no way to leave here, I am afraid that everyone will soon die of suffocation due to lack of oxygen.

And it is very likely that the meat will be dried by the heat.

It's not as good as giving a knife directly.

Zhang Yang looked at the little flying squirrel beside him and said:

"Where is the passage?"

Little Momonga didn't dare to be vague, knowing that it was more important to escape for his life, he rushed directly to the corner of the stone room, and then got into a gap the size of a fist.

Seeing that huge body felt like a sponge, it was directly squeezed through abruptly.

The other giant African rats rushed in one after another as if they had been summoned, and squeezed into the hole together.

At this time, the old itch became anxious.

"Mr. Zhang, what should we do then? It's impossible to climb directly into the hole like them, right?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:
"Everyone took the tools on the ground and smashed the wall directly. The back must be hollow."

Because just now Zhang Yang clearly felt that those giant African rats were still making rattling noises after they got through.

So obviously they didn't go far at all, and the back must be empty.

"it is good."

Lao You was the first to grab an old-fashioned stone ax on the ground, and then slammed it towards the hole.

When the ax went down, it really hit a huge hole.

"Sure enough, there is a play."

The old itchy was overjoyed.

Wu Xie and Aolong also raised the tools in their hands and slammed them towards the wall.

Soon, a huge hole was smashed out of the stone wall, and Lao Xie poked in to see that there was actually a stone room behind it.

"I am grass."

"I didn't expect that this secret path still needs to be smashed out."

Old Itchy couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

"Old itch, go in first."

At this time, Wu Xie stretched out his hand and pushed Old Itch directly, and Old Itch fell directly into it.

"Old Wu, are you fucking killing me?"

The old tickle cursed in a low voice.

Wu Xie wasn't angry either, and walked in, grabbing the old itchy that had fallen to the ground.

At this time Zhang Yang and Aolong also walked in.

I saw that this was another stone room, and there were no traces of those giant African rats at this time, presumably they had already fled away.

But the strange thing is that there is nothing in the whole stone room, it is empty inside, it does not look like a tomb, more like a passage.

"Mr. Zhang, those giant African rats have long since disappeared. What should we do?"

Wu Xie looked at Zhang Yang worriedly.

If it wasn't for this giant African rat to lead the way, I'm afraid it would be a little difficult for them to successfully leave here.

Zhang Yang shook his head, pointed to the square well mouth not far away and said:
"Isn't that the way?"

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, everyone looked at the square entrance located in the center of the stone chamber.

In the entire stone chamber, except for this well, there is really nothing.

Old Itch ran over first, and cursed directly.

"Your mother."

"These giant African rats are actually in this well."

Hearing this, everyone quickly walked over.

Sure enough, many African giant rats were found floating on the surface of the well water at this time, and many were struggling to swim into the water.

Looking at the situation, I'm afraid this road is in this well.

"Mr. Zhang, don't you think this is the way?"

As a landlubber, Wu Xie's whole body began to tremble.

Every time he saw water, he couldn't help shaking, and he didn't know if it was the shadow left in his heart in the cave before.

"Obviously 'yes'."

Zhang Yang directly gave an affirmative answer.

"No, what do you mean we're going to go into the water again?"

Wu Xie looked very helpless.

These giant African rats have lived in those piles of bones for many years, and even grew up eating this dead human flesh.

Soaking in this well water right now, how many bacteria are there?
If this continues, it would be strange not to have a strange disease.

At this moment, the sound of cracking the brick roof of the tomb came from behind everyone.

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads to look, only to find that the front of the stone wall had begun to crack.

It seems that the temperature above is too high, which directly affects the bottom.

I'm afraid that in the near future, these stone walls will collapse directly.

"Let's jump first and then talk."

As Zhang Yang said, he jumped directly, and he jumped into the water.

Aolong also jumped down.

Wu Xie didn't dare to jump, and held on to the old itchy.

"Old Wu, it's no big deal. It's important to save your life. Once you close your eyes, just jump down."

The old itchy said and jumped down immediately.

Wu Xie had no choice but to die, he just let his heart go, then closed his eyes, and jumped into the water.

Before Lao Xie had time to get up, he was directly pushed into the bottom of the water by Wu Xie who jumped off.


Lao Xie was about to open his mouth to scold, but he drank a mouthful of well water, and shut up hastily in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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