Chapter 344 This Is What Mr. Zhang Means

Zhang Yang pointed to the direction of the top of the bronze pillar not far away and said:

"There are two stone statues on it, I'm afraid there is an entrance there."

When Zhang Yang was fighting with those Chi Gu just now, he had roughly reviewed the situation here.

Except for the suspiciousness of the stone statue, there is really nothing worth investigating.

"Mr. Zhang, do you mean there?"

At this time, everyone also raised their heads to look in the direction of Zhang Yang's finger.

The pile of roots there does appear to be entwined with what appears to be a statue with two arms carved in bronze.

Because of the distance, it is not very clear.

Wu Xie moved subconsciously, and leaned out of the cave completely, trying to see the statue clearly.

But the strange thing is that the head of the statue can't be seen at all, only half of the body can be seen.

"Why can't you see the head of this statue? Could it be another headless stone figurine?"

Wu Xie muttered to himself.

But Zhang Yang said:

"Go up and see if you don't know."

As soon as Zhang Yang said that, he was ready to lead everyone to climb up together.

"Mr. Zhang, shall we go up like this?"

Fatty Wang was a little scared and pointed at the Chi Gu that was crawling all around at this time. He had just experienced these things himself, and the feeling was not very pleasant.

Zhang Yang said again:

"There is not a single Chi Gu around the stone statue, which means there must be something they are afraid of. Wherever we go, we will be safe."

Hearing Zhang Yang's analysis, everyone nodded in agreement.

"But, there are so many Chi Gu here, how do we crawl over?"

Fatty Wang looked worried.

Zhang Yang turned his head to look at the old itchy aside and said:
"Directly click a signal flare to launch."


Lao You didn't hesitate at all this time, he directly took out the signal flare in his backpack and shot at the bronze tree.

As soon as a brilliant white flash came out, those Chi Gu quickly rushed around.

At this time, Zhang Yang had already taken out a spell from his bosom, and after chanting a few spells in his mouth, he threw it directly into the air.

The strong light from the signal bomb felt as if it had been frozen, continuously shining on the entire cave.

At this time, the inside of the cave can be seen clearly, and those Chi Gu have nowhere to hide, and they all went to the underworld to hide.

"Quick, let's climb up immediately."

After Zhang Yang gave an order, everyone quickly followed Zhang Yang and crawled towards the statue together.

With the light shining, everyone can clearly find the location, which is much easier than climbing up.

Zhang Yang and Zhang Qiling were the fastest and reached the top soon.

Wu Xie seemed to be a little exhausted. He crawled to the ground, sweating profusely all over his body, and couldn't move at all.

Fatty Wang and Old Itching were also out of breath from exhaustion, but they could still hold on anyway.

"Naive, hurry up, don't be discouraged."

Fatty Wang turned around to cheer Wu Xie up.

"You go ahead, I'll be right there."

Wu Xie took a deep breath before continuing to climb up.

But Wu Xie's physical strength was really overdrawn, and he felt his feet slipped, and he fell down.


Wu Xie wanted to reach out to grab something, but he missed it, and was about to fall towards the bottom of the cliff.

It's over, this time I must be smashed to pieces.

Wu Xie subconsciously closed her eyes.

"Old Wu."


Lao You and Fatty Wang were also taken aback.

Suddenly a long whip sounded in the air, directly wrapped around Wu Xie's right leg, and hung it upside down in the air.

Wu Xie was so frightened that his whole body could only tremble.

In the end, the three of them arrived at the stone statue safely. Wu Xie was so frightened that his complexion turned pale, and he couldn't recover for a while.

"Naive, are you okay?"

Fatty Wang handed Wu Xie a water bottle and asked him to drink to calm down.

Wu Xie raised her head and gulped herself a mouthful of water, only then did she feel a little relieved.

At this time, Zhang Yang and Zhang Qiling were already observing the stone statues in front of them. These statues were tightly wrapped by the roots of giant pythons, only the rusty bronze arms were exposed.

But from here there are not two statues, but four.

Because the face cannot be recognized, it is impossible to judge the appearance of the statue and the direction it is facing.

"Sir, these statues look like stone figurines guarding the tomb."

Zhang Qiling whispered in Zhang Yang's ear.

"Well, these four statues are placed in the four corners. It seems that this should be the entrance to the real ancient tomb."

Zhang Yang nodded, then walked forward along the plank road.

Zhang Qiling also followed quickly.

"Mr. Zhang, wait for us."

Old Itchy followed up first.

"Old Wu, hurry up, Mr. Zhang and the others are leaving."

Fatty Wang reached out to help Wu Xie who was on the ground, and quickly followed.

Soon, everyone had reached the end of the plank road, and on the opposite side, there was a stone table like an altar placed there.

There are quite a few stone figurines around the stone table, and these are almost covered by the roots of the banyan tree, only a very small part is exposed.

But it is not difficult to see that this is indeed the place that the stone figurines want to protect.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm afraid we have to go to the opposite side."

Zhang Qiling spoke again.

"Well, go take a look."

Zhang Yang gave Zhang Qiling a look, and the two of them understood. Suddenly Zhang Yang jumped, and he jumped onto the altar opposite.

As soon as Zhang Yang landed on the ground, those Zen worm-like things that were dormant on the altar flew into the air.

Wu Xie and the others on the opposite side were so frightened that they showed panic.

"No, it won't be that man-eating bug again?"

Everyone's hearts also tightened up. If there are so many bugs, if they really want to eat people, I'm afraid everyone will be unable to escape.

When Zhang Yang landed, the bugs flew away quickly with a puff, and they didn't intend to hurt Zhang Yang at all, and they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw Zhang Yang tied a long rope in his hand directly to the stone statue beside him, pulled it hard, tried his strength, and then said to Zhang Qiling on the other side:

"Come here."

Zhang Qiling nodded, handed the rope in his hand to the old itchy and said:
"You go first."

"Me, me?"

At this moment, Old Itchiness seemed a little timid, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Yes, you go first."

Zhang Qiling spoke again.

"I, I'm a little scared, why don't you let Lao Wu and the others go first?"

The old itch tried to change the subject.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Qiling said firmly:

"You go first."

"Old itchy, you go there first, and we will follow right away."

Wu Xie gestured.

The old itchy was forced to do nothing, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and do it.

Soon, the old itchy taxied to the other side, but at this moment Zhang Qiling looked at Wu Xie and Fatty Wang and said:

"Mr. Zhang asked me to tell you, be careful with this man."

Wu Xie suddenly became a little nervous and said:

"Brother, you misunderstood me. Itchy but my hair is young, it will never harm us."

Facing the confident Wu Xie, Zhang Qiling just continued to speak indifferently:

"This is what Mr. Zhang meant."

Wu Xie stopped talking immediately, after all Zhang Yang's words needed to be paid attention to.

(End of this chapter)

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