Chapter 353 Monsters
Zhang Yang began to chant the mantra of pure heart in his mouth.

"Shariputra, is the empty appearance of all dharmas, neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor clean, neither increasing nor decreasing."

Zhang Qiling knew that it was Zhang Yang who was helping him to meditate, so he immediately began to recite silently.

Seeing that the two of them stopped talking to her, the woman suddenly transformed into a coquettish girl in tulle and three-point underwear.

The woman began to dance gracefully and swayingly.

Zhang Yang is still unmoved, and he still confuses himself with such a little knowledge, it is simply beyond his control.

Zhang Yang's concentration was good, but Zhang Qiling began to change, and his ears were even more red.

Although Zhang Yang had just sealed his eyes, he could sense everything that happened in front of him through his super perception.

Especially the woman, who directly reached out to touch Zhang Qiling's chest. Faced with such a tactile temptation, Zhang Qiling was obviously flustered.

"Keep reading after me."

Zhang Yang scolded in a low voice, not loud, but powerful.

Zhang Qiling woke up in an instant, so he entered the state again, and continued to follow Zhang Yang to recite the mantra of clearing the mind.

The woman was a little annoyed, and turned to Zhang Yang again.

Zhang Yang was already burning with anger at this time, how could he allow the woman to be so presumptuous, he directly slapped the woman and sent the woman flying.

The woman landed heavily on the corpse cocoon not far away, and even spat out a mouthful of blood.

Standing up, he looked at Zhang Yang viciously and said:
"It's really toasting and not eating fine wine."

After finishing speaking, the woman suddenly showed her long sharp claws, and pounced directly towards Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang is not a vegetarian either. When he saw the other party making a move, he didn't hesitate at all, just raised his foot and kicked him.

This kick just hit the woman's abdomen directly.The force was so great that the woman was directly thrown out and fell heavily to the ground.

The woman lay on the ground, vomited blood immediately, and did not get up for a while.

Zhang Yang looked at the woman on the ground coldly and said:

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

The moment the woman made a move just now, Zhang Yang had guessed that the other party was not the mother of the earth at all.

Because there is a trace of evil spirit on this woman, I'm afraid it's the illusion of something unclean.

It was probably one of her goals to urge them to express their wishes just now.

"Hahaha, hahaha."

The woman suddenly raised her head and laughed, as if she disdained Zhang Yang's words.

"It's really stubborn."

Zhang Yang was furious, and he exerted force with his right hand, directly transforming into the Big Dipper Sword.

After the woman saw it, she subconsciously took two steps back, as if she was very afraid.

The Big Dipper Seven Star Knife was originally used to punish evil spirits, and any evil spirits who saw it would be terrified.

Now Zhang Yang is even more sure that this thing is an evil thing.

Suddenly, the woman hugged her belly with both hands, as if she was in pain, lying on the cocoon on the ground with her whole body twisted.

Zhang Yang was taken aback, his eyes fell on the woman's abdomen, and he found that the things inside were wriggling restlessly again, as if they were about to break through the belly and crawl out.

"This is?"

Zhang Yang was also a little puzzled, what exactly was this woman carrying in her stomach?
Just when Zhang Yang was deep in thought, suddenly the woman raised her head and let out a painful cry, the sharp claws of both hands were directly exposed, and then slashed across the abdomen forcefully.

In an instant, a blood-red gash was drawn on the abdomen. It was dripping with blood, and it looked particularly disgusting.

Accompanied by the woman's mournful roar, a bloody paw was seen protruding from the belly.

Zhang Yang's complexion changed slightly, he grabbed Zhang Qiling, who was still reciting the mantra of purifying heart, and ran up the bronze chain at high speed.

"Mr. Zhang?"

Zhang Qiling came back to his senses immediately, but found that he was already suspended in mid-air.

"Don't look back, climb up."

Zhang Yang lifted Zhang Qiling onto another bronze iron chain, but he clamped the iron chain tightly and turned his head to look down.

At this time, the woman's stomach had been completely cut open, and a dragon-like thing was twisting its body and slowly crawling out.

The movements were extremely hurried, as if he was making a final struggle.

This thing has a dragon in its stomach?

Zhang Yang couldn't figure out what was going on?
Without waiting for Zhang Yang to think about it, he saw that the thing had completely crawled out of the woman's stomach.

At this time, the woman had already fallen behind the pool of blood, completely lifeless, and then turned into pieces of red snowflakes, which slowly scattered into the thick fog under her feet and disappeared.

Maybe it was because it just crawled out of the stomach, at this moment, the dragon-like thing was wriggling slowly on top of the corpse cocoon, and it looked extremely disgusting.

As the thing squirmed, the blood-red blood stains on his body gradually disappeared, as if it had been absorbed by the body.

Soon, the thing revealed its real body, its whole body was in a translucent state, a piece of white flowers.

Moreover, there seemed to be water flowing in that thing's body, and with its twisting body, it also followed the flow.

This is?

Zhang Yang squinted his eyes, feeling that this thing looked familiar.

But I can't remember where I saw it before.

The dragon began to twist its body on the corpse cocoon, rubbing against the corpse cocoon vigorously, and as the rubbing speed increased, the dragon's body also slowly became bigger and longer.

Zhang Yang also stared wide-eyed, this thing is still growing, what is it?

At this time, Zhang Qiling, who had already climbed halfway, was a little worried about Zhang Yang, and couldn't help turning his head. When he saw the dragon on the cocoon, his eyes suddenly opened wider than the copper bell.

This, this, this...

"Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Qiling cried out worriedly.

"Don't stop, keep climbing up."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth and signaled that he was not sure whether he could subdue this thing right now, it's better to let Zhang Qiling go up first.

Zhang Qiling shook his head and said:
"Mr. Zhang, I want to be with you."

At this time, of course, it was impossible for Zhang Qiling to leave Zhang Yang alone.

At this moment, the dragon raised its head and exposed its sharp teeth. Grinning, it raised its head and attacked Zhang Yang.

"not good."

Zhang Yang raised the Big Dipper Knife in his hand and stabbed at the dragon's body, but the thing avoided it with agility.

Unwilling to give up, Zhang Yang turned around and stabbed at the dragon's body again. Unexpectedly, the other party came directly with a big wag, and directly swept Zhang Yang onto the cliff.

Zhang Yang coughed violently twice, and then regained his strength.

"Mr. Zhang, be careful."

Seeing that the dragon tail was about to sweep over again, Zhang Qiling raised the ancient black gold knife in his hand and chopped it down.

(End of this chapter)

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