Chapter 432 Summoning the Dragon
"Sir, you, how do you know."

Aolong was even more frightened.

He hadn't noticed it before.

"Since he appeared, there have been many doubts."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth quietly.

In fact, from the first time he saw Zhang Qiling, Zhang Yang had already started to doubt it.

After all, as far as Zhang Qiling is concerned, no matter how powerful he is, it is impossible to defeat those three dragons.

After all, those three dragons were not good at anything, even he had to spend a lot of effort to get it done.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Qiling came here so easily, and his whole body was intact.

This made Zhang Yang have to doubt.

Afterwards, he deliberately asked about Wu Xie and Fatty Wang. Although the fake Zhang Qiling had spoken out, he made a mistake.

That's what happened to Fatty Wang.

Fatty Wang would not have any consciousness in the formation he set up, and he saw him deliberately isolated, just in case.

But Zhang Qiling said that Fatty Wang was going to the toilet, which further deepened Zhang Yang's suspicion.

But Zhang Yang is not in a hurry to expose the other party, he wants to see what the other party wants to do.

Soon, the purpose of the fake Zhang Qiling was revealed.

Obviously, the fake Zhang Qiling has been trying to find a way to coax Zhang Yang out of here.

I'm afraid that's what the old goblin meant.

Several times in a row, Zhang Yang deliberately did not hear, let alone leave.

Afterwards, several times the fake Zhang Qiling also offered to ask Ying for help, but Zhang Yang could tell that the other party didn't use all his strength.

Zhang Yang and Zhang Qiling are old acquaintances, and they still know some of his situation and habits.

In particular, he was slightly surprised by the way he held the black gold ancient knife, especially the slender index finger and middle finger, which would habitually move twice.

But this fake Zhang Qiling didn't.

These are enough to make Zhang Yang suspect that this is a counterfeit.

"What? You knew it from the beginning."

Aolong was overwhelmed with surprise. He didn't expect Zhang Yang to be so powerful that he could tell the real from the fake at a glance.

He really felt a little ashamed, because he still didn't believe all of this was true until now.

Zhang Yang just looked at the old goblin with a sneer and said:

"It seems that what I want is in your hands."

"Come and get it if you have the ability."

The old goblin deliberately provoked.

Zhang Yang swung the Big Dipper Knife in his hand again, and the blade made a 'bang bang bang' sound.

The old goblin looked at Zhang Yang with an unfounded smile and said:
"I still advise you to give me all those things. It's useless for you to hold them anyway."


Zhang Yang said two words coldly.

It seems that the old goblin lured him here on purpose, the purpose is to let him get those dragon balls, and then reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Thinking of being used by ghosts, Zhang Yang felt very resentful in his heart.

"Hehehe, do you think you can still escape from my palm? Don't forget, this is my king's territory."

The old goblin laughed wildly.

Only then did Zhang Yang discover that the old goblin was androgynous.

Isn't this similar to the old dryad in Nie Xiaoqian?

No wonder this thing wants the dragon ball and ghost seal, it turns out it wants to restore its original body.

It seems that it is still very painful to be a monster for thousands of years, especially a hermaphrodite monster.

Suddenly, Zhang Yang had an idea in his heart and said:
"I can give you something, but you have to let him go first."

"Want to lie to me?"

The old goblin looked at Zhang Yang with a sneer.

Zhang Yang spread his hands and said:
"Didn't you say that this is all your territory? Do you think I lied to you?"

The old goblin paused, and then said:

"Okay, let him go."

As soon as the old goblin finished speaking, Wu Xie, Fatty Wang and Zhang Qiling were pushed back by those ghosts.

"Mr. Zhang, you are here."

When Wu Xie saw Zhang Yang, his eyes turned red. Just now, he really thought that he just went to see Lord Yan just like that.

Now seeing Zhang Yang feels at ease, at least my life is saved.

"Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Qiling nodded towards Zhang Yang to express his gratitude.

"Mr. Zhang, seeing you is a hundred times closer than seeing my own mother."

Fatty Wang almost cried while hugging Zhang Yang.

"Aolong, you protect them."

Zhang Yang looked at Aolong beside him.


Aolong nodded and protected the three of them behind him.

Zhang Yang slowly took out the ghost seal from his arms and said:

"Don't you just want this? I'll just give it to you."

Speaking of which, Zhang Yang directly threw the ghost seal into the air, but the ghost seal emitted a very strong light, and then directly sucked all the ghosts below into it.


The old goblin's complexion changed drastically. He didn't expect that Zhang Yang would dare to go back on his word. He was furious and raised a scepter in his hand, and a strong light shone over him.

"Step aside."

Zhang Yang shouted loudly, and the man also flew up, and put away the ghost seal.

"Give me what I want."

The old goblin raised his scepter and continuously emitted unknown golden light towards Zhang Yang.

All of Zhang Yang cleverly avoided the opponent's attack.

At this time, Zhang Yang had already noticed that there was a round red dragon ball on the top of the scepter. It seemed that this was the last dragon ball.

As long as he gets it, he can collect the seven dragon balls, summon the dragon, and realize his wish of eternal life.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang was full of motivation, and directly leaned over and rushed towards the old goblin.

The old goblin raised the scepter and was about to emit red light, but Zhang Yang threw the long whip in his hand, wrapped it around the old goblin's neck, and then pulled it hard.

The old goblin suffered from pain, and the scepter in his hand fell directly to the ground.

Zhang Yang quickly dodges, picks up the scepter on the ground, and retreats quickly.

The old goblin was also thrown away by Zhang Yang's whip.

The old goblin has lost the protection of the scepter, and now he is like an ordinary ghost with no power to restrain a chicken.

Zhang Yang stomped on the opponent's head with one kick, and there was a 'bang', and the brains splattered everywhere.

"It's disgusting."

Zhang Yang turned around with a look of disgust and walked towards the dragon chair.

Then he took out all six dragon balls in his arms.

After the six spirit beads saw the dragon ball on the scepter, they suddenly flew up automatically and revolved around the scepter at high speed.

"Mr. Zhang, is this what you want?"

Wu Xie's eyes were wide open, not knowing what Zhang Yang was going to do.

"Hush, don't make a sound, it will disturb Mr. Zhang."

Aolong reminded in a low voice.

With the rapid rotation of the seven dragon balls, they quickly merged into one and turned into a huge ball.

Suddenly, a flying dragon flew out of the ball, hovering above Zhang Yang's head.

"Noble human being, what wish do you need to fulfill?"

Seeing that it was really a dragon, Zhang Yang said directly:

"I want to go back to the world that originally belonged to me."

"Then I will grant your wish."

Immediately, Zhang Yang only felt that the golden light of the dragon flashed and submerged directly into his body, and then the person seemed to be floating in the space.

When he woke up again, he found himself lying in the hospital.

There were doctors and nurses coming and going all around. Seeing Zhang Yang wake up, they all leaned over one after another.

"I am back."

Zhang Yang was overjoyed and jumped up from the bed.

The doctors and nurses backed away in fright.

the book is over

(End of this chapter)

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