Chapter 387 Weird Figures

"You, can't you hear?"

Zhang Yang seemed to realize something was wrong.

The African giant rat became more and more curious:

"What sound? I didn't hear anything."

Zhang Yang and Aolong glanced at each other with surprised expressions on their faces.

"Mr. Zhang, did you hear something?"

The African Giant Rat sensed that something was wrong.

"Wind chime? Didn't you hear it?"

Zhang Yang spoke again.


The African Giant Rat shook his head and said:

"I didn't hear anything."

Zhang Yang seemed to realize something, looked at the giant African rat and said:
"Go in and see why the wind chime is blowing."

"Me, me?"

The African giant rat seemed a little scared.

"Yes, go and have a look."

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal.

"But, I, I'm afraid I won't be able to go in."

The African Giant Rat is a little wretched.

"If you want to live, you'd better listen to me."

Zhang Yang's voice turned cold instantly.

Seeing this, the African giant rat didn't dare to talk nonsense, and nodded helplessly:
"OK then."

Speaking of the giant African rat, he walked towards the stone gate, and couldn't help but look back at Zhang Yang and Zhang Yang every step of the way.

"Go in."

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal.

In the end, the African giant mouse reluctantly stretched out his hand and pushed open the stone door. Because he was worried that a dart would come out, the African giant mouse was trembling slightly.

"Sir, is it really allowed to go in?"

Aolong used ventriloquism to communicate with Zhang Yang a little uneasy.

Ever since he was taken under by Zhang Yang, Aolong has not been lazy, and has learned a lot from Zhang Yang, such as ventriloquism.

This is one of the necessary skills to follow Zhang Yang.

"Well, it seems that it has a strong resistance to this sound. I'm afraid this is one of the reasons why they were able to successfully enter this drum tower."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth to explain.

"Sir, shall we go and see?"

Aolong is still worried about the giant African rat.

After all, a nest of snakes and rats is not trustworthy at all.


Zhang Yang nodded.

The two quickly walked to the front of the stone gate, but found the giant African rat curled up in the corner of the stone gate, not daring to move forward.

"Go in."

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal.

The African Giant Rat's face was even more ugly, and he shook his head desperately to express his fear.

In the race, he was originally the one with less courage.

It was also because of this that he became the only member of the Drum Tower guarding the gate of this family.

Right now, it is because of Zhang Yang's ability to come in that he wants to come in and see for himself.

Unexpectedly, it was facing danger everywhere, and it had some regrets for coming in.

"Go in now."

Zhang Yang's eyes instantly became sharp.

Seeing this, the giant African rat could only get up helplessly and look at the blackness in front of him.

It's so dark inside that it's not normal to see anything clearly.

"Mr. Zhang, it's pitch black, I can't see clearly at all, how to get in."

The giant African rat had an innocent expression on its face.

Zhang Yang directly threw the flashlight in his hand at the giant African rat.

Seeing this, the African Giant Rat didn't dare to make excuses anymore, and approached inside with a flashlight.

After all, the light of the flashlight is limited, and you can only roughly see a small aperture, which is not complete at all.

The giant African rat walked inside with trembling feet.

Zhang Yang hesitated for a moment, but he still raised his foot and walked in. Seeing this, Aolong didn't dare to delay, and followed.

After the three of them left in the dark, it felt like a very long secret passage here, it was pitch black, and there was really nothing.

Zhang Yang knew that many members of the Huo family died here, and all of them were top experts.

Without the hexagonal copper bell formation, they would naturally be able to pass the level easily.

The more he walked inside, the more Zhang Yang could feel the dangerous aura coming from there, as if it was approaching step by step.

Aolong also smelled something unusual, and walked in front of Zhang Yang, stretching out his hand as a gesture of protection.

Zhang Yang didn't say a word, knowing that Aolong was just eager to protect the Lord.

Soon, a gust of wind blew from inside, making one's hairs stand on end.

"so cold."

The giant African rat hugged its body tightly with both hands in the cold.

Aolong also slapped him directly, and then said in a low voice:

"Sir, be careful, I'm afraid it's not easy here."


Zhang Yang nodded.

Suddenly, a tall black shadow passed by, so fast that it was too late to see clearly.

"Mr. Zhang, there is a ghost."

The African giant rat screamed in fright, turned around and grabbed Aolong's leg.

"What's the name of Guihougui?"

Aolong threw the giant African rat off his lap with a look of disgust.

"Mr. Zhang, a black shadow flew past just now, did you all see it?"

The African giant rat was so frightened that its little heart could hardly bear it, and it jumped out of its throat.

This is basically playing a secret room adventure, and the difficulty is extremely high.

"To shut up."

Zhang Yang said coldly.

After the giant African rat got Zhang Yang's order, it shut up instantly.

Suddenly, a tall figure flashed past behind him.


Zhang Yang turned around and looked behind the black lacquer, but there was nothing.

Zhang Yang's face turned a little cold, it seems that someone is playing tricks here.

"Sir, it's dangerous here."

Aolong also smelled that unusual and dangerous breath, and it was a deadly breath.

"Don't move around."

Zhang Yang reached out and pressed Aolong's shoulder, telling him not to move around for a while.

Aolong understood Zhang Yang's meaning and calmed down instantly.

"Mr. Zhang, what should we do now? We won't die here, right?"

The African giant rat cried out in fright.

"Let's face each other first, and see what it is before we talk about it."

Zhang Yang gestured.


Aolong stood back to back with Zhang Yang in an instant, always ready to check what the troublesome thing was.

However, after a long time, I still can't see that thing appearing again.

Just when everyone's patience was gradually wiped out by the terrifying aura, Zhang Yang suddenly noticed something strange on the wall on the right.

Seeing a tall figure rushing out from the wall quickly, Zhang Yang directly swung the Big Dipper in his hand to prepare for battle.

I discovered the strange scene before, and the thing went directly back into the wall.

Could it be that this thing is still alive and has sentience?

You know you're waiting here, so you won't come out?
Just as Zhang Yang was meditating directly, suddenly Aolong behind him became excited, swung the knife in his hand and slashed towards the wall.

Zhang Yang quickly came back to his senses, turned his head to look, but saw Aolong slashing at the wall indiscriminately, but there was nothing.

It seems that Aolong has fallen into a state of madness. Zhang Yangli realized that something was wrong, and used his ventriloquist to stop him:

"Aolong, stop."

(End of this chapter)

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