Chapter 356 Encountered Dragon Attack
Zhang Yang smiled lightly, and then continued:

"Actually, this is a kind of person materialized by some mysterious force. It should not be considered a 'person', but 'it' does exist, and it is subtly changing people's consciousness. After explaining why his mother appeared before, he could also be seen by neighbors."

Wu Xie looked at Zhang Yang in horror and said:
"What does Mr. Zhang mean to say that Old Itchy's mother was transformed by something, and the other party is also affecting other people around?"


Zhang Yang snapped his fingers directly.

I thought Wu Xie was smart before, and it really is because he has a flexible mind. I just made a metaphor, and he can understand a little bit.

Being praised by Zhang Yang, Wu Xie stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and said:
"Actually, I just guessed it by mistake."

"However, Mr. Zhang, if you say that my mother was transformed by something, why does it feel so real to me, and it's almost exactly the same as my mother's when she was alive, even the taste of cooking is exactly the same."

The old itchy continued to ask questions without giving up.

Zhang Yang glanced at Old Itchy, and then continued:

"Since this thing is materialized, in order to be more realistic, it is naturally the same as the previous one, otherwise it would have been worn out long ago, wouldn't it?"

Hearing this, the old itchy complexion changed slightly, but what he said was extremely reasonable.

"Then, Mr. Zhang, if according to what you said, this bronze tree can really fulfill my wish, then if I want a lot of gold, silver and jewelry now, wouldn't it be possible for me to achieve it?"

Fatty Wang on the side started to move around.

I heard that this bronze tree is very mysterious before, but I didn't expect it to have this effect. If it is used well, wouldn't it be a fortune?
"you may try it."

Zhang Yang said calmly.


Suddenly Fatty Wang was overjoyed, spread his hands, and kept shouting in his mouth.

"Gold and silver jewelry, gold and silver jewelry, gold and silver jewelry..."

After waiting for a long time, there was nothing.

"This, this, why is there nothing here?"

Immediately, Fatty Wang became a little discouraged.

The old tickle at the side shook his head and said:
"That's not the case. This kind of thing is very mysterious. If you want to conjure up what you think in your heart, you must be in a certain environment.

For example, I missed my mother very much before, but she never appeared. When I was dying, I wanted to eat a meal made by her, and then my mother appeared. "

"I am grass."

Fatty Wang suddenly became unhappy.

"That means you have to be on the verge of death, right?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:
"I can't say that. It can only be said that something like this materialization has some prerequisites. It needs to be in a certain environment, or it needs a psychological guidance."

"Mr. Zhang, what you said is too complicated, I can't understand it at all."

Fatty Wang was sweating profusely.

This time it was a narrow escape, but there was nothing, and it was inevitable that I felt a little bit lost in my heart.

"Okay, fat man, don't ask for money, it's not bad if you can save your life."

Wu Xie put his hand heavily on Fatty Wang's shoulder.

Suddenly, his feet trembled twice, and the old itchy who was standing on the edge almost fell into the abyss.


The old itchy gritted his teeth angrily.

"Wu Xie, what the hell are you thinking about in your fucking mind?"

If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, I'm afraid he would really fall down and turn into a meat paste.

"I, I don't have one."

Wu Xie waved her hand innocently.

He really didn't think about anything just now, it's none of his business.

"You still say no?"

Lao You angrily stretched out his fingers and pointed to the faucet with a huge head protruding from the altar above his head.

"Oh my God."

Wu Xie was also dumbfounded.

He really didn't think about dragons just now, he was really innocent.

"Don't run fast."

Zhang Yang dragged Wu Xie, who was still standing in a daze, into the gap of the plank road beside him.

Lao You raised the pistol in his hand and shot towards the dragon's head, intending to force the opponent back.

Unexpectedly, when the bullet hit the dragon's head, the other party didn't suffer any damage at all. The gleaming spirit sheet was more like a thick layer of armor, and all the bullets bounced back.

Seeing that the huge faucet was about to bend down, Lao Xie was so frightened that his legs became weak and he couldn't walk at all.

"Itchy old."

Wu Xie shouted anxiously.

Suddenly a long whip swung over, wrapped around Lao You's waist, and then with a strong force, Lao You was pulled over.

At that moment, the dragon's head swooped down, biting off the branch of the bronze tree that Old Itchy was standing on just now.

"Old itchy, are you okay?"

Wu Xie looked at the old itchy who was almost frightened, and immediately looked worried.

"No, it's fine."

Lao You was still in shock, and looked at Zhang Yang with feeling on his face. If it wasn't for him just now, he might have directly become the leader's meal.

At this time, the five of them curled up in a narrow space that could only accommodate one person. Although it was crowded, they had a shelter at least.

Soon, the leader found their position, and the head, which was as big as an ancient well, squeezed into the gap with force.

After a few unsuccessful attempts, the faucet slammed directly into the opening of the gap.

The opponent's strength was so great that the whole ancient tomb was shaken, and the rocks flew continuously for a while.

Wu Xie looked at Zhang Yang worriedly and said:
"Mr. Zhang, we won't be crushed here by these stones, will we?"

As soon as Wu Xie's words came out, Zhang Yang glanced over with cold eyes, and Wu Xie shut up instantly in fright.

He really forgot Zhang Yang's words just now, and what he thought in his heart would be visible under certain circumstances.

He hoped it didn't come true.

The dragon's head found that it couldn't hurt the five people, and it was furious, and it hit it with all its strength, and the surrounding stone walls suddenly made a cracking sound.


Wu Xie was about to cry, it seemed that this time it was really his fault.

"Everyone go inside."

Zhang Yang signaled everyone to follow the gap and go inside, otherwise they would be stoned to death here soon.

After receiving Zhang Yang's instructions, everyone crawled and walked in with difficulty.

The inner gap is slightly narrower than the outer one, and people can walk without turning sideways.

Everyone just walked over a little bit, only to hear a loud bang, and the place they were standing just now was completely blocked by the rocks falling from above.


Fatty Wang was also stunned. If Zhang Yang hadn't made a decisive decision just now, everyone would have been buried under the rocks by now.

Sure enough, following Zhang Yang is the safest.

"Mr. Zhang, what should we do now?"

Zhang Qiling looked at Zhang Yang with some worry.

Right now the intersection is blocked, although it blocked the attack of the dragon head outside, it also blocked their way of life at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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