Chapter 349 Attacked
I saw Zhang Yang throwing out the long whip in his hand, and the bronze iron chain came suddenly and fiercely.

When Zhang Yang exerted all his strength, the long whip in his hand became entangled with the bronze iron chain. The strength of the two people was equal, and they were in a stalemate with each other.

At this time, Zhang Qiling on the side saw the right time, jumped, and flew into the coffin, disappearing into the black mist.

Soon, the sound of 'ping, ping, ping, ping, ping,' weapons fighting came from inside the coffin.

At this time, the bronze iron chain also began to vibrate irregularly. Zhang Yang knew that the time was ripe, and with a violent pull, one end of the bronze iron chain was pulled out.

There was a trace of blood on it.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to touch it, but he didn't expect it to be human blood, and it was still fresh.

So, this is?

Zhang Yang suddenly became a little nervous, and looked at the entrance of the coffin.

At this time, the black mist continued to overflow outside, and there was even a hint of redness.

Zhang Yang frowned, jumped up and jumped into the coffin.

Before, the actual situation inside the coffin could not be seen clearly from the outside, but when Zhang Yang landed, he found that there was a lot of space inside the coffin, and the surrounding area was surrounded by thick black mist.

Soon, Zhang Yang fell heavily on the ground, and the ground felt soft, as if he was stepping on cotton.

Zhang Yang didn't care too much anymore. He raised the flashlight in his hand and looked around. It was still gray, and he couldn't see anything half a meter away.

There is actually a faint fragrance in the black mist here, which is the smell of sandalwood.

It seems that the mist is created by the incense, but the incense is quite powerful. It has been thousands of years, but it still persists, and there are so many gathered here.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand again to pull out the thick mist, and found that the inside was much thicker than the outside, and like water, there was a vortex of air flow that could be seen with the naked eye.

Just now Zhang Qiling and the others fell down, but there is no trace of them now, presumably somewhere in the black mist.

Zhang Yang raised the flashlight and moved towards the position where he just slid down. All the roots of banyan trees were intertwined and intertwined with each other, revealing a strange atmosphere.

Zhang Yang walked over slowly, and took a closer look inside the coffin, and found that there were some reliefs painted on the unobstructed places.

The color is still bright and bright, and the painting style is similar to the one on the bronze tree outside.

Zhang Yang roughly judged that these murals described the scene when the ancient bronze tree was built outside.

The people on the mural are dressed in the costumes of the people of the Snake Kingdom, watering the bronze tree together.

But Zhang Yang also saw some tricks. It turned out that the bronze tree was cast in sections.

And according to the meaning of the mural, it is very likely that this bronze tree has gone through several generations, and then it was cast joint by joint, and finally became such a magnificent work of art.

So, what is the purpose of watering this bronze tree for generations in these snake countries?
Could it be that it is really done to shock the world in the future.

Soon, Zhang Yang denied this idea.

At this moment, suddenly the voice of 'get, get, get' came from behind him again, this time it was heard extremely clearly, as if he was right behind him.

If Zhang Yang remembered correctly, it was this weird voice that led them all the way through, so there must be something in it.

Suddenly, a black shadow moved and flew towards Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang dodged quickly with quick eyes and hands, avoiding the opponent's attack.

At this time, Zhang Yang discovered that it was a thick and heavy bronze iron chain, which seemed to have eyes in the black mist, and it was chasing Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang dodged a few times in a row, and suddenly he was furious. Without hesitation, he jumped up into the air, raised the Big Dipper Knife and chopped it down with one blow.

Suddenly, a dazzling knife light appeared in mid-air, and then it was directly drawn into the black mist.

There was only a loud bang, and the bronze iron chain was split in half.


Suddenly, Zhang Qiling's voice came from inside the black mist.

Knowing that the other party was nearby, Zhang Yang put his hand on his mouth and blew a whistle, and another whistle came out in the darkness in response.

Soon, the surroundings fell into silence again.

As the black mist continued to roll, Zhang Yang felt the changes in the airflow around him, and it seemed that the other party still didn't give up.

Zhang Yang clenched the Big Dipper Knife in his hand, and glanced coldly at the black mist in front of him.

Suddenly, the black mist on the right side began to roll, Zhang Yang turned sideways to avoid the attack, then turned around beautifully and stabbed fiercely.

There was only a sound of '噗嗤', and then a stream of heat rushed directly to Zhang Yang's face.

Zhang Yang quickly took two steps back and touched behind him.


"It's all blood."

Zhang Yang knew that the other party was a living person, so he immediately felt a little more at ease.

Now all of them have fallen here, except for him and Zhang Qiling who are not afraid of the things here, Wu Xie, Lao Xie and Fatty Wang must have already been scared and hid somewhere trembling.

Besides them, could there be other people hiding here?
That weird voice just now was also deliberately made by that person?

Looking at the black fog in front of him, Zhang Yang subconsciously took two steps back, planning to find a slightly brighter place.

Even if the ghost eyes can't function normally, his reaction ability is still there, so it's not easy to be successfully attacked by the opponent.

However, looking at the other party meant that they planned to end up with him.

Just now I had a code word with Zhang Qiling, Zhang Qiling is hiding in the dark, it is safe for the time being.

So, what he has to do now is to lure out the person hiding in the dark to see what the other party's purpose is?
Suddenly, a bronze iron chain came from behind again. Zhang Yang didn't dodge this time, but directly grabbed one end of the bronze iron chain, and pulled it hard, and heard the "squeak" of the iron chain coming from all around. sound.

Listening to this voice, it feels as if it is coming from all directions.

Zhang Yang immediately realized a problem, and rushed out along the iron chain.

Soon, Zhang Yang landed steadily on a step.

Only then did Zhang Yang discover that one end of these bronze iron chains was actually connected to the stone coffin.

Zhang Yang tugged again vigorously, and the bronze iron chain made a 'squeak' sound again.

Feeling that something was wrong, Zhang Yang raised the flashlight in his hand again and looked in the direction of the coffin.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a wellhead made of jade, and the other end of those bronze iron chains extended into the well.

So this is
Suddenly, a black shadow sprang out behind him at an extremely fast speed.

Zhang Yang turned sideways and grabbed the opponent's arm.

"Mr. Zhang, it's me."

(End of this chapter)

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