Chapter 351 Mother Earth
"Mr. Zhang, my knife."

Zhang Qiling looked at Zhang Yang in despair. This is a matter of the guy who followed him all over the world. If there is no more, how can he walk alone in the future?

"Slide down and take a look."

Zhang Yang began to gesture.

The two quickly continued to slide down the iron chain at a very fast speed.

When he arrived at the crystal coffin, Zhang Yang suddenly clamped his legs hard, clamped the bronze iron chain and stopped.

Zhang Qiling also braked in time and stopped in mid-air.

At this time, through the thick black mist, one can roughly see a corner of the crystal coffin, shining brightly and emitting a faint gleam, a bit like a night pearl.

As for Zhang Qiling's ancient black gold sword, there is no trace of it yet.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang, what is this? Is it a coffin?"

Zhang Qiling spoke uncertainly.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:

"Not like."

As he said that, Zhang Yang raised the flashlight in his hand and shone towards the place where the light was shining.

At that moment, the surrounding black mist quickly dissipated, revealing the whole picture of the thing.

Both Zhang Yang and Zhang Qiling subconsciously opened their eyes wide, this was the first time they saw such a scene.

"Mr. Zhang, this, this is?"

Zhang Qiling was speechless for a while.

Zhang Yang looked indifferently at the thing in front of him that was hanging in mid-air and constantly emitting light.

This thing looks neither like a sarcophagus nor a coffin, but it looks like a huge amber boulder shaped like an olive.

This thing seems to be formed of pure nature. Just when the light of the flashlight shines on it, it emits a brilliant light. It seems that the color and texture are still good.

However, it is strange that such a huge amber is actually pulled by eight bronze iron chains as thick as wrists.

One end of the bronze iron chain extended to the mouth of the well, while the other end was actually inlaid on the amber.

At the position of the center point of the amber, a disk-shaped thing was formed.

And within that disc, there seemed to be a black figure.

Because of the material of amber, it looks very blurry, but the head and limbs of the person can still be vaguely distinguished.

The shadow lay quietly in the amber, unable to see his face clearly.

At the side of the shadow, the black gold ancient knife was lying quietly.

Zhang Qiling had never seen such a thing before, and was a little dumbfounded.

On the other hand, Zhang Yang was surprisingly calm. He let go of his hand slightly and slid down the thick bronze iron chain.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang?"

Seeing Zhang Yang go down, Zhang Qiling's expression changed slightly with fright.

I saw Zhang Yang lightly landed on the transparent amber, his movements were extremely gentle, and he raised his feet tentatively, ready to walk forward.

Zhang Qiling was so nervous that he couldn't die, he hurriedly stopped and said:

"Mr. Zhang, don't."

Zhang Yang raised his head and looked at Zhang Qiling.

Zhang Qiling opened his mouth and explained:

"Mr. Zhang, I've never seen such a big amber. I'm afraid it's made of rosin stone, and it will shatter if you step on it."

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:
"This is not amber, but a corpse cocoon."

"Corpse cocoon?"

Zhang Qiling had an incredible expression on his face.

Zhang Yang had already lifted his foot and walked towards the middle of the cocoon. The huge amber stone really only trembled slightly, and then stopped.

Seeing this, Zhang Qiling quickly let go of his hand, and quickly slid down onto the corpse cocoon. Sure enough, his feet were hard enough to support the weight of the two of them.

At this time, the big stone in Zhang Qiling's heart fell slightly.

Both of them walked to the middle of the corpse cocoon, Zhang Qiling quickly put away his black gold ancient knife.

The feeling of losing and regaining made him feel a little warm in his heart.

At this time, Zhang Yang had already squatted down slowly, lowering his head to carefully examine the person inside the cocoon.

Unexpectedly, there is an extremely exquisite woman wrapped in it.

The woman was wearing ancient clothes, with a golden crown on her head, and her face was ruddy. She didn't look like a dead person at all, but more like a sleeping princess.

Zhang Qiling couldn't help but gasped, the cocoon was really well preserved.

Although corpse cocoons were dug up in South Sichuan and NMG a few years ago, they were all shriveled bugs or the remains of children, and this was the first time this adult had seen them.

Moreover, the appearance of this woman still maintains the appearance of her life, which is not simple at first glance.

"Mr. Zhang, why is there a woman here?"

Zhang Qiling asked in surprise.

At this moment, Zhang Yang was silent in his own world. It was this woman he saw through the lid of the coffin just now.

Those eyes full of melancholy were still fresh in her memory.

Therefore, the real owner of the bronze tree coffin is the woman lying in the cocoon.

According to the ancient books, the corpse cocoon is actually a kind of embalming technology for corpses. The corpse is wrapped with a special resin mixed with traditional Chinese medicine to keep the moisture of the corpse from being lost, just like it was before death.

This is actually similar to the antiseptic beads used in ancient burials.

However, Zhang Yang was puzzled.

Since the people of the Snake Country spent so much energy and financial resources to create such a bronze pillar reaching the sky, could it be that it was for burying this woman?
There is something unreasonable about this anyway.

And according to the previous "Hemu Collection", there is a huge treasure hidden here.

Could it be this woman?
Zhang Yang felt that there must be something hidden here.

Seeing that Zhang Yang was silent, Zhang Qiling became more and more anxious.

"Mr. Zhang, this, why does this woman seem a little strange?"

Zhang Yang Wenyan turned his head to look at Zhang Qiling who was at the side, Zhang Qiling pointed to the woman's abdomen and said:

"No matter how I look at it, I think this woman is pregnant?"


Zhang Yang suddenly woke up like a dream, and subconsciously looked at the woman's abdomen.

I was taken aback for a moment, and the woman's abdomen really bulged.

Just now, because the other party was lying flat and wearing heavy clothes, he didn't notice anything unusual.

Taking a closer look now, I can really see a clue.

Except for the abdomen where the woman's body is close to the corpse cocoon, there is a slight distance between other parts of the woman's body.

"Mr. Zhang, isn't it one of the customs of the snake country people to make pregnant women into cocoons and place them here."

Zhang Qiling made a bold guess.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:
"No, this should be the rumored Banagim."


Zhang Qiling almost dropped his jaw in shock.

In the mythology of the Manchus, this Banaji'um is the land god who is in charge of the land.

Moreover, according to the description in ancient books, the land god appeared in the form of a pregnant woman, which represented the meaning of the lord who gave birth to all things.

Looking at the woman wrapped in the corpse cocoon right now, I really have that kind of feeling.

In fact, Zhang Yang was also very surprised. He didn't expect that the people of the Snake Country spent several generations and spent a lot of money to water the bronze tree, and it turned out to be a sacrifice to the body of the mother of the earth?

Does the thing more precious than the tomb of King Qin and Han mentioned in "Hemu Ji" refer to "she"?
Zhang Yang still felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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