Chapter 363
Wu Xie was so frightened that his face turned pale, but he didn't dare to move an inch, because at this moment, only 0.5mm away from the tip of his nose, was the head of a huge boa constrictor resting on it.

The originally narrow hole was now tightly surrounded by the huge body of the python, and it felt as if the four of them were wrapped in the middle of the body by the python.

With the 'Old Itchy' flashlight shining over, it seemed that the boa constrictor was stimulated and began to wriggle its huge body slowly.

Even in an extremely narrow space, the boa constrictor continued to squirm, as if trying to break free.

As the boa constrictor wriggled, the scales full of eyes began to twitch slowly, making a 'hissing' sound.

Facing the giant python so close, coupled with the wriggling scales, Wu Xie felt as if his heart was about to stop at this moment.

Facing the huge python in front of him, Zhang Yang squinted his eyes. It seems that the 'old itchy' outside is also very powerful, and it can materialize such a huge thing.

Zhang Yang directly started ventriloquist, and said to the three people present:

"Everyone, don't move around. This thing is not interested in things that are too small. As long as we don't move and don't cause it to panic, it will be fine."

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, everyone held their breath and did not dare to move a bit.

At this time, the 'Old Itch' who was watching the excitement from the sidelines carefully looked at everything inside and said:

"Don't worry, the four of you can make a table for this giant python, and it's barely enough to stuff your teeth."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the old itchy said this, the giant python suddenly shifted its gaze to the 'old itchy' behind the stone.

Seeing this, the 'Old Itch' who was gloating at this moment realized that something was wrong, quickly turned off the flashlight, and blocked the hole tightly by the way.

He probably thought that if this was the case, the giant python would not be able to find him.

Unfortunately, he underestimated the ability of this giant python.

The giant python hit the boulder twice with its huge head, and found that the stone hadn't moved, then suddenly arched its neck and made an attacking motion.

"not good."

Wu Xie yelled in his heart that something was wrong, it seemed that the giant python was staring at the 'old itch' behind the stone.

Sure enough, in less than three seconds, the stone slammed into the huge boulder.

Then there was only a muffled sound, and the whole cave was shaken violently. At this time, the boulder blocking the door instantly fell apart and turned into rubble.

Then came the miserable cry of 'Old Itch'.

Soon, the giant python's huge body got out from the crack of the stone, and the speed was very fast. It seemed that it was a tough guy.

At this time, the giant python opened the way, and the entire crack was much wider, at least people could walk freely.

"Old, old Wu."

At this time, the weak cry of 'Old Itch' came from inside the rubble pile.

"Itchy old."

Wu Xie ran over subconsciously.

"Naive, what are you doing? Mr. Zhang hasn't spoken yet?"

Fatty Wang anxiously wanted to hold Wu Xie, but unfortunately he had already run out.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, look at him naive."

Fatty Wang seemed a little helpless.

"It's okay, let's go and have a look."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth and gestured.

Soon, the three of them walked outside together for a while, when they found Wu Xie squatting on the ground secretly crying.

Everyone walked forward quickly, and they all took a breath of air, because at this time, the entire lower body of 'Old Itch' was crushed under the gravel, and it was already bloody, that is to say, it was basically crushed. Meatloaf again.

Unexpectedly, the vitality of this 'old itchy' is quite tenacious, and it is still alive.

Obviously, such materialized things are really different from normal people.

"Old Wu, I'm the one who's sorry for you, but I'm satisfied if I can come here with you for a while."

At this time, the dying 'Old Itch' grabbed Wu Xie's hand and said.

"Old itch, you shouldn't do this."

Wu Xie couldn't accept it, even though the 'old itch' in front of him was not the old itch, but after such a short time together for a few days, there was still affection between the two of them.

And during this time, 'Old Itch' took good care of him, how could he be willing to discard this friendship.

Suddenly, the old itchy coughed twice, and spit out a mouthful of bright red blood.

"Old Wu, I have no regrets in my life to meet a friend like you."

After the words were lost, Lao Tiao raised his head and laughed loudly, then fell to the ground without breathing.

"Itchy old."

Wu Xie looked at the "old itch" lying in a pool of blood with tears in his eyes, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.

"Innocent, don't do this."

Fatty Wang on the side reached out and patted Wu Xie's shoulder as a comfort.

Suddenly, there was the sound of rocks shaking again above the head.

"Be careful."

Zhang Yang grabbed Wu Xie who was on the ground and twisted it up, only to hear a loud "bang", the gravel directly fell from the top of his head and just pressed on the body of "Old Itchy", completely buried him clean.

"Itchy old."

Wu Xie finally couldn't help crying.

Fatty Wang couldn't bear to look at it, so he turned his head away subconsciously.

"It seems that the causal cycle is finally over."

Suddenly Zhang Yang who was at the side spoke quietly.

"Mr. Zhang, what do you mean?"

Zhang Qiling looked at Zhang Yang who was on the side.

Zhang Yang looked at the gravel pile where the 'Old Itchy' was buried in front of him and said:

"Although it is good to be able to materialize what you want.

However, sometimes this ability is not necessarily a good thing.

For example, the old itch materialized into this fake 'old itch', isn't the ending miserable?

Right now, 'Old Itch' materialized this giant python by relying on his own ability, and ended up ruining his own life.

Do you think this counts as a causal loop? "

Zhang Qiling nodded and said:
"It seems that this so-called wish tree is not the kind that Human Face thinks in its heart at all."

"Yeah, how could there be a pie in the sky, if it really happened, then there must be a price to pay."

Zhang Yang made a summary.

"No, it's so scary, I think I'd rather not have the gold, silver and jewels."

Fatty Wang shuddered instantly.

Wu Xie looked at the pile of rubble in front of him, then sniffed and said:

"Mr. Zhang, me."

Before Wu Xie finished speaking, suddenly the whole cave shook violently again, as if hesitating to speak, it seemed that this place was about to collapse.

"Everyone get out of here."

As soon as Zhang Yang dragged Wu Xie, he quickly walked outside.

The four of them just ran out of the cave, only to hear a loud 'bang' from behind, and suddenly rocks flew and dust was scattered.

It seems that this place has really collapsed.

"Mr. Zhang, I think we'd better get out of here, I'm afraid it's not safe here."

Zhang Qiling opened his mouth to remind.


Zhang Yang also had this intention.

Suddenly a black shadow flew over directly, and Zhang Yang shouted loudly.

"Be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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