Chapter 383 The Living Dead

Zhang Yang signaled Aolong to come over, and after whispering a few words in Aolong's ear, Aolong nodded.

Then it flew up directly, transformed into a prototype dragon body, and floated in mid-air.

"Mr. Zhang, this, this is?"

The giant African rat spoke in fear.


Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal not to speak, and then snapped his fingers towards Aolong.

I saw that Aolong directly volleyed and sprayed fiery red flames towards the bottom, and the fiery temperature was everywhere in an instant.

"Mr. Zhang, it's on fire, it's on fire."

At this time, the giant African rat remembered spinning, and the hairs all over its body stood on end.

Zhang Yang stood there with a calm expression on his face.

Soon, the lid of one of the coffins was lifted directly, and a giant African rat flew out of it, dancing an irregular ballet on the spot, still muttering in its mouth.

"Burn me, burn me."

Zhang Yang teleported and directly grabbed the opponent's neck.

"Is it finally worth it?"

"Night Guard?"

The African Giant Rat was also a little surprised, but it didn't expect that there were night guards on this floor.

After Aolong saw Zhang Yang grasping the target, he immediately put away the flames, flew down and transformed into a human form.

"Let me go, let me go."

The night guard spoke angrily.

Just now it has understood what's going on, it seems that it was designed.

Zhang Yang looked coldly at the night guard who was constantly struggling in his hand and said:

"Tell me, where did the real corpses of the Zhang family go?"

The Night Guard, who was still struggling, stopped instantly, and looked at Zhang Yang with an expression of disbelief.

"You, what do you mean?"

Zhang Yang continued to speak with a cold face:

"The bones in these coffins are all fake. The bones of the real Zhang family are not in these coffins at all, right?"

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, Aolong and the African Giant Rat beside him were also slightly surprised.

Didn't you just say that these are the bones of the Zhang family?
Why is it suddenly not?

"I, I don't know what you're talking about?"

The night guard's eyes flickered on purpose, not daring to look directly into Zhang Yang's eyes.

"Still telling the truth?"

Speaking of which, Zhang Yang directly carried the night guard and quickly walked to the front of one of the coffins, and lifted the lid of the coffin with his palm.

The shriveled corpse and some scattered funerary objects inside were exposed.

"The corpses of the Zhang family are incorruptible here. Now these corpses have been corroded. What's going on?"

In fact, when Zhang Yang found these bones at the beginning, he already had some doubts.

It is said that the Drum Tower of this family is extremely magical, and the corpses can live in it for life, but these bones are all corroded.

Second, the Zhang family has always believed in eternal life, and they believe that after death, people can come back to life.

Therefore, even after death, one must still think about the day of rebirth, and it is impossible to allow one's own bones to be corroded, which is why the Drum Tower exists.

Facing Zhang Yang's torture to extort a confession, the night guard couldn't stand it anymore, so he could only tell the truth:
"Well, I admit that these are not the bones of the Zhang family at all, but are just substitutes."

Hearing this, Aolong almost dropped his jaw in shock.

Unexpectedly, there are actually some people in this world who believe in the existence of 'immortality'.

Even if they are dragons, it is impossible to reach the level of immortality.

His father was like this, and so were his brothers and sisters, they couldn't escape the shackles of fate after all.

He is also only lucky to have survived until now.


The giant African rat was trembling with fright. It didn't expect that the drum tower of this house still had this secret hidden, and it really didn't know about it.

At least when guarding here, it is completely unaware.

If it hadn't met Zhang Yang this time, I'm afraid it would never know the secrets about the Drum Tower in its entire life.

Zhang Yang let go of the night guard, and said calmly:

"Where are the bones hidden?"


The night guard seemed a little helpless.

"Do not say?"

Zhang Yang glanced at it coldly, and the night guard hurriedly said:

"I said, I said."

Saying that, the night guard quickly walked to the front of the coffin, reached out to touch the position under the pillow of the skeleton, twisted it a little, and suddenly the coffin sent out a chain collision signal.


Aolong was the first to stand in front of Zhang Yang.


Zhang Yang signaled Aolong not to be nervous, this thing can't hurt him right now.

Aolong took two steps back knowingly, and suddenly saw the coffin flipped downwards abruptly, and a perfectly intact corpse appeared in front of everyone.

The corpse looked the same as the one in front of it, and seemed to be asleep. The hands were folded on the abdomen, and the index and middle fingers of the right hand were long and sharp.

You don't need to look to know that these are all members of the Zhang family.

It's strange to say that these people are all dressed in black, and their hair is very long, almost reaching below the chest.

I don't know if it's because of the long time, these hairs have grown on their own, or it's just so long.

"Sir, these people still have breath."

Aolong spoke in a low voice.


Zhang Yang nodded, indicating that he felt it too.

Although these people seem to be dead, there is still a faint breath left.

But this breath was very weak, as if it was suppressed by something.

"What? Mr. Zhang means that these people are still alive?"

The giant African rat suddenly became a little nervous and uneasy.

If it was a room full of dead people, it didn't feel anything.

But if you talk about a room full of living people lying down, that would be scary.

"It should be regarded as the living dead."

Zhang Yang said calmly.

"The living dead?"

The African Giant Rat was puzzled.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to test the breath of the dead body. He was no longer breathing, but his heartbeat continued.

That's not what the living dead are.

A mysterious big family like the Zhang family can use special treatment methods to keep the heartbeat unstoppable after death.

However, the heartbeat was very slow, and ordinary people would naturally not notice any abnormalities.

"These people should be the corpses of the deceased Zhang family who are about to be resurrected. They are all placed here, and their purpose is to complete the mission of 'resurrecting from the dead'."

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, the giant African rat looked even more bewildered.

"Mr. Zhang, can you explain a little more clearly, I still don't understand something."

(End of this chapter)

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