Chapter 62 Attacked by Soldier Ants

Wang Kaixuan was speechless for a while, completely dumbfounded by the scene in front of him.

And Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang also opened their eyes wide, staring straight.

Although they were all mentally prepared, they didn't expect this place to be far more magnificent than they had imagined.

The eyes are all golden yellow, and even the stone pillars of the main hall are inlaid with a lot of gold.

At this time, Zhang Yang stood at the door, and glanced at the decorations in the hall indifferently. The furnishings and buildings in the entire palace were all top-notch products.

Especially the dazzling and mighty throne above the main hall is particularly eye-catching.

Invisibly, there was a powerful aura of a king.

It is worthy of being the main hall of the Peacock Queen, but a lot of financial, material and human resources have been devoted to creating such a magnificent main hall.

"My darling, there are too many gold, silver and jewels here. This is going to make a fortune."

Speaking of which, Wang Kaixuan rubbed his hands with his eyes full of money fans, and then walked quickly towards the inside of the hall.

"What are you doing?"

Shirley Yang on the side reached out to block Wang Kaixuan's way.

"I, I, I..."

Wang Kaixuan stuttered for a while and couldn't speak.

He was originally here to ask for money, seeing so many treasures, how could he not be tempted.

"Fatty, Mr. Zhang hasn't moved yet, why are you panicking?"

Hu Bayi scolded Wang Kaixuan in a low voice.

I'm afraid that he will reveal that they came to rob the tomb.

Wang Kaixuan received the signal instantly, nodded and said:
"Yes, Mr. Zhang, first please."

Zhang Yang didn't bother to pay attention to the charades between Wang Kaixuan and Hu Bayi, and walked towards the inside.

Unexpectedly, after only taking two steps, suddenly the throne moved slowly.


Wang Kaixuan exclaimed.

Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang also looked dangerous.

Zhang Yang glanced at the throne coldly, he knew in his heart that there was something behind the throne.

Suddenly, he flicked his finger towards the throne.

Behind the throne came the sound of 'rustling'.

"What, what's that sound?"

Wang Kaixuan took two steps back subconsciously, and curled up behind Hu Bayi and Xueli Yang for protection.

Zhang Yang squinted his eyes, staring at the back of the throne.


A large pincer slowly protruded from behind the throne, covered with barbed thorns, which made people panic.

"This, what is this thing?"

Wang Kaixuan swallowed, and his body began to tremble slightly.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal to keep quiet, and Wang Kaixuan shut up instantly.

I saw a huge desert marching ant slowly crawling out from behind the throne.

It's just that the top of the head is staring at four horn-shaped things.

If they hadn't seen the appearance of desert army ants before, they really didn't know this thing.

This size is as huge as a shepherd weighing two to three hundred catties.

"Mr. Zhang, is this a desert army ant?"

Wang Kaixuan spoke weakly.

"This is the queen ant."

Zhang Yang said calmly.

"What? An ant queen?"

Wang Kaixuan's legs went limp from fright.

This desert army ant is already tough enough to deal with, what about the queen?
With this physique, he swallowed them one by one without taking a single bite.

Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang also quickly pointed their guns at the queen ant.

"Mr. Zhang, why don't we jump this ant queen with one shot."

Hu Bayi spoke loudly.

If the queen is there, it means that this is a nest of desert army ants.

If these desert army ants come out in full force, they will definitely become the feast of these ants directly.

"Don't move around."

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal.

But his eyes quickly scanned the surroundings, but wherever the queen ants are, there must be a large number of soldier ants.

Therefore, it must not be careless.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?"

Hu Ba spoke in a small voice.

"There is fraud here."

"A fraud?"

Hu Bayi widened his eyes and looked in the direction of Zhang Yang's line of sight.

"The ant queen is surrounded by soldier ants, so it's impossible for her to come and go alone."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth to explain.

"Soldier ants?"

Hu Bayi remembered what Zhang Yang said before, those desert army ants were under the command of the soldier ants.

This soldier ant is equivalent to the general in the army.

So, don't be careless.

"Then, Mr. Zhang, who are we now?"

Hu Bayi didn't dare to act rashly, so he had to look at Zhang Yang.

Before Zhang Yang could open his mouth to speak, hundreds of army ants the size of a fist suddenly sprang out from the surrounding walls.

In an instant, everyone was surrounded.

"Mr. Zhang, this, these are the soldier ants you mentioned, right?"

Wang Kaixuan spoke weakly.


Zhang Yang nodded, and glanced coldly at the soldier ants.

At this moment, they are waiting for the Queen Ant's order, and will not do anything for the time being.

It seems that his unicorn blood has a limited deterrent effect on the queen and soldier ants.

At least so far.

"Mr. Zhang, what should we do now?"

Shirley Yang looked at Zhang Yang in a low voice with vigilance.

Zhang Yang glanced coldly at the queen ant not far away, and said with a cold smile at the corner of his mouth:

"A mere ant queen is nothing to be afraid of."

Hearing what Zhang Yang said, everyone was stunned.

Such a powerful ant queen is not a big deal in Zhang Yang's mouth.

"Stay here and don't move."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yang fiercely raised the Big Dipper Knife and rushed towards the ant queen on the throne, very fast.

In the blink of an eye, the person has arrived not far from the queen ant.

"Mr. Zhang."

Shirley Yang yelled out in horror.

Wang Kaixuan and Hu Bayi looked at Zhang Yang who had already rushed over with trepidation.

I saw Zhang Yang raised the knife and slashed at the ant queen's head.

Unexpectedly, the ant queen avoided the attack sensitively, and jumped onto the beam of the seat.

There was a loud bang, and the golden throne was split in half in an instant.

"I go."

"Mr. Zhang's knife is really too powerful. This is a throne made of gold, and it can be split open."

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion in a low voice.

"Don't make any noise."

Hu Bayi spoke in a low voice.

After the ant queen encountered Zhang Yang's attack, she directly opened her bloody mouth and roared violently.


Those soldier ants who were still standing still suddenly arched their bodies one after another, and directly attacked the three people who stood still.

"My mother, I'm going to die."

Wang Kaixuan bowed his head in fright, hugged his head and squatted on the ground.

Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang shot directly at the soldiers and ants.

It's just that those soldier ants don't seem to be afraid of guns and ammunition at all, and they still attack fiercely like tigers.

"not good."

Zhang Yang yelled in a low voice, and slashed the palm of his right hand towards the blade of the blade, and blood flowed instantly.

Then he jumped forward, and with a flick of his palm, the bright red blood was thrown out directly.

The blood fell on the soldier ants, and was directly ejected heavily by a very powerful force.

Seeing this, the other soldier ants took two steps back in fear.

At this time Zhang Yang has returned to his original position.

"Mr. Zhang, these things are so powerful that they can't even pierce bullets."

Hu Bayi couldn't help but speak.

Zhang Yang didn't say anything, and directly used the blood in his hand to draw a huge circle on the spot, enclosing the other three people inside.

"Stay inside and don't move, otherwise the gods won't be able to save you."

(End of this chapter)

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