Chapter 418

"Sir, are you all right?"

Seeing Zhang Yang in a mess, Aolong felt relieved.

If it wasn't because he didn't dare to go against Zhang Yang's intention just now, he would have already rushed out to rescue Zhang Yang.


Zhang Yang waved his hand as a signal, and then quickly walked to the seat beside him and sat down to rest for a while.

At this time, the old goblin's miserable cry continued to be heard outside. It seemed that Wu Xie's boy was seriously injured by urinating.

It is said that the more powerful the ghost is, the more it is afraid of things like boy urine.

These are all pure yang things, this ghost was originally a pure yang body, this yin and yang contact, that is not mutual generation and mutual restraint.

After calming down a bit, Zhang Yang looked at Wu Xie who was still limp on the ground and said:

"Is there any stock left? Have some more."

"Huh? What?"

Wu Xie looked at Zhang Yang with a puzzled expression.

Zhang Yang stretched out his finger and pointed at the position of Wu Xie's crotch. Wu Xie blushed immediately, nodded and said:

"I just felt a little bit."

"Then prepare some more."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth.

"it is good."

Wu Xie quickly got up from the ground, and instantly became energetic again.

He took a small flower pot beside him, and quickly walked to the corner, ready to pour water.

But just as Wu Xie unzipped his trousers, a pair of black hands suddenly stretched out from the outside and grabbed Wu Xie's neck.

"Help, help."

Wu Xie wanted to call out, but couldn't make a sound. The vase in his hand fell to the ground and made a crisp sound.

At this time, Zhang Yang quickly turned his head and looked over, without any hesitation, he raised the Big Dipper Knife in his hand and slashed at those hands.

Just hearing a 'click' sound, those black hands were cut off directly.

Wu Xie also managed to get out of trouble, fell to the ground and coughed violently.

"Cough cough cough, cough cough cough."

"Mr. Zhang, what, what is this?"

Wu Xie pointed to the two pairs of wood-like fingers on the ground.

"This is the thing that the old goblin transformed into, just to marry your life."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth quietly.

"Ah, that means I'm in danger now too?"

Wu Xie shrank her neck immediately.

It was Fatty Wang who was targeted before, then Zhang Yang, and now he is himself, this is really a difficult brother.

Zhang Yang took out a talisman from his bosom and handed it to Wu Xie, saying:
"You put this spell on your chest, and that thing won't be able to feel your breath."


Wu Xie was very grateful and quickly followed suit.

At this time, there was a very hasty knock on the door of "Pa Pa Pa Pa" outside the door.

"Yes, anyone?"

Wu Xie looked at Zhang Yang at the side with a slight complexion.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal that he didn't care.

Wu Xie looked through the door and found a figure swaying at the door, and he understood what was going on in his heart, so he didn't dare to say anything.

Soon, the surrounding windows also began to be knocked, and then there were extremely restless roars from all around the house.

It feels a bit like a human voice.

"Sir, what are these?"

Wu Xie was terrified, and subconsciously approached Fatty Wang's position.

At this time, Fatty Wang was trapped in the formation, completely isolated from the outside world.

He can't hear it now, let alone see it, and he doesn't know what's going on outside.

According to Zhang Yang's instructions, he had to sit here and not move until Zhang Yang came to dispel the formation for him.

Zhang Yang pinched his fingers and counted lightly, his expression changed and he said:

"No, the old goblin can't beat us here, so he even sent reinforcements directly."


Wu Xie was even more amazed. Where can I send reinforcements to this barren mountain?

Zhang Yang nodded, and stretched out his fingers to those fingers that kept beating the windows all around and said:

"This old goblin cast a spell to get everyone out of this village. This is to use the large number of people to deal with us."

"What? Are these people from the village?"

Wu Xie was even more surprised. Could it be that these people have all turned into zongzi?

This old goblin is really too powerful, he has the ability to turn the whole village into zongzi in such a short period of time.

"Then, sir, what are we going to do now? I'm afraid this place will be broken by those things outside soon."

Wu Xie looked worriedly at the windows that had been torn from the paper.

I'm afraid this won't last long.

"Since you can't hide, then you can only face it head-on."

"What, face to face?"

Wu Xie seemed to understand what Zhang Yang said.

Suddenly, Zhang Yang pulled out a copper coin sword directly behind him, and then handed it to Wu Xie, saying:
"Take it, those things come over, just chop it up."

"This, this, this, I, I dare not."

Wu Xie has never even killed a chicken, let alone asked him to kill.

"Don't worry, this copper coin sword can't hurt people, it can only cut those dirty things."

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, Wu Xie felt relieved.

However, if he really wanted to cut it, he really wouldn't dare.

Zhang Yang looked at Zhang Qiling and Aolong, who were protecting the law, and said:

"Aolong, transformed into the original form, protecting the fat man, Zhang Qiling came to help me, but if anyone gets close, just knock him out."

Zhang Yang is quite moral. Knowing that these villagers were innocently used by the old goblin, he naturally couldn't hurt them.


Aolong quickly flew up and turned into a huge dragon body, and then surrounded Fatty Wang in it.

Zhang Qiling also jumped out quickly, raised the ancient black gold knife in his hand, stood by the window, and waited all the time.

Suddenly, the door was broken open, and a young and strong man was slowly walking towards the inside with his hands raised and his head tilted.

"This is?"

Wu Xie looked at it, it was almost the same as the zongzi described in the book, it must have been poisoned by the corpse.

I saw Zhang Yang dodging over with a brisk step, and knocked the opponent unconscious with one blow, and the man fell to the ground in an instant.

Then the surrounding windows were destroyed one after another, and countless villagers who turned into rice dumplings attacked the three of them.

Wu Xie didn't dare to slack off either, so he took the copper coin sword in his hand and used it one at a time.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang had opened this copper coin sword a long time ago, so as soon as he touched those villagers, they would be knocked out directly, which is not too difficult.

Zhang Qiling's skills are also fast, and he can easily subdue those things with three strikes and five divisions.

Soon, there were already villagers lying on the ground in the house.

However, there are still villagers coming outside, and there are quite a few of them.

Zhang Yang felt strange, there were only about a hundred households here, how could there be so many people.

There's definitely something quirky here.

(End of this chapter)

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