Chapter 415 Dirty Things

"It seems that the other party can't take it anymore."

Zhang Yang snorted coldly.

"Then, Mr. Zhang, shall we start now?"

Wu Xie seemed a little nervous and uneasy.


Zhang Yang nodded, then stretched out his hand and stroked lightly on his palm, revealing a wound.

The few people watching from the side all looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what Zhang Yang was going to do.

Zhang Yang quickly dripped the blood in his hand on a few spells beside him, and then stretched out his hand to stroke the palm of his hand again, and the wound healed automatically.

This scene made Fatty Wang widen his eyes in fright, and looked at Zhang Yang with an expression of disbelief.

This is really strange.

Zhang Yang handed the spells to everyone present and said:
"Spells, you all hold them and put them close to your body. You will be able to see those things after a while, which is convenient for you to do things."

Everyone instantly understood Zhang Yang's intentions.

After all, they are mortals with naked eyes, so naturally they cannot see clearly the dirty things outside.

If you really want to fight for a while, "the enemy is in the dark, and I am in the light." Naturally, it will not work.

Everyone put this spell in their arms very preciously, but Fatty Wang stuck the spell directly on his chest and said:

"That's no problem at all."

Wu Xie couldn't help but give Fatty Wang a blank look. What time is it, and he still has the intention to make a joke.

Everyone's facial expressions were very serious, because they knew in their hearts that this time it might be more dangerous than the one just now.

"Okay, everyone, let's get ready."

Zhang Yang spoke.

Everyone quickly returned.

According to Zhang Yang's arrangement, Fatty Wang sat in the middle of the room, just above the table.

Zhang Qiling and Aolong stood in the northwest corner and the southeast corner respectively, and they guarded the left and right as Dharma protectors.

Wu Xie also quickly walked to the side of the bed, secretly pouring water.

Zhang Yang sat cross-legged on the spot, and then started to practice.

Wu Xie stood on the spot alone, holding the bottle in his arms, his whole body began to tense up.

Because everyone has arrangements at this time, but he doesn't, so he can only stand aside miserably and act as a vase at this time.

Suddenly, there were bursts of howling outside, which was ear-piercing and cold, making one unable to bear the feeling of scalp numbness.

Wu Xie's face was livid with fright, and he held the vase tightly with his hands. It seemed that this thing was really coming.

At this time, Zhang Yang's technique had already been activated. He used the substitute technique to let Fatty Wang stand in for him.

After a while, those things will target Fatty Wang, so as long as he is here, those things will never leave.

Soon, the charms pasted around Fatty Wang began to emit a golden light, and the charms pasted on the surrounding walls also glowed red.

Then, those red lights gathered directly above the golden light, forming a protective layer, directly enclosing Fatty Wang in it.

Seeing this scene, Wu Xie almost dropped his jaw in shock.

This is simply a magical technique, and it can still play such a big role.

At this time, the sound outside became louder and louder, and it felt as if the entire mountain forest was about to be shaken down.

Soon, the sound was already approaching here, as if it was just outside the door.

Wu Xie didn't dare to speak, for fear of disturbing Zhang Yang.

Soon, Zhang Yang opened his eyes, looked at the formation in front of him, and heaved a sigh of relief.

As long as this formation exists, those things cannot enter here.

He wasn't afraid of those things, but the level of those things was a little high, and he wasn't sure if he could hold them down.

After all, even thousands of years old goblins have come out here, and this place belongs to the extremely dark place, I'm afraid those things have already become spirits.

Like this, it is generally really difficult to deal with.

Sure enough, no matter in the yin or yang world, as long as there are interests, there will inevitably be competition.

These old goblins want his ghost seal, nothing more than they want to occupy the mountain and become king.

However, he will not give things to those guys in vain.

At this time, the gate outside the yard made a violent noise, as if someone was slapping on the wooden door frantically outside.

Wu Xie looked worriedly at Zhang Yang, who was still practicing, and was terrified in his heart.

If these things really come in, will everyone still have a way to survive?
"Mr. Zhang, there's such a big commotion outside, won't it wake up the little girl's family?"

Wu Xie spoke worriedly.

The sound of this movement was really too loud, probably enough to wake up the whole village.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:
"No, they can't hear the movement."

Zhang Yang knew that these people had lived here all year round, and they had reached a consensus of peaceful coexistence with the people in this Yin Zhai Village.

As long as they don't offend those things, then they will naturally live in peace.

And the target of those dirty things today is him, so naturally they have sealed the ears of those people, so that they can sleep peacefully all night without waking up.

Suddenly, the sound of movement outside became more and more vigorous. It seemed that they had knocked on the door impatiently.

Zhang Yang's complexion changed slightly. He didn't expect that the old goblin outside was quite powerful, and he was almost breaking through the limit range of his spell.

This room is the last line of defense, so it must not be breached.

The gate outside the courtyard is the city tower, and it is also the most important, and it cannot be broken.

Zhang Yang glanced at Wu Xie who was curled up in the corner because of fear and said:

"Wu Xie, hold the vase and stand at the door. If anything comes in, just throw it on the other party."

"Also, will there be anything coming in?"

Wu Xie's voice trembled slightly.

Zhang Yang ignored Wu Xie, but turned his head to look outside the door, as if he was thinking about something.

Wu Xie didn't dare to say anything anymore, moved her body cautiously, walked to the door and stopped.

At this time, the knocking sound heard here became more and more clear, and it felt as if more than a dozen hands were clapping non-stop.

About 2 minutes later, Zhang Yang spoke again.

"I'll go out and have a look first, you all stay inside and don't move around."

Zhang Yang said this to Zhang Qiling and Aolong, they are the key to this formation.

And only they can protect this formation for themselves.


Both Zhang Qiling and Aolong nodded subconsciously.

Zhang Yang walked to the door, quickly opened the door, and walked out.

"Mr. Zhang, you."

Wu Xie really wanted to say something, but the door had already been slammed shut.

However, the moment Zhang Yang opened the door just now, he seemed to vaguely see a lot of dirty things crawling on the wall of the yard, looking inside.

At this time, Wu Xie's legs softened a little, and he didn't want to be cowardly, but it's a pity that this thing is really scary.

I heard that if a living person is killed by a Yangren, even the three souls and seven souls will be broken up, and it will be a fart to harm reincarnation.

At this time, Zhang Yang was already standing in the yard, and he saw countless dirty things standing one meter away from the wall, staring at the inside with a look of covetousness.

It seems that they are still afraid of those spells, but presumably speaking of these, the ghost seal is the most important.

At this time, there were a few gorgeously dressed men in aristocratic costumes who knocked on the door.

Zhang Yang knew that as long as he didn't open the door, those things couldn't come in, so there was nothing he could do about it.

And he just needs to endure with them, and when the cock crows, those things have to be returned no matter how unwilling they are.

After all, it is a thing of the underworld, so how dare it stand under the sun openly?
(End of this chapter)

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