Chapter 425 The Brother Who Arrived in Time

It turned out that after Zhang Yang and Aolong left, the group of villagers attacked the three more frantically.

Fatty Wang sat inside the formation, everything was in peace originally.

Zhang Qiling and Wu Xie resisted outside, a little powerless, but they could hold on.

Unexpectedly, Fatty Wang, who was sitting in the formation, suddenly said that he had unbearable abdominal pain and wanted to go to the bathroom.

Wu Xie was in a hurry, so he asked Fatty Wang to bear it and talk later.

Which Fatty Wang had severe stomach cramps and slapped farts one after another, and couldn't help it, so he got up and rushed outside.

After coming out, I realized the scuffle in front of me, and I was even more frightened and at a loss.

As soon as Fatty Wang came out, the formation was broken.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared at the door, it was a man wearing a dragon robe, and he grabbed Fatty Wang's neck with a single stroke.

After discovering the substitute spell on Fatty Wang, he was even more furious and threw Fatty Wang flying.

Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling wanted to come over to help, but they couldn't get into that thing's body at all.

Just like that, the three of them were caught by those villagers.

Then the man in the dragon robe turned the whole room upside down, and he didn't seem to find what he was looking for.

Getting even more furious, he directly grabbed Fatty Wang's neck, lifted him up, and was about to kill him.

In order to survive, Fatty Wang can only say that he knows where things are.

Under the pressure of the man in the dragon robe, Fatty Wang poured out everything.

The man in the dragon robe forced Zhang Qiling to come to Zhang Yang and get back what he wanted, otherwise both Wu Xie and Fatty Wang would be killed.

The other party only gave an incense stick of time, if you can't go back, it will be too late.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yang calmly said:

"I didn't expect this old goblin to know how to use power."

Zhang Qiling and Aolong glanced at each other, not quite understanding the meaning of Zhang Yang's words.

"Where are they now?"

Zhang Yang looked at Zhang Qiling.

Zhang Qiling pointed to the direction he came from and said:
"It's still in the yard before."

Zhang Yang glanced at Zhang Qiling's fingers, and a ruthless look quickly flashed across his eyes.

"It's not too late for us to take the things here first and then go back."

For Zhang Yang, obtaining the Dragon Ball is the most important thing.

"But, Mr. Zhang, if we don't go out, I'm afraid Wu Xie and Fatty will be in danger."

Zhang Qiling looked at Zhang Yang with some worry.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:
"No, as long as the old goblin knows that the item is in my hands, if he wants to get it, he must ensure the safety of the two of them, otherwise, why would he threaten me?"

Hearing this, Aolong also felt that what Zhang Yang said was very reasonable.

"But, sir, what if that thing is really ruthless?"

Zhang Qiling also wanted to try to persuade Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:
"Okay, don't worry, let's go through these few levels before going out."

Speaking of Zhang Yang not giving Zhang Qiling a chance to speak, he quickly walked towards another secret door.

Aolong gave Zhang Qiling a helpless look, then stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder heavily as a comfort.

Seeing that Zhang Yang's mind had been made up, Zhang Qiling knew that there was no possibility of changing it, so he could only follow quickly.

Soon, they arrived at another hall next door.

The main hall here is all made of wood, even the high dragon chair is also made of wood.

However, the wood here is not an ordinary material, but made of the rarest golden nanmu.

Especially the dragon chair, there is a faint fragrance everywhere.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Zhang Yang roughly guessed that this might be the place where the Wood Dragon Clan is located.

"Sir, where do I need to be?"

At this time, Aolong was already ready to bow down.

Anyway, these dragon chairs are carved with statues of his dragon ancestors, and it is reasonable to kneel down.

Zhang Yang began to close his eyes, and his slender fingers were quickly counting.

Soon, Zhang Yang opened his eyes, pointed to a place not far away and said:

"In that direction, just take seven steps to the right."


Aolong nodded, then quickly took seven steps to the right, and then stopped.


Zhang Yang gestured.

Aolong knelt down directly, and bowed three times towards the dragon chair.

Zhang Qiling who was standing aside at this moment didn't understand what was going on, but he didn't say anything.

After Aolong's three kowtows ended, the dragon chair was slowly opened again.

Below is still a dark grid.

Zhang Yang knew that there must be something buried under the secret compartment to protect the box.

It seems that the owner of this ancient tomb is very protective of food and everything.

Soon, the box was opened, and sure enough, three heads popped out again, which were three dragon heads with horns on top of their heads.

However, this horn is different from ordinary dragon heads, there is only a little bit, which is not very obvious.

This seemed odd.

"Sir, what kind of species is this? It doesn't seem like a dragon."

Aolong spoke uncertainly.

Zhang Yang didn't say anything, but the voice of the system had already appeared in his mind at this time.

[Ding, congratulations to the host,]

[Ding, the host is paying attention, the dragon appears, be careful. 】

[Horn Dragon: Also known as Hornless Dragon, it is also a type of dragon. 】

This turned out to be the rumored horned dragon, Zhang Yang did not expect it.

It seems that everything here is related to the Dragon Clan, which shows that the owner of the tomb here is not simple.

"This seems to be a horned dragon."

Zhang Qiling at the side spoke.

"A horned dragon?"

Aolong began to look curiously at the dragon head in front of him, feeling as if there were some strange feelings.

But this horned dragon seems to be a hornless dragon, so it doesn't have dragon horns.

The two were talking when Zhang Yang suddenly shouted.

"Step aside."

Then he stretched out his hand fiercely, and the two of them were resisted and retreated.

At this time, the three horned dragons under the box slowly crawled out.

When climbing out of the box, the three horned dragons opened their mouths, as if they were defending their territory from threats.

Zhang Qiling and Zhang Yang were also taken aback, they didn't expect this horned dragon to be so ferocious.

"Mr. Zhang, why is this horned dragon so fierce? I remember that among our dragon clan, this horned dragon is relatively gentle."

Aolong opened his mouth puzzled.

"These things have been instilled with a ferocious nature by the owner of the tomb, but they will issue a warning whenever something approaches."

Both Zhang Qiling and Aolong nodded.

The three horned dragons looked at the three of them viciously, and spit out a long and thin letter from their mouths.

The three people who saw this scene were also taken aback, why did the horned dragon spit out the snake again?
"Sir, let me come first this time."

Zhang Qiling volunteered.


Zhang Yang didn't object, but quickly took two steps back.

Aolong looked at Zhang Yang in surprise, these things are not easy to deal with.

Seeing that Zhang Yang didn't speak, Aolong had no choice but to take a few steps back.

(End of this chapter)

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