Chapter 427 Golden Dragon Button

Zhang Qiling and Aolong looked at each other, and then walked over.

Zhang Yang carefully observed the golden dragon clasp in front of him. This is an extremely powerful Feng Shui secretary.

Golden dragon button, golden dragon button, hold the golden dragon, even if the King of Hades comes, he will not open it.

These words just show that the golden dragon button is extremely difficult to understand.

There are a total of twelve locks inside the golden dragon clasp, which are biting against each other. If you want to open it, you must crack these twelve locks.

But ordinary people can't untie it, even a powerful locksmith can't do anything.

This unlocking process is extremely troublesome, not only to know how to unlock the door, but also to know the secrets of Feng Shui.

Once you take a wrong step, the lock will be completely destroyed, and it is absolutely impossible to open it again.

Therefore, some people said before that this Golden Dragon Clasp is the first hard-to-break lock in the world.

Did not expect to meet here today.

"Mr. Zhang, can this mechanism be opened?"

Zhang Qiling opened his mouth and looked at Zhang Yang who had been silent all this time.

Zhang Yang shook his head first, then nodded.


Zhang Qiling didn't quite understand what this meant.

However, Aolong signaled to Zhang Qiling that it is best not to disturb Zhang Yang.

Because every time Zhang Yang is thinking, he will have this expression.

Then Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to gently lift up the golden dragon buckle, and carefully checked the bottom position, and there were indeed twelve small holes.

Each of these small holes represents a different attribute, so it must be arranged accurately according to the moment.

After observing those small holes, Zhang Yang took out a silver needle from his waist, and began to mourn in his mouth.

"The heaven and the earth are dark and yellow, and the universe is prehistoric. The sun and the moon are full and the sky is full."

Zhang Qiling looked at Zhang Yang subconsciously, and heard what Zhang Yang wanted to do.

Aolong didn't understand, so he stood there and accompanied him.

I saw Zhang Yang muttering in his mouth, while carefully inserting the silver needle in his hand into those small holes.

Every time, Zhang Yang would pause for a moment before continuing.

Soon, all eleven locks were unlocked by Zhang Yang.

But this last lock is a little difficult.

Because when he unlocked the first eleven locks, he didn't expect two small holes to appear here.

That is to say, choose one of three.

Obviously, this is the intention of the owner who set up this golden dragon clasp.

I was worried that someone in future generations would understand this, so I deliberately changed the layout of the golden dragon clasp.

Although it was a little tricky, Zhang Yang still observed the three small holes calmly.

Basically, they are all exactly the same, just like copied ones, and it is impossible to tell which one is real and which one is fake.

"Sir, what's the matter?"

Aolong spoke in a low voice.

"There are three small holes here, only one is real, but it's hard to tell which is real."

When Aolong heard it, he slightly lowered his head and looked over, and it was exactly the same.

Zhang Qiling at the side suddenly said:

"Mr. Zhang, maybe you can just press the small hole in the middle."

Zhang Yang raised his head slightly to look at Zhang Qiling, Zhang Qiling explained:

"I seem to have seen this kind of thing from an unlocked encyclopedia in Zhang's Drum Tower before, and the last step is also the most difficult step.

But if the person who picks the lock concentrates all his attention on the keyhole, he will be able to distinguish the authenticity soon. "

Hearing this, Zhang Yang took a closer look again.

Sure enough, the original three keyholes have now become one, and the focus point is in the middle of the three just seen.

Zhang Yang didn't hesitate any more, he stretched out his hand and stuck the silver needle in his hand.

I only heard the 'Golden Dragon Button' making a 'popping' sound, and then, like a millipede, it quickly opened its legs.

The golden dragon buckle was automatically undone, and Zhang Yang secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

He reached out to pick up the golden dragon buckle, put it over and took a look, but he didn't expect that there was something like a spring inside it.

Zhang Yang couldn't help feeling that the wisdom of the ancients was really inexhaustible, and he even knew how to do this.

This is a good thing, of course Zhang Yang put this thing in his waist without hesitation.

After going back, you can study it well.


Aolong looked overjoyed at Zhang Qiling who was at the side.

Zhang Qiling didn't say anything, but there was a look of joy in his eyes.

"Sir, can I open it now?"

Aolong spoke anxiously.


Zhang Yang got up quickly and took a step back.

According to previous experience, there must be something protecting the dragon ball inside.

Aolong quickly stretched out his hand to open it, but he didn't expect a flying arrow to pop out from inside.

"Be careful."

Zhang Qiling quickly blocked the poisonous arrow with the black gold ancient knife in his hand.

Aolong gave Zhang Qiling a grateful look.

Suddenly a golden light appeared, and then a dragon with a pair of golden wings flew out of it.

"Here, is this a flying dragon?"

Aolong didn't expect that this dragon had wings, and it was a pair of golden wings, which was unheard of and unseen.

Zhang Yang was also taken aback, looking at the dragon that had already flown into the air, he felt a vague sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Sure enough, the flying dragon waved its golden wings vigorously in mid-air, and suddenly a gust of evil wind blew up, blowing the gold dust all around.

"Everyone, cover your mouth and nose."

Zhang Yang suddenly seemed to realize something, and his complexion changed drastically.

When Zhang Qiling and Aolong heard this, they quickly covered their mouth and nose with their hands.

Soon, more and more gold dust surrounded them, completely enclosing the three of them.

"Sir, what kind of dragon is this?"

Aolong asked Zhang Yang loudly.

At this time, the voice of the system also appeared in Zhang Yang's mind.

[Ding, the host pays attention, Yinglong shows up, and he can call the wind and rain and sprinkle beans into soldiers. 】

This turned out to be Ying Long.

It was heard before that when the Great Yu was controlling the floods, it was the Yinglong who painted the ground with his tail and turned the water into the sea, so everything was handled well.

Although this is a myth, it is not false.

I just don't know why Yinglong dealt with them like this.

Soon, the gold powder had completely blurred the sight of the three of them, and they couldn't distinguish each other's faces even if they were only a step away.

"Sir, my eyes are blind."

Aolong shouted anxiously, subconsciously touching the position beside his side with both hands.

"mine too."

Zhang Qiling also responded.

"Everyone, don't worry, especially don't move around, be careful of this Yinglong's trick."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth to remind the two of them, lest they get confused because of their haste.

At this time, everyone should unite.

"Everyone look over, our backs are facing each other, so we don't have to worry about getting lost."

Zhang Yang spoke again.


Aolong and Zhang Qiling stretched out their hands to touch it, and quickly leaned over.

At this time, the three of them were back to back like this, and their hearts felt much more at ease in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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