Chapter 4 Crystal Hanging Coffin
This is the famous nightmare-eating Gu worm, good at disguising and hiding, once an external force invades, it will be devoured instantly.

This is simply a paper shredder, any object will be crushed to pieces.

It seems that the owner of this ancient tomb was worried about being stolen, so he specially raised these little guys.

As soon as Zhang Yang stretched out his hand towards the Crystal Palace above his head, a thin rope flew directly over, and was tightly fastened to the crystal coffin.

As soon as Zhang Yang exerted a little force, his whole body instantly rose from the ground and quickly flew to the top of the crystal coffin.

With a slight jump, the person stood on the upper bracket.

The crystal coffin is translucent, and it can be roughly distinguished through the coffin lid. At this time, lying inside is a female corpse in white clothes.

Could it be the thousand-year-old zongzi in the hanging coffin in the corpse hole?
But why is it here, shouldn't it be at the mouth of the river?
Without the slightest hesitation, Zhang Yang reached out and pushed the crystal coffin away.

It is a face that is all over the country and the city, and the body remains intact and intact.

Looking at it now, it feels like falling asleep.

The whole body of the corpse is not rotten, so there must be a baby next to it.

Zhang Yang quickly searched the corpse, and suddenly found that there seemed to be something in the tightly clenched hands of the female corpse.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand without hesitation, but found that it was a crystal clear bead with light blue light.

Zhang Yang picked up the bead, the whole body was crystal clear without any impurities, it was a valuable treasure.

Zhang Yang was curious, when a system voice sounded in his head.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a corpse-protecting condensed jade, which is formed by the condensation of the thousand-year-old ice energy in the body of a thousand-year-old zombie. 】

[You can keep youthful and beautiful forever, the corpse will never rot, and it can avoid the influence of all corpse poisons. 】

[After use, it can increase physical strength by +5, strength by +10, and speed by +8. 】

Corpse Ningyu?

No wonder the woman's body was so well preserved.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by, and the woman's face was instantly weathered away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, only the white clothes remained.

Zhang Yang was taken aback, and quickly closed the coffin.

When the female corpse met him, she had no choice but to die.

With this piece of jade for protecting the corpse, he naturally didn't worry about the blood corpse in Nalu Palace.

Zhang Yang caught the external force again and landed on the ground.

Now he had to rush back as soon as possible, otherwise Zhang Qiling and the others would be in danger.

Soon, Zhang Yang came out of the cave.

At this time, it was found that the boatman and the old man had fled, and Zhang Qiling and the others were fighting against the corpses that were constantly attacking.

Zhang Yang jumped directly, and he was already on the side of the boat.

"Sir, you are back."

Wu Xie burst into joy.

Zhang Yang didn't make a sound, his two fingers 'quick, accurate, and ruthless' pinched many insects flying from the water.

With a little force, it will be crushed directly.

In the blink of an eye, the boat was covered with the black bug's corpse.

Wu Xie, who was watching from the side, was dumbfounded.

Zhang Yang's Faqiu Broken Soul Finger is also too powerful, it is even more superb than Zhang Qiling's.

He hadn't even seen what was going on just now, the black bug had already died.

Even Zhang Qiling was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yang would also be able to master Faqiu's unique skills.

Wu Sanxing and the others were directly shocked by the scene before them, with incredible expressions on their faces.

It is worthy of being a hidden fairy.

Lian Fa Qiu Duan Hun is also easy to catch.


Those bugs suddenly stopped attacking everyone, and ran away as if they were fleeing outside, as if they were afraid of something.

And there was a rustling sound, the sound was a little ethereal, it felt like someone was whispering, and it was like the sound of a bell, which was very confusing.

"The sound just now was actually made by these bugs?"

Wu Sanxing subconsciously opened his mouth and looked down at the bottom of the water.

To see a large group of black shadows fleeing quickly.

Everyone also looked down at the bottom of the water, and Pan Zi couldn't help but said:

"Aren't these bugs dragon lice? Why do they still attack people?"

"It's not a dragon lice, it's a corpse weeter."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth lightly.

His facial expression was a little numb, and his eyes were fixed on the water, as if he was looking for something with concentration.

Everyone has a dangerous look on their faces.

After all, anything that has something to do with 'corpse' is not a good thing.

"Corpse? Are there such big corpses?"

Wu Xie was startled, and subconsciously looked at Wu Sansheng aside.

Wu Sanxing looked at the corpse under his feet, and stomped on it fiercely, and the corpse was crushed into a pulp.

"This, this is really a corpse."

Wu Sansheng was not calm any more.

He stood up abruptly, and stomped on the corpse a few more times.

At this time, a bronze-shaped hexagonal bell appeared in the body of the trampled corpse, about the size of a thumb.

"This is?"

Wu Sanxing couldn't help kicking, but the bell rang suddenly.

The sound is similar to what I heard just now, but it was a little blurry before, but now it is very real.

"This, what is this?"

Wu Xie also came to his senses, and subconsciously raised his head to look at Zhang Yang not far away.

"Bronze bell."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth slowly.

"Mr. Zhang already knew about this thing?"

Wu Xie couldn't help but speak.


Zhang Yang nodded calmly, as a response.

Since I knew about it a long time ago, and I followed in, isn't this knowing that there are tigers in the mountain and preferring to go to the mountain?
"Then, are you still coming in here with us?"

Wu Xie was puzzled.

"Stinky boy, how do you talk to Mr.?"

Wu Sansheng on the side stretched out his hand and slapped Wu Xie on the forehead heavily.

He had seen Zhang Yang's ability just now, so such a powerful big shot, naturally he couldn't offend him.

"Third Uncle, it hurts."

Wu Xie spoke aggrievedly.

"Why do I hit you if it doesn't hurt?"

Wu Sanxing glared at Wu Xie angrily, Wu Xie shut up instantly and dared not speak.

Suddenly Pan Zi called out.

"Those corpses are gone."

Everyone hurriedly looked at the bottom of the water, and sure enough there was not a single corpse.

Wu Sansheng felt that something was wrong, raised his eyes to Zhang Yang and said:

"Sir, these things usually only stay in places where there are corpses and carrion, and they don't swim around like this. Could it be that they have to migrate?"

But Zhang Yang said quietly:

"I'm afraid I'm running for my life."


Everyone looked at Zhang Yang who was standing straight at the bow of the boat with puzzled expressions.

At this time, the group of corpses under his feet had disappeared, Zhang Yang frowned slightly, this was not a good sign.

"Sir, you mean that there is a... in this hole."

Before Wu Xie could finish speaking, suddenly the boat under his feet 'bumped' with a loud noise, as if he had been hit by something.

The entire side of the ship began to bump violently.

"There's something under the water."

Suddenly Pan Zi exclaimed again, and everyone subconsciously looked into the water again.

"Don't look."

Zhang Yang shouted to stop.

But it was still a step too late, Wu Xie accidentally turned over and fell into the water.

"Wu Xie."

Pan Zi stretched out his hand to grab the opponent's hand, but he also turned over and went into the water.

(End of this chapter)

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