Chapter 328 Bronze Tree

Suddenly, Wu Xie at the side stretched out his hand and gently tugged Zhang Yang's sleeve, and said in a low voice:

"Mr. Zhang, you are always itchy."

Zhang Yang turned his head to look, only to see Lao Itching's eyes staring at the bronze pillar, and slowly approaching that side.

Zhang Yang found that the old itchy expression was not right, so he slapped him on the back fiercely and let out a loud drink.

"doing what?"

Suddenly, the old itch shivered, his whole body shook, and he woke up instantly.

"What, what's wrong?"

At this time, the old itch had already reacted.

"Old itchy, what were you doing just now? It really scared me to death."

Wu Xie subconsciously reached out and grabbed the old itch.


The old itchy paused, and then he opened his mouth and said:

"I don't know, just looking at this bronze pillar, I can't help but want to climb up."

"Climb up?"

Wu Xie looked at Old Itchy suspiciously.

The old itchy nodded fiercely and said:

"Really, I don't know what's going on."

Wu Xie hurriedly looked at Zhang Yang beside him and said:
"Mr. Zhang?"

Zhang Yang looked at the bronze pillar, but didn't find anything unusual, not even a trace of strange aura.

But Zhang Yang always felt that this thing was very evil in his heart.

However, looking at the bronze tree is somewhat familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere before.

But for a while, I couldn't remember the feeling.

"Everyone, don't touch this bronze tree. It's a little bit evil. Observe and observe first."

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal.


Both Wu Xie and Lao You nodded in agreement.

Zhang Yang raised the flashlight in his hand and slowly approached the bronze tree, only then did he discover that the totem of a two-body snake was carved on the root of the bronze tree.

Zhang Yang suddenly realized that this was probably left on purpose when the bronze tree was poured.

The totem of the twin-bodied serpent represents the sacred character of the bronze.

After all, in ancient times, the snake clan was considered an extremely sacred representative.

"Mr. Zhang, what is this? It looks so weird."

Wu Xie spoke in a low voice.

Zhang Yang said calmly:

"This is probably a sacrificial vessel, probably around the Shang and Zhou dynasties. I didn't understand what it was used for for a while.

This thing is really too old, and it has gone far beyond the scope of my cognition. "


Wu Xie said with a surprised face:

"Even Mr. Zhang doesn't know, so we laymen don't know even more."

The old itchy also nodded sharply. He was quite well-informed in the field of tomb robbery before, but compared with Zhang Yang, he was nothing compared to Zhang Yang.

"Mr. Zhang, how many years has this thing been? It seems to be a long time."

Wu Xie continued to ask.

Zhang Yang looked at the bronze tree, and then said:

"If calculated in terms of time, the Shang Dynasty was about 600 years old, and the Zhou Dynasty was at least 500 years old, which adds up to more than 100 years.

If one more China is added, it will take another 400 years, which is almost 500 years. "

Hearing Zhang Yang's calculation, Wu Xie on the side suddenly fell silent.

"Mr. Zhang, can you confirm whether it is from the Shang Dynasty or the Zhou Dynasty?"

The old itch couldn't help but strike up a conversation.

Zhang Yang pointed at the root of the bronze tree and said:
"You can see that the rust color is black and gray, it is very likely to be tin bronze, lead tin bronze or lead bronze.

If you put it this way, it is estimated that the possibility of the Western Zhou Dynasty is the greatest, and there may be about [-]%. "

Wu Xie spoke again:

"If this is true as what Mr. Zhang said, this is the level of bronze craftsmanship in the Western Zhou Dynasty, can this kind of thing be cast in theory?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:

"I can't answer this for the time being, after all, according to the craftsmanship at that time, if you want to make a finished product, you must first make a mold.

However, such a large mold is really not made by ordinary people. "

The old itch spoke again:

"Can a person make such a big thing? Could it be that it really grew from the ground?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:

"It can't be said that the period from 1000 BC to around the first year of AD is called the era of miracles in history, such as the Great Wall, the pyramids of Egypt, etc., these are extremely huge projects.

Buildings like these are all built with the wisdom of the working people, which can be regarded as one of the miracles of history. "

Both Wu Xie and Lao Xie felt that what Zhang Yang said was extremely reasonable.

"Speaking of this, I suddenly remembered something. I heard from that group of people before that there is a big treasure here, which is several times better than the things in Qin Shihuang's ancient tomb. Could it be that this is what they are talking about? "

Saying that, Old Itchy pointed to the bronze tree in front of him.

"Yes, that seems to be the case."

Wu Xie also nodded in agreement, and continued to speak:

"But, what kind of big baby is this?"

Zhang Yang suddenly took out the "Hemu Collection" from his arms, opened the contents inside, but only found a towering tree.

But the appearance of this tree is similar to the bronze tree in front of me, and it is also marked with special marks.

So the bronze tree in front of him is the target.

But looking left and right, Zhang Yang really couldn't see any difference in the bronze tree in front of him.

Suddenly Zhang Yang had a flash of inspiration. Could it be that the bronze tree is worthless, and the real valuable things are on top of this thing?

Subconsciously, Zhang Yang suddenly looked up at the top of the bronze tree.

Because the bronze pillar was long enough, it couldn't be seen at a glance.

Such a huge project is absolutely unique in history for the ancient people of Snake Country.

Such a sacred place, presumably the chief of the Snake Country people must have secured the ancient tomb in such a sacred place.

If it is confirmed that this place is an ancient tomb, then there is nothing here, except for this Tongtianzhu.

Then the coffin of the owner of the tomb should also be on the bronze tree, and all the artifacts should also be on it.

Therefore, if you want to ask for a certificate, you must go up and take a look.

"Mr. Zhang, who are we now?"

Wu Xie asked.

"Go straight up and have a look."

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal.

"Ah, climb up?"

Wu Xie's eyes were wider than the bell.

"Not bad, go up and have a look."

Zhang Yang nodded, then reached out and stepped on the branches of the copper tree, and began to climb.

Wu Xie and Lao You directly followed Zhang Yang's example and climbed up, even where they landed was very consistent with Zhang Yang's.

The branches on this bronze tree are not too tight, and it is quite easy for adults to climb up.

Zhang Yang, in particular, climbed extremely fast, and soon Wu Xie and Lao Tiao fell behind by a large margin.

"Mr. Zhang, slow down, we can't catch up."

At this time, Lao Tiao was already out of breath, and his whole body felt a little weak.

Sure enough, this climbing job is still for young people, he is really old.

(End of this chapter)

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