Chapter 60 Four Goat Fang Ding
"Old Hu, what kind of knife is the knife in Mr. Zhang's hand? It's so awesome."

Wang Kaixuan stretched out his elbow and rubbed Hu Bayi beside him.

Only then did Hu Bayi recover from the shock, shook his head and said:
"I do not know either."

"This knife is a precious knife."

Wang Kaixuan nodded heavily.

"Mr. Zhang."

At this time Shirley Yang still walked forward quickly.

Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan looked at each other and followed.

At this time, after the giant pupil stone statue was split open, there was indeed a hollow below that could only accommodate one person.

From the looks of it, it seems quite deep.

Speaking of which, Shirley Yang threw in a cold firework, illuminating the place below brightly.

It's a pity that the hole is not very big, some are narrow, and some feel that it is not clear.

But listening to the sound of the cold smoke falling to the ground, I'm afraid the hole is not shallow.

"I'll go find the way first, and I'll send you a signal later."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yang held the Big Dipper Knife in his hand, jumped straight into the hollow.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, you."

Before Hu Bayi finished speaking, Zhang Yang had disappeared.

"Mr. Zhang is going on like this?"

Wang Kaixuan was also stunned with an expression of disbelief.

"Here, isn't this the ant nest of the desert army ants? Will it be okay for Mr. Zhang to go first?"

Shirley Yang spoke with a worried face.

With the flashlight in his hand, he probed towards the entrance of the cave.

It's just that the hole is very deep and has some bends, so I can't see the scene clearly.

"probably not."

Hu Bayi spoke with a firm face.

"Didn't we see those fire ladybugs at the bottom of the Kunlun Glacier a little bit afraid of Mr. Zhang?

I'm afraid Mr. Zhang has some special abilities, so those snakes, insects, rats and ants are afraid of him.

This desert army ant is probably about the same. "

Shirley Yang and Wang Kaixuan also nodded when they heard this.

They have indeed experienced Zhang Yang's ability.

Now that Zhang Yang has already made arrangements like this, they can only continue to wait for something now.

At this time, after Zhang Yang jumped down from the top, he found that the excrement of those desert army ants was all over the ground.

The smell is a bit pungent, like a honeycomb, covering the entire entrance of the cave, large and small.

It seems that it has indeed been here for thousands of years, because the originally spacious passage has been congested by excrement at this time.

At the moment, it is only allowed for Nai to walk alone.

Zhang Yang directly turned off the sense of smell among the five senses, and felt much more comfortable in an instant.

Because his body was still recovering, Zhang Yang carefully walked forward holding the Big Dipper Knife.


Zhang Yang passed through the long and narrow passage, and then came to a stone wall that was almost sealed by the desert army ant's excrement.

It seems that this is the entrance to the hall, Zhang Yang kicked his feet indiscriminately without saying a word.


The stone wall was kicked away, and Zhang Yang jumped out directly.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the entrance of a huge tomb, with a large space, at least a hundred square meters.

Zhang Yang quickly looked at the surrounding environment, and there was a huge altar in the middle.

On the altar, there is a large four-goat square tripod, with a goat's head hanging on each of the four corners.

It's just that this head is very strange, there are four horns on the top of the head.

Four-horned sheep?
Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows slightly, this is something that can only appear in ancient civilizations.

Zhang Yang turned his head again to look at the steps not far away.

These steps are directly opposite the altar. From the bottom to the top, there are at least hundreds of steps, and there is no end in sight from here.

Zhang Yang walked quickly to the altar beside him, and went straight up.

Looking at the steps again, I really saw the end.

At the end of the steps, there was a large and heavy stone gate.

On the left and right of the stone gate is a stone carving in the shape of a sheep.

Above the stone sculpture, a huge goat's head is placed on top of its head.

Strange to say, there were still some tattered strips of cloth hanging on the four horns of the goat.

Unexpectedly, this ancient country of peacocks would regard sheep as a god to support.


This must be the entrance to the palace of the Peacock Queen, it can't be wrong.

Right now his body still needs 1 minute to fully recover, so he will not act rashly for the time being.

Let's wait for them to come down together, just to give him time to repair his body.

Zhang Yang bowed his head, clasped his hands together to form a hollow microphone, and then said something into it.

"Come down."

Then, with a light blow, an invisible sound wave quickly flew towards the path it just came from.

He is transmitting the voice to the three people above.

these years.

He has been signed on the mountain for more than a hundred years, so he naturally learned a lot of strange things from the system.

In addition to knowing all kinds of weird characters, it's these weird gadgets.

However, occasionally it is useful.

At this time, the three people who were anxiously waiting at the entrance of the cave even raised their hearts to their throats.

"Come down."

Suddenly, Zhang Yang's voice came from the entrance of the cave.

"Yes, Mr. Zhang's voice, he told us to go down."

Wang Kaixuan suddenly became a little excited, it seems that there is indeed something good down there.

"Miss Yang, shall we go down together?"

Hu Bayi looked at Shirley Yang beside her.


Xue Liyang nodded, then took out a very long rope from her waist, and threw it directly towards the hole.

Fortunately, the rope is long enough, otherwise it will be troublesome.

"Miss Yang, I'll go down first, and then you will come down."

Hu Bayi spoke first.

"it is good."

Shirley Yang nodded again.


Hu Bayi climbed down the rope, followed by Shirley Yang, and finally Wang Kaixuan.

"I go."

"What kind of smell is this? It smells so bad."

Wang Kaixuan subconsciously reached out his hand to cover his nose, and reached out to knock on the mud-like things mixed with black and white.

"These may be the excrement of the desert army ants."

"I am grass."

"Excretion? Isn't this fucking shit?"

Said Wang Kaixuan quickly withdrew his hand, and even rubbed against his pants with a look of disgust.

"Fatty, let's go, don't keep Mr. Zhang waiting."

Hu Bayi opened his mouth to remind.

"Where's Mr. Zhang? Could it be possible to leave again?"

Wang Kaixuan looked at the empty seat in front of Hu Bayi.

"When I came down, I didn't see Mr. Zhang at all."

Hu Bayi spoke.

"Isn't it? Just now I clearly heard Mr. Zhang is down here, so he told us to come down."

As he spoke, Wang Kaixuan looked around with today's expression on his face.

"It's not like you don't know Mr. Zhang's speed."

Hu Ba also had some understanding of Zhang Yang's abilities.

Fast speed, quick response, good martial arts, wide range of knowledge, familiar with the past and present.

He is simply a strange man with both civil and military skills.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Zhang is indeed very powerful."

Wang Kaixuan nodded sharply.

The three of them covered their mouths and noses with their hands in the narrow hole, walking slowly.

Especially Wang Kaixuan, with his plump body, sometimes he couldn't get through at all.

It was very difficult to pass by smashing those stiff mud blocks directly and forcibly.

"Why is it so difficult to get here? How did Mr. Zhang get there?"

Wang Kaixuan was already sweating profusely at this time, and he was breathing heavily.

"You think everyone is like you. When you go back this time, you have to lose weight."

Hu Bayi spoke speechlessly.

"That can't be done. Fat Master, I only rely on this body fat to gain strength. If this is reduced, then what's the use."

Wang Kaixuan shook his head violently.

When the three climbed out of the cave, they saw that Zhang Yang was already standing on the altar in the middle.

Turning his back to the three of them, he lowered his head in deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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