Chapter 395
When Aolong came to his senses, he saw the human head flying out of Nuwa's hand, with sharp fangs exposed in his mouth.

If Zhang Yang hadn't pushed him so hard just now, I'm afraid he would have been swallowed alive.

After Zhang Yang pushed Aolong away, he directly raised the Big Dipper Knife in his hand and started fighting with the opponent.

This guy with a human head and a dragon body is quite capable, and the strength of his head is even more astonishing.

Faced with the opponent's pressing every step of the way, Zhang Yang did not show any weakness, and directly responded back.

"This, this thing is alive?"

The giant African rat turned pale with fright. He didn't expect this thing to be alive.

"Quickly hide aside."

After Aolong finished speaking, he took the giant African rat and threw it into the corner.

Only then did he pick up a weapon to help Zhang Yang, but Zhang Yang fought too fiercely with the opponent, and it couldn't get in at all.

Tried several times in a row, all failed.

Aolong knows that Zhang Yang needs to fight with all his heart at this time, so he is not in a hurry, but is ready to wait for the opportunity and wait for the opportunity.

Zhang Yang didn't expect that this guy with a human head and a dragon body would be so powerful, both in terms of strength and spiritual power, he was much higher than it, and he was worthy of being the overlord of heaven and earth.

However, Zhang Yang found that this guy seemed to have a deep hostility towards it, meaning that every move would kill him.

If he remembers correctly, he doesn't seem to have any deep hatred with this guy.

While Zhang Yang was analyzing the situation, the other party swung his tail directly and knocked Zhang Yang to the ground.


"It hurts."

Zhang Yang quickly got up from the ground, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.


Aolong got up anxiously and was about to help, but Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to stop him:
"do not come."

Zhang Yang could clearly see the hatred in the eyes of the man with the head of a snake and the tendency to tear him into pieces.

So, this is also the sin of his original body?

Aolong who had already run a few steps was scolded by Zhang Yang and stopped quickly.

It naturally did not dare to disobey Zhang Yang's intention.

Seeing that Zhang Yang was injured, the human-headed snake bowed its head and prepared to attack again.

Zhang Yang's heart was shocked, and he quickly flew up, raised his knife and stabbed at the guy's neck.

This knife directly stabbed the opponent's vitals, and the bright red blood sprayed out directly, and the whole body fell heavily to the ground.

Zhang Yang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and finally subdued the other party.

"Sir, are you all right?"

Aolong quickly ran up.


Zhang Yang shook his head as a signal, then quickly walked to the side of the snake with a human head and stood beside him.

Looking down at this guy carefully, the head is really no different from that of an ordinary child.

Below the neck is the dragon's body, and the limbs are also the dragon's claws.

"Mr. Zhang, you are really amazing."

At this time, the giant African rat hiding in the dark also rushed over quickly.

"Sir, what should we do with this corpse?"

Aolong looked at Zhang Yang.

"This thing is also a poor person. It's better to put it back under the statue of Nuwa and continue to protect Nuwa."

Zhang Yang said calmly.


Aolong nodded, and then stretched out his hand to pick up the human-headed snake-body corpse on the ground, unexpectedly, the extremely sharp scales scratched Aolong's palm.

A stream of blood flowed down directly, right where the wound on the snake's body was.

I saw a flash of golden light, and the two drops of blood miraculously fused together, and the wound on the snake's body was slowly recovering.

"Not good, back quickly."

Zhang Yang shouted loudly.

Aolong retreated quickly, and the African giant rat was so frightened that it rolled and crawled to hide behind.

Soon, the golden light disappeared, and at this time the wound on the human-headed snake body on the ground had recovered to its original state, leaving no trace.

"Sir, this, this?"

Aolong was also surprised.

"Back off."

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal, and he quickly stepped back.

The human-headed and snake-like body on the ground began to twist slowly, as if struggling sharply.

"Sir, what's wrong with this thing?"

Aolong felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Zhang Yang also smelled a dangerous breath in the air slowly approaching.

"do not speak."

Zhang Yang gestured.

Soon, the human-headed snake body on the ground began to slowly change as the body continued to twist.

The hard scales on his body began to slowly unfurl, as if they had been forcefully broken apart.

The distance between the countless scales is getting bigger and bigger, and it looks like the body of this human-headed snake is about to explode.

It feels like a scalp tingling.

Suddenly, the body of the human-headed snake body began to inflate rapidly, as if blowing up a balloon, very fast.

In the blink of an eye, the human-headed snake body directly turned into a huge dragon body, which looked no different from a real dragon.

"How can this be?"

Aolong was in a dazed state.

The giant African rat was even more frightened by the scene in front of it, curled up into a ball, and squeezed into the gap behind it.

"Sir, do you want me to show my original body?"

Seeing this battle, Aolong himself couldn't admit his cowardice.

"It's different for now."

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal.

He knew that the injury on Aolong's body hadn't recovered yet, even if it turned into its original form at the moment, it probably wouldn't be the opponent of this human-headed snake-body.


Aolong became a little anxious.

"You step back, and you will be used naturally in a while."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth and gestured.


Aolong didn't dare to disobey Zhang Yang's words, so he could only retreat obediently.

Zhang Yang swung it vigorously, and the Big Dipper Knife in his hand was in his hand.

To deal with this thing, of course he went into battle himself.

The human head and snake body seemed to have realized Zhang Yang's intentions, and a icy chill appeared in his eyes.

Zhang Yang's vengeance just now, it will naturally avenge it.

I saw the human head and the snake body slightly arched, as if they were about to attack Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang was also not afraid, he raised the Big Dipper Knife in his hand and rushed forward.

Originally, they thought that the two of them would have a head-on fight, but they didn't expect that the human-headed snake body suddenly turned around beautifully, flicked its long tail vigorously, and directly sent Zhang Yang flying out.

"Here we go again."

Zhang Yang had already made preparations this time. With a beautiful turn, he directly avoided the opponent's attack.

Seeing such a thrilling scene, Aolong beside him began to get nervous all over his body.

Zhang Yang Zhang Yang's ability is not small, but the ability of this human head and snake body seems to be quite great.

Seeing that Zhang Yang dodged the attack, the human-headed snake became even more furious, and swung its long tail violently.

Zhang Yang quickly jumped up to avoid it.

That human-headed snake body didn't give up at all, chasing Zhang Yang all the way, everything around was smashed by the huge tail.

But it's strange to say that the statues of Fuxi and Nuwa are the only ones that stand intact all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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