Chapter 68

Only then did Zhang Yang walk in front of another mural, and continued to speak:

"The prince of Gumo secretly hid behind the queen's throne waiting for an opportunity to assassinate, but found that the queen had a pair of special eyes.

As long as anyone looks into her eyes, they will disappear immediately. "


Wang Kaixuan suddenly trembled and was startled.

"Here, isn't this Jingjue Queen a monster?"


Hu Bayi was also taken aback.

Zhang Yang smiled and said:

"There really is a story about this, it's about a desert queen."

"Mr. Zhang, tell me quickly?"

At this time, Wang Kaixuan and Hu Bayi suddenly became interested again.

"It is said that the desert queen's eyes are the channel to the underworld. As long as she looks at her enemy, the enemy will disappear without a trace and never come back."

"Ah, so amazing?"

Wang Kaixuan's eyes widened immediately.

"Mr. Zhang, where were these people sent?"

Hu Bayi asked curiously.

"It should be a different space."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth lightly.

A situation like this can only be explained in this way.

"Different space, what kind of place is it?"

Hu Bayi asked curiously.

"A place outside our current world."

Zhang Yang can only explain in this way.

If they talk about their own world, I'm afraid they won't understand.

"Ah, what about this place?"

Wang Kaixuan was also at a loss.

At this moment, suddenly red blood came out of those murals.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang, well, that mural is bleeding."

Suddenly Wang Kaixuan exclaimed.

"Blood and tears?"

Zhang Yang turned his head to look at those murals.

Sure enough, those murals kept gushing red blood.

And the blood didn't flow out from any random place, it all flowed out from the eyes of Prince Gumo in those murals.

"Mr. Zhang, what's going on?"

Wang Kaixuan leaned over and asked curiously.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal, not to make a sound.

Then he stretched out his hand slowly, Wang Kaixuan hurriedly called out:

"Mr. Zhang, be careful of poison."

Zhang Yang didn't make a sound, and stretched out his hand, and there was a silver needle in his hand.

A little bit of the red blood and tears were stained, and it was a little sticky. I put it between my nose and smelled it, and there was a bloody smell.

It seems that this is not ordinary paint, but real blood.

At this time, the silver needle has slowly turned black.

"It's really poisonous."

Wang Kaixuan exclaimed.

Suddenly Zhang Yang seemed to realize something, and stretched out his hand to signal:
"Quick, get away from these murals."

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?"

Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan were also taken aback.

"These blood teardrops are highly corrosive."

As soon as Zhang Yang's words came out, the two of them took a few steps back in fright. The flashlight in Wang Kaixuan's hand fell to the ground without holding it firmly for a moment.

Wang Kaixuan was about to lower his head to pick it up, but found that the flashlight had rolled into the blood and teardrops.

In an instant, a puff of black smoke rose, and it melted into ashes in the blink of an eye.

"No, it's not."

Wang Kaixuan was so frightened that his legs began to tremble slightly, but he didn't expect that the blood and tears actually had a corrosive effect.

Hu Bayi was also surprised.

But those blood and teardrops continued to flow towards the ground, the speed was so fast that they had already flowed all over the ground in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Yang looked around. Except for a step where the coffin was placed, the rest of the place was flat.

"Quick, let's go to the coffin."

The three of them quickly walked to the steps of the coffin.

Those blood and teardrops had already left on the ground and gathered into scarlet blood all over the place.

The pungent smell of blood choked Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan to tears.

"Hey, why is this stuff still choking on your throat?"

Wang Kaixuan shouted.

"Don't talk, keep breathing calmly, otherwise the more you inhale, the higher the chance of poisoning."

Zhang Yang covered his mouth behind him and spoke in a low voice.

Wang Kaixuan immediately shut up and did not dare to say anything more.

Hu Bayi looked at the rising blood, and looked worriedly at Zhang Yang.

"Mr. Zhang, what should we do now?"

Zhang Yang quickly scanned the entire tomb, except for this coffin, the surrounding walls are all colorful murals.

Presumably, these blood and teardrops must also be controlled by some organization.

Otherwise, it wouldn't come out all of a sudden.

Soon, Zhang Yang fixed his gaze on the glazed lamp at the entrance.

"You stand here and don't move."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yang stretched out his hand and swung it vigorously towards the wall at the entrance. A traction rope flew out in an instant, and was directly embedded on the stone wall.

Zhang Yang pulled hard, and his whole body flew over.

"I go."

"Mr. Zhang, you are a genius, you can fly over the wall."

Wang Kaixuan was full of admiration.

Zhang Yang soon arrived in front of the glazed lantern at the entrance.

Taking a closer look, I found that there was a blood-red teardrop-like thing inside the glazed cup.

Zhang Yang seemed to understand something immediately, reached out and took the thing out of the glazed cup,
Sure enough, the blood and tears stopped flowing in an instant.

And the blood-red blood water on the ground also slowly soaked towards the ground.

At this time, the voice of the system sounded in Zhang Yang's mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, touching the blood and tears of Prince Gumo, and getting a drop of blood and tears. 】

[Blood and teardrops: Prince Gumo's lifelong blood and tears are transformed by the prince's obsession, have a strong strengthening effect, and are even more toxic. 】

[After use, it can increase the strength of Qilin's bloodline surge. 】

Blood teardrops.

It seems that this thing is not bad.

Zhang Yang was very satisfied.

[Ding, does the host use blood teardrops to increase the blood of the unicorn. 】


Of course Zhang Yang couldn't miss such a good opportunity.

[Ding, the blood teardrops are opened, and the Qilin bloodline is being promoted. 】

Soon, Zhang Yang felt that the blood vessels in his body swelled up again, and the blood flowed rapidly throughout his body.

It seems that this blood teardrop is really useful.

At this time Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan also ran over and said:
"Mr. Zhang, what is this?"

"Blood and teardrops."

Zhang Yang said calmly.

"Blood teardrops?"

Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan looked at each other, expressing their confusion.

"This is the blood and tears transformed by Prince Gumo's obsession, which is very poisonous, and the blood and tears on the stone walls are stimulated by it.

Once someone enters the air here, the blood teardrops will be urged to flow out from the blood teardrops in the stone wall. "

After listening to Zhang Yang's explanation, both of them took two steps back, for fear of being contaminated.

Zhang Yang quickly put away the blood and teardrops and said:
"Don't look at these murals, go and see the coffin of Prince Gumo."

Saying that, Zhang Yang turned and walked towards the square coffin.

"Quick, go and have a look, maybe there is something good."

Wang Kaixuan gestured to Hu Bayi.

The two followed suit.

(End of this chapter)

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