Chapter 50 Obtaining Jade Ball Eyes
"You can come here now."

Zhang Yang said calmly.

Wang Kaixuan and Hu Bayi glanced at each other before quickly stepping forward to check.

Sure enough, there was no trace of the black-eyed snake in the coffin.

"Mr. Zhang, what kind of snake is this? It looks so scary."

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help asking.

"This is a black-eyed snake. It is extremely poisonous. Once it is bitten, it will kill you immediately."

Hearing what Zhang Yang said, Wang Kaixuan folded his hands in fright and said:

"Then, those black-eyed monster snakes have been beaten away by you just now, so they probably won't come back?"

"I didn't run away, I was hiding under the coffin."

Zhang Yang pointed to the underside of the mother-child coffin with his eyes.

"Hide, hide under the coffin board, can the coffin be opened again? It won't be another nest of snakes once it is opened?"

At this time, Wang Kaixuan did not dare to open the coffin anymore.

"Open, of course."

Zhang Yang nodded.

Intuitively, there must be something good in the coffin.

Otherwise, Shirley Yang wouldn't have worshiped here piously just now.

"Also, is it still open?"

This time Wang Kaixuan would rather not have a baby.

Zhang Yang didn't talk anymore, he thrust two fingers into the gap inside the coffin, and sure enough, the coffin was opened.

As the coffin was slowly opened, a woman's body was exposed.

The woman is wearing gorgeous costumes, a crown on her head, a golden veil, and a scepter in her hand, looking very domineering.

"It turned out to be another woman."

Hu Bayi couldn't help but let out a cry.


"Why is the queen here still wearing a veil? Is this shy?"

Wang Kaixuan asked curiously.

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect to be a queen again this time.


Why do you feel that this queen looks strangely familiar, as if she has seen it somewhere.

"I want to see if this queen is beautiful or not. She actually covered her face with gold thread."

As he said that, Wang Kaixuan stretched out his hand and was about to pull the queen's golden veil.

"do not move."

Zhang Yang grabbed Wang Kaixuan's hand.

"Sir, what's the matter?"

Wang Kaixuan spoke weakly.


After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he immediately took out a silver needle from his bosom, and then slowly lifted the veil on the Queen's face.

The place where the silver needle touched the veil instantly turned black.

"No, it's really poisonous."

Wang Kaixuan was also afraid for a while, turned his head and exchanged a look with Hu Bayi.

If it wasn't for Zhang Yang, he would probably have to burp again.

It seems that the tombs of these ancient emperors are really not so easy to steal.

After the veil was completely lifted, Wang Kaixuan couldn't help but exclaimed loudly.

"I am grass."

"This, isn't this the queen on the second floor?"

Hu Bayi also looked over, nodded sharply and said:

"It seems to be the female corpse, it looks exactly the same."

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:
"No, they just look very similar."

Although he didn't know the reason, Zhang Yang knew that this female corpse was different from the one on the second floor.

"No, it's so similar?"

Wang Kaixuan had an incredible expression.

"They are thousands of years apart, so it is impossible for them to belong to the same person."

Zhang Yang spoke again.

Because just now he saw the author in front of the ancient tomb, the one on the second floor lived for 120 years, but this woman only lived for 60 years.

Obviously, something must have happened.

"Mr. Zhang is absolutely right."

Hu Bayi also nodded in agreement.

"Mr. Zhang, look quickly, there seems to be something moving on the scepter."

Suddenly Wang Kaixuan exclaimed again.

Both Zhang Yang and Hu Bayi looked over.

I saw the queen holding a golden scepter in her right hand, which was studded with diamonds and jewels.

On the top of the scepter, there is a green eye.

This is similar to the eyes seen on the coffin before.

"Do you see that eyeball is moving?"

Wang Kaixuan spoke again, but subconsciously took two steps back.

This thing looks really evil, it's better to step back.

"Mr. Zhang, it seems to be really moving."

Hu Bayi also spoke in a low voice.


Zhang Yang nodded.

Looking at the eyes like a torch, there is a mass of black and red things flowing around the eyeballs.

This looks familiar.

Suddenly, a system voice sounded in Zhang Yang's mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, find the jade ball eye, and reward the psychic ability to greet the snake mother. 】

[Jade Ball Eye: This is the uterus of the snake mother, which can continuously breed snake eggs like eyeballs for the snake mother, and each egg can produce hundreds of black-eyed snakes. 】

Jade ball eyes.

It really is a good thing.

At the beginning, a high priest of this demon country summoned a snake mother with a human head and a snake body and four limbs from the ghost cave through the jade ball eye.

And the snake mother was conceived by this black-eyed snake.

This also became the most powerful weapon for Queen Jingjue to rule the entire kingdom.

It is indeed ruthless enough to rule the national border by controlling these black-eyed monster snakes.

And this black-eyed snake has naturally become the patron saint of Jingjue Ancient Country.

Originally thought that this black-eyed snake only existed after the Queen of Essence, but she did not expect it to have existed before her.

It's just too little known.

It seems that there are quite a lot of secrets in this demon country.

"Mr. Zhang, what is this?"

Hu Ba spoke in a small voice.

"It's a jade ball eye. It's something that can give birth to a black-eyed snake."

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, both Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan were stunned.

That means, this thing is a snake egg.

"Mr. Zhang, isn't this something untouchable?"

Hu Bayi spoke weakly.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand suddenly, and sucked the jade ball eyes fiercely with his palm, and sucked it up directly.

A black-red eyeball slowly floated above Zhang Yang's palm.

"Mr. Zhang, what is this?"

Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan were dumbfounded by Zhang Yang's operation.

They couldn't understand at all how Zhang Yang did it.

Is this a teleportation?

Zhang Yang shook his palm lightly, and the jade ball eye was included in the system.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained jade ball eyes, which can control all black-eyed snakes. 】

[After use, it can increase physical strength by +30, strength by +30, and speed by +30. 】


Zhang Yang spoke without hesitation.

This is what he needs now.

After all, there are a lot of things to go to the ancient city of Jingjue.

If the black-eyed snake could listen to his control, it would be much easier.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang."

Hu Bayi spoke in a low voice.

"There seems to be a diary under the queen's feet."

Zhang Yang followed the sound and found a modern notebook with a pen attached to the heel of the female corpse.

Could this be Shirley Yang's father's notebook?
(End of this chapter)

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