Chapter 390 Dried Blood
"Fuck you sir."

Zhang Yang also started to get red-eyed.

Right now, it is very obvious that either you die or I die.

However, Zhang Yang is not a vegetarian, and he becomes more courageous as he fights.

What made Zhang Yang depressed was that the head of a Miluotuo had just been cut off by the front foot, and the thing grew back in the next second.

This, even with natural growth.

It made Zhang Yang look very passive.

"Mr. Zhang, be careful."

The giant African rat that was pinched in the jade vein suddenly yelled, Zhang Yang had no time to react, and a tingling pain came from his left arm.

hemp eggs.

One of his neighbors was actually removed by one of Miluotuo, and the bright red blood directly touched that Miluotuo's body.

I only heard Miluotuo's scream of 'ah', and then his whole body began to melt slowly.

Zhang Yang was also taken aback, could it be that his own blood has a restraining effect on these Mi Luotuo?

Zhang Yang suddenly thought that his original owner was the Zhang family. Since these miluotuo were all made by the Zhang family, they would naturally obey the control of the Zhang family's blood.

At this time, after those Mi Luotuo discovered Zhang Yang's identity, they all quickly stepped back a few steps, not daring to continue attacking.

At this time, Zhang Yang felt a little relieved.

It's just that although these Mi Luotuo were afraid of his blood and did not dare to go forward, they had no intention of retreating.

Pairs of cold and gloomy eyes stared straight at Zhang Yang like this, which made him feel terrified in his heart.


"What the hell are these things, and they haven't been returned?"

Zhang Yang was panting and cursed in a low voice.

Looking down at his broken wall falling to the ground, Zhang Yang felt very uncomfortable.

It's been a long time since I have enjoyed such treatment.

Although it is said that his arm will be found out naturally in a while, it will take time.

And that was a comrade-in-arms who had followed him for a long time, and he was cut off like this, and he felt a little bit reluctant in his heart.

However, this is secondary, the most important thing right now is how to get out of trouble.

Zhang Yang looked at Miluotuo standing around, these things are still a headache.

Suddenly, a thought flashed in Zhang Yang's mind.

Right now, these miluotuo must be dead servants left here by the Zhang family, and their most loyal is the head of the Zhang family.

Is it possible for me to send these things back under the orders of the Patriarch of the Zhang Family?

It's just that the Patriarch of this family has always had a keepsake - the hexagonal copper bell.

Suddenly, Zhang Yang's eyes flashed golden light.

Reaching out to his bosom, he took out a hexagonal brass bell, but this was given to it by Zhang Qiling.

At that time, in order to ask him to come down the mountain to help Wu Xie get out of trouble, so he specially gave it to it, but he didn't expect it to play a key role now.

Zhang Yang raised the hexagonal copper bell in his hand, and said in the Zhang family's specific language:

"When you see the Patriarch, don't retreat quickly."

After those miluotuo saw the hexagonal copper bell in Zhang Yang's hand, they were taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Zhang Yang with some trepidation.

Seeing these Mi Luotuo, Zhang Yang seemed suspicious. After all, the hexagonal copper bell had been missing for hundreds of years, and they were naturally a little suspicious when it suddenly appeared.

Zhang Yang suddenly shook the hexagonal copper bell a few times, and there was a pleasant sound of the copper bell in an instant.

After those Miluotuo heard this voice, they all knelt down towards Zhang Yang one after another.

"Meet the master."

Zhang Yang suddenly heaved a sigh of relief, fortunately he was fooled, otherwise it would be really hard to escape this disaster.

Seeing this scene, the giant African mouse stuck in the jade vein opened its eyes wide with an expression of disbelief.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yang was so powerful that he made these behemoths kneel down in minutes.

It seems that this group of things has been subdued.

"return to."

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal those Mi Luotuo to return to the jade veins.

Mi Luotuo got up and retreated one after another.

Soon, Zhang Yang was the only one left in the huge passageway, and it looked much empty.

"Mr. Zhang, help me."

At this time, the giant African rat shouted for help.

Zhang Yang turned his head to look at the giant African rat stuck in the jade vein, and then remembered that he forgot to ask how to get this little thing out.

Zhang Yang opened his mouth again and gave instructions:

"Come out one."

Suddenly, after the jade vein, a Mi Luotuo walked out from inside, and directly knelt down on one knee for Zhang Yang.

"Meet the master."

"How to break this?"

Zhang Yang stretched out his finger to the giant African rat in the jade vein.

Miluo Tuo said:

"Reporting to Patriarch, once this jade vein is activated, it will be difficult to recover. We can only let it go into the jade vein for a while. As for his avatar, he will stay here and guard it with us."

"I don't want a clone, I don't want someone exactly like me."

At this time, the giant African rat strongly opposed it.

He didn't want to create a monster that was exactly like himself. At that time, the other party might kill him and then take over everything he had. Wouldn't it be a big loss.

The old itch before is the best proof.

The replacement killed the original owner and lived the life of the original owner. This is a real example, and the same mistakes must not be repeated.

Zhang Yang also shook his head and said:

Zhang Yang knew in his heart that the giant African rat had long thought of leaving here, so wouldn't the Miluotuo he copied also have such thoughts.

At that time, if it is turning this place upside down in order to get out, wouldn't it be a waste of attention.

Anyway, his original body is also from the Zhang family, so he can't do anything to destroy it.

Since the Zhang family has been mysterious until now, it should continue to be mysterious.


Miluo Tuo seemed a little embarrassed.

"I want another way."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth straight to the point.

Mi Luotuo raised his head and glanced at Zhang Yang, then spoke again:

"If the head of the family does not allow it, there is another way, but it may have to suffer a little bit of flesh and blood."

"You said."

Zhang Yang directly opened his mouth and took it.

Only then did Miluotuo speak slowly.

"If you don't want to be copied by Yumai, you need to let go of the blood of the living creature, so that the temperature of the body will drop, and the blood density will decrease, then Yumai will push it out directly."

"What? Bloodletting?"

The African giant rat trembled in fright.

If he drained his blood, would he still have to live?
"That's the only way?"

Zhang Yang confirmed again.

Miluo Tuo nodded and said:
"Yes, Patriarch, this is the only way. This jade vein can only reproduce living things, not dead things."

"Okay, I see, you can go back."

As soon as Zhang Yang waved his hand, Mi Luotuo got up and saluted Zhang Yang, then turned around and sank into the jade vein again.

The giant African rat looked at Zhang Yang weakly and said:

"Mr. Zhang, don't you really want to drain my blood?"

(End of this chapter)

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