Chapter 71

"Old Hu, hurry up and take a look."

As Wang Kaixuan said, he dragged Hu Bayi and ran towards the stone gate.

When the two of them ran to the door, they were instantly dumbfounded.

This turned out to be a huge passage, and it's really hard to say where it leads.

The lights on the surrounding stone walls are extremely bright, and they are all high-quality glazed lamps. Once they encounter air, the wicks will spontaneously ignite and illuminate.

"Old Hu, Mr. Zhang has gone in, shall we follow in?"

Wang Kaixuan looked at Hu Bayi with some fear.

This ancient tomb is really weird, so take it easy.

"Come in, since Mr. Zhang has gone in, let's go in and have a look."

Hu Bayi gritted his teeth and made up his mind directly.

"Okay, buddy, let's go together."

Wang Kaixuan also nodded vigorously.

The two quickly lifted their feet and walked into the corridor.

Zhang Yang walked down the long corridor of the underground palace.

Based on his intuition, he felt that this place might have something to do with the Queen of the West Ye Kingdom.

After all, this is the ancient country of Xiye, and no one else has the ability to build such a huge underground palace except her.

However, the underground palace is extremely well repaired, it seems that it is probably to prevent the attack of Queen Jingjue.

After walking along the corridor for a long time, Zhang Yang suddenly heard a slight sound of exhaling from the stone wall next door.

Although it was not so big, he still heard it.

Since the attribute value increased, the agility of Zhang Yang's various organs has also increased a lot.

Any disturbance within a radius of ten miles cannot escape his eyes.

Zhang Yang paused subconsciously, reached out and tapped lightly on the sounding stone wall next door.

Sure enough, there was a response, which means that the back of the stone wall is hollow.

Zhang Yang looked around, and suddenly his eyes fixed on a huge stone block made up of four stone blocks.

Although this looks like a stone wall, it is actually an invisible secret door.

Zhang Yang walked over quickly, stretched out the index finger and middle finger of his right hand, and slammed into the middle of the four stones.

Turn the finger slightly, and suddenly there is a 'click' sound.

Then the stones suddenly separated automatically, and quickly retracted into the four directions.

"It really is a secret door."

The size of Zhang Yang, he lifted his foot and walked in.

Inside is a [-]-square-meter tomb chamber with four side rooms on both sides.

In the middle of the tomb, there is a coffin made of golden nanmu.

In front of the coffin, there is a jade stone carving, which is densely written with Xiye characters.

Zhang Yang took a general look, and it turned out that the national teacher of the Queen of the West Night was lying in the coffin.

The above are all tributes to some of the great achievements of the teachers and students of that country.

There is also a coffin in each of the four ear rooms, but the material is ordinary bronze.

It should be the four servants that the Queen of the West Ye specially arranged for this national teacher.

It seems that the status of this national teacher in Queen Xiye's heart is not low.

"Mr. Zhang, I can find you."

At this time, Wang Kaixuan poked his head out of breath.

Hu Bayi followed closely behind. After seeing the environment in the tomb, he couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Mr. Zhang, you are really amazing. How did you know that there is another tomb here?"


Zhang Yang spoke calmly.

"Guess what?"

Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan explained and looked at each other.

This guess is too accurate, even one guess is accurate.

Obviously, they don't believe it.

"Mr. Zhang, what is written on it?"

Wang Kaixuan looked forward curiously and moved forward.

Zhang Yang stood up straight, looked at the coffin and said:
"This is the coffin of the national teacher next to Queen Xiye."

"National teacher? Isn't that a great official?"

Wang Kaixuan spoke in a daze.

"The national teacher in the ancient country of Xiye can be regarded as the status of one person under one person and above ten thousand people."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth and took it.

"I go."

"That's really a high official."

Wang Kaixuan stared at the coffin with only golden eyes.

Since he was so rich, the funeral objects must be indispensable.

"do not move."

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal Wang Kaixuan not to move.

After having the previous experience, Wang Kaixuan stood obediently in the same place and did not dare to move.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?"

Hu Bayi's whole body suddenly became tense.

"There is movement."

Zhang Yang indicated in a low voice the direction of the coffin.


At this time, Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan only felt a chill in their backs.

I didn't expect to meet the big zongzi directly.

Suddenly, the coffin rang loudly, and a large amount of black corpse gas permeated from the coffin.

In an instant, the surrounding atmosphere became gloomy and strange.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang, this, this big zongzi seems to be quite powerful."

Wang Kaixuan took a few steps back cautiously in fright.

Zhang Yang looked at the coffin, and suddenly his teeth "clacked" and made a strange sound.

Wang Kaixuan and Hu Ba, who were on the sidelines, looked at each other in shock, not even daring to vent their anger.

And Zhang Yang's eyes were always on the coffin of the national teacher, and the two seemed to be communicating with each other.

"Old Hu, this, Mister Zhang is chatting with the person in the coffin, right?"

Wang Kaixuan spoke weakly and in a low voice.

"It's hard to say."

Hu Bayi shook his head.

"However, I heard before that there are some very powerful figures who can speak corpse language and can communicate with those things in the coffin."


As Wang Kaixuan spoke, goose bumps appeared all over his body.

Zhang Yang can still communicate with the big rice dumpling, is this still human?

Zhang Yang stopped, and the coffin became quiet instantly.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang?"

Both Wang Kaixuan and Hu Bayi came over.

"The other party said that this is indeed Queen Xiye's underground palace. Back then, Queen Xiye followed Queen Jingjue to continuously expand the territory in order to unify the 36 countries into one.

It's a pity that in the end, there was nothing wrong with it.

On the night before the defeat, Queen Xiye came to the underground palace with several close relatives.

They each took a pill they got from Queen Jingjue, and then lay down in the coffin, waiting for the end of the war.

Unexpectedly, this trip lasted for thousands of years, and they never left this coffin again. "

"What medicine?"

Wang Kaixuan asked curiously.

"It should be some kind of refined medicine that Queen Jingjue took out from the ghost cave."

Hearing what Zhang Yang said, Hu Bayi subconsciously looked at the coffin and said:
"Here, has the Queen of Essence really entered the ghost cave?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said:

"It should have been there."

Otherwise, this Jingjue queen would not have acquired the special skill of ghost eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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