Chapter 64 The Peacock Queen's Coffin
The three people who saw this scene showed even more dangerous expressions.

Just now, Zhang Yang's actions were crisp and neat, and he successfully killed the ant queen in minutes.

Whether it's speed, movement or strength, they are definitely at the level of a first-class master.

At this time, the other soldier ants actually knelt down towards Zhang Yang, lying on the ground motionless.

"Old Hu, what are these soldier ants doing?"

"Didn't you see that they surrendered to Mr. Zhang again?"

Hu Bayi spoke in a low voice.

"Here, these soldier ants are still familiar with the human form, and they will surrender to humans?"

Wang Kaixuan had an incredible expression on his face.

Shirley Yang was also stunned when she saw it.

She never imagined that there would be a day when the desert army ants, who have always been fierce and rough, would really be subdued by humans.

This is simply like listening to the bible again.

But now she saw it with her own eyes.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of desert army ants sprang out all around, densely packed, occupying the entire stone wall of the palace in the blink of an eye.

Seeing it immediately makes people feel scalp tingling.

"It's over, Mr. Zhang just killed the soil ants, these desert army ants are probably going crazy."

Wang Kaixuan spoke weakly.

"Fatty, don't talk nonsense."

Although Hu Bayi was also very nervous and scared in his heart, he still held on.

Shirley Yang looked up at Zhang Yang. At this time, he was the only one who could deal with these things.


Zhang Yang suddenly shouted.

Those soldier ants that were still prostrate on the ground retreated one after another.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared.

"Here, these desert army ants actually obey Mr. Zhang's orders?"

Wang Kaixuan immediately opened his eyes wide, and looked at Zhang Yang with an incredulous expression.

This is also very capable.

"It really is a strange person."

Hu Bayi couldn't help but sigh.

He has never been convinced by so many people, but this time he was completely convinced by Zhang Yang.

"Looks like we're out of danger."

Shirley Yang sighed softly.

"Mr. Zhang, you are so awesome, even this desert army ant wants to listen to your orders."

At this time, Wang Kaixuan had already walked over, and began to flatter Zhang Yang.

"Mr. Zhang."

Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang also followed.

"The peacock queen's coffin is under the throne, go down and have a look."

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he raised his foot and walked quickly towards the throne.

These are the news I just learned from those soldier ants.

He didn't want to delay here for too long, so he went to have a look.

"What? Is the Peacock Queen still buried here?"

Wang Kaixuan was also shocked for a while.

Isn't this the underground palace?

Why did it become an ancient tomb again?

"Let's go, follow Mr. Zhang to have a look."

Hu Bayi gestured with his eyes.

"Yeah, go see what the fucking Mausoleum of the Peacock Queen looks like."

Wang Kaixuan nodded sharply.

In fact, he has already been planning to get those treasures in his mind for a while.

The treasures I took before were too big and heavy, and it was not convenient to carry, and it was easy to expose whereabouts.

So this time I took the small one.

What finger rings, rings, jewelry, etc., are light and expensive, and can be worth a lot of money.

Soon, the three of them followed Zhang Yang to the back of the throne.

Zhang Yang lowered his head and looked at the throne that had been split open by himself. There was indeed a huge stone gate underneath.

On top of the stone gate is a beautifully carved painting, and there are some peacock characters.

"Mr. Zhang, is this also peacock script?"

Shirley Yang spoke.


Zhang Yang nodded.

He lowered his head to look at the text above, and then said calmly:

"The Peacock Queen specially asked someone to set up a coffin for her at the back of this hall, and said that if she died, she would be buried in this coffin."

"I didn't expect that the Peacock Queen is quite smart. She enjoyed the treatment of an emperor during her lifetime, and she will not be left behind after her death."

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help but half-jokingly said.

"Fatty, what are you talking about, the dead are the most important, do you know?"

Hu Bayi glared at Wang Kaixuan again.

"Bah, bah, bah, pretend I didn't say it."

Wang Kaixuan hastily 'pooh' three mouthfuls.

Zhang Yang quickly opened the stone gate successfully.

A group of people jumped down one after another.

Unexpectedly, I saw a tomb that was about the same size as the one above.

In the middle of the tomb, there is an exquisite coffin.

"My God, this, this is the underground coffin of the Peacock Queen?"

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help but speak.

"It's as resplendent as the main hall above, it seems that it took a lot of money."

Looking at the gold and shiny things all over the floor, Wang Kaixuan's eyes only sparkled, wishing he could dig them all back.

Zhang Yang looked at the entire ancient tomb.

Except for some differences in the positions of the throne and the coffin, the layout is basically the same as above.

The decoration here is also extremely luxurious. It seems that the Peacock Kingdom is also a small and wealthy country.

Zhang Yang had no interest in those treasures at first, and walked directly to the coffin in the center of the side.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this coffin is made of high-quality golden nanmu, and it is worth a lot of money."

While speaking, Wang Kaixuan reached out to touch the coffin wood.


Hu Bayi hit Wang Kaixuan heavily on the back of the hand, and roared in a low voice:
"Fatty, don't fucking act like you haven't seen anything in the world."

This guy, I'm afraid Shirley Yang won't be able to find out their real identities.

Especially in front of Zhang Yang, it's really a loss of points.

Wang Kaixuan suddenly became perverse and silent.

Zhang Yang looked down at the gorgeous coffin. The outside was made of golden nanmu, and a lot of jewels were inlaid on it for decoration.

It seems that a lot of thought has been spent.

Although this is somewhat different from the Kunlun Shenmu of Queen Jingjue, it is already considered good.

"Mr. Zhang, can this coffin be opened directly?"

Hu Ba spoke subconsciously.

"We don't need to do it."

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he quickly took two steps back.

Seeing this, the others took two steps back even more quickly.

Zhang Yang snapped his fingers directly, and suddenly there was a 'rustling' sound from the wall.

"Mr. Zhang, what's that sound? Could it be that desert army ant again?"

Wang Kaixuan's whole body tensed up immediately, and he spoke in fear.


Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal not to speak.

Everyone held their breath and looked straight at the place where the sound came from.

Sure enough, eight soldier ants suddenly jumped out from the stone wall.

"Yes, it's soldier ants."

Wang Kaixuan cried out in shock.

Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang also subconsciously pulled out the pistols at their waists again as a defensive gesture.

"Don't worry, they're here to help."

Zhang Yang spoke calmly.

"Huh? Help?"

Both Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang's eyeballs fell out.

Can this soldier ant come to help?

"Mr. Zhang, are you sure you're not kidding us?"

Wang Kaixuan also couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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