Chapter 6


Following Zhang Yang's voice, the black gold ancient knife had already been thrown towards Zhang Qiling.

Zhang Qiling reached out to catch the ancient knife.

The two fit together perfectly.

"Mr. Zhang, where were you just now?"

Wu Sansheng couldn't help but move forward.

"It's a thousand-year-old rice dumpling, and I've already killed it."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth quietly.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't expect that the thousand-year-old zongzi would become Zhang Yang's dead soul just like that.

More importantly, Zhang Yang killed them without even seeing their shadows.

This speed is astonishing.

"There are even zongzi here, why don't we go back, it's time to go up the mountain road."

At this moment, Da Kui spoke in fear.

I thought I was here to visit the tomb this time, but I didn't expect to meet the thousand-year-old zongzi.

Who can bear this.

Wu Sansheng didn't speak, after all he was also thinking about whether he should go back or not.

Wu Xie said weakly:

"It's so cloudy here, will we meet some ghost hitting the wall or hundreds of water ghosts coming to overturn our boat?"

Wu Sansheng gave Wu Xie a hard look and said:

"Look at how promising you are. Aren't there still Mr. Zhang and my brother here, what are you afraid of?"

Wu Xie had no choice but to look up at Zhang Yang and Zhang Qiling, who were both silent, and said:

"Then let's listen to sir."

Zhang Yang glanced at Wu Xie coldly, and then slowly said:

"This is a thousand-year-old corpse collection place. There is no return, so we can only go forward."


Da Kui was suddenly trembling with fright.

"Sir, your 'return and return' is too scary, it feels like telling a ghost story."

Wu Sansheng was immediately unwilling to listen.

"That's all you're fucking good for. When you came here, you boasted that you were like a King Kong, so you're cowardly?"

While speaking, Wu Sansheng took out a short gun from his waist and handed it to Wu Xie who was beside him, saying:
"Nephew, you hold this thing for self-defense. If you see that thing, shoot the motherfucker. Don't be afraid of it."

Wu Xie held the short gun tightly with both hands, with a serious expression.

Zhang Yang, however, stared at the position ahead with cold eyes. He would soon arrive at the corpse collection site, and there would definitely be more corpses there.


The ship had just turned a corner, and the front view instantly became brighter.

Then a corpse collection place piled up like a small hill suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone who saw this scene fell silent.

This was the first time I saw a small hill made of corpses, and countless rotting corpses glowing green formed an obvious trace on the periphery.

And those corpse beetles are tossing those rotting corpses inside and out at this moment, watching people can't help but do evil.

There were even some small corpses, who also stepped forward to join in the fun. As soon as they climbed to the corpse, the big corpse opened its mouth and bit down.

This also eats one's own people.


Wu Xie couldn't help it, and retched directly.

Afterwards, Pan Zi and Dakui couldn't hold back any longer, and also vomited twice.

Zhang Yang squinted his eyes, and said lightly:

"Most of the corpses here came here from the upper reaches. Be careful, everyone, and pay attention to the things around you."

"Sir, is there anything else here?"

Wu Sansheng spoke in surprise.

Originally thought that the field of view here is wide, even if it comes out.

"The most powerful thing in this corpse cave is here."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth quietly.

"No, isn't it?"

At this moment, Wu Sansheng's whole body became vigilant, and he subconsciously looked around.

Originally thought that this corpse was already powerful enough, but I didn't expect that there were even more powerful guys.

Zhang Yang didn't pay attention to Wu Sansheng's words, but made a pause gesture towards Zhang Qiling who was rowing at the moment.

Zhang Qiling immediately stopped the boat.

Zhang Yang stared at the huge corpses not far away that were still roiling back and forth.

This is an excellent thing for him.

Zhang Yang flicked his finger suddenly, and a ball flew out immediately, and then landed directly on the shallows, with a 'bang', it exploded automatically.

Immediately, those corpse beetles flew directly into the midair, and some of them were comparable in size to the previous corpse beetle king.

I saw Zhang Yang suddenly jumped up, and then jumped directly into the air, and then directly poked it with two slender fingers.

The speed is very fast, and every time it directly pokes the painful backs of those giant cadavers, and when it is pulled hard, the macaroni is pulled out.

At this time, before everyone could react, Zhang Yang had already dealt with a dozen giant corpse beetles, and then jumped back on the boat again.

The voice of the system in Zhang Yang's mind kept ringing.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for beheading the giant cadaver, gaining increased stamina +2, strength +3, and speed +2. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for beheading the giant cadaver, gaining increased stamina +2, strength +3, and speed +2. 】


Every time a giant corpse behead is killed, a certain reward can be obtained.

For Zhang Yang, this is undoubtedly a great thing.

"Sir, you are too fast, aren't you?"

At this time, Wu Sansheng was so impressed.

Finally, he understood why Zhang Qiling was willing to delay for a day or two to find the Immortal Yin.

This is the real power group.

Suddenly, Wu Xie shouted.

"Okay, a lot of corpses are coming towards us."

Zhang Yang's awesome operation just now naturally caused a lot of commotion, and these corpses were directly attracted by the noise.

When Wu Sanxing and the others saw the densely packed corpses surrounding them from all directions, their scalps felt numb.

"Finally, I have to explain here today."

Wu Xie turned pale with fright.

Zhang Qiling also took advantage of the situation and put away the sliding pole in his hand, holding the ancient black gold knife, ready to fight.

Zhang Yang glanced coldly at the swarms of corpses that kept coming, and directly swiped his right index finger and middle finger towards the palm of his left hand.

A blood-red gash appeared.

Zhang Yang dripped a few drops of bright red blood into the water, and suddenly the corpse weeters in the water made a loud splash.

I saw tens of thousands of corpses, turning their heads and running away from the direction of the ship's side, as if they saw something terrible.

In the blink of an eye, those corpse flies ran away.

Wu Xie looked around the ship's side, and there was not a single corpse.

Even the cadavers in the corpse collection ground ran away without a trace.

"Those corpses are afraid of Mr. Zhang's blood?"

Wu Xie looked at Zhang Yang's left hand in surprise, but found that the palm was clean without a single drop of blood.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes just now, he would have thought it was all a dream.

"Sir, your hand?"

Wu Xie stretched out his hand to signal.

Could it be that Zhang Yang's body has a self-healing function?

Zhang Qiling was also taken aback, he was really shocked by Zhang Yang's violent operation.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yang's blood was several times purer than his.

Even with just a few drops of blood, thousands of corpses were repelled. This deterrent is really too powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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