Chapter 79 Entering the Ancient City of Jingjue
"The system opens the properties panel."

[Ding, host attention, the property panel has been opened. 】

[Host: Zhang Yang. 】

【Age: 119 years old. 】

[Remaining lifespan: 151 years. 】

【Physical value: 528 (under 60 for normal people.)】

[Strength value: 538 (under 60 for normal people.)]

[Speed: 518 (under 50 for normal people.)]

[Skills: two-finger acupoint probing, bronze armored unicorn arms, ghost eyes. 】

[Skills: Five Elements and Eight Diagrams, Qimen Dunjia Technique, Yin-Yang Fengshui Secret Technique, Moving Mountains and Mountains to Find Dragons. 】

[Weapon: Big Dipper Knife. 】

[Rewards: Dragon and Phoenix Emerald Jade, Corpse Protector Jade, 3 Corpse Jade, Blood Jade Buddha, Qilin Drain, Ghost Seal, Jade Eye, Luban Box, Jade Soul, Jade Ball Eye, Overlord Salamander Blood Pill, Earth Ant Empress Blood Dan. 】

Seeing the content on the attribute panel, Zhang Yang was overjoyed.

It seems that he has accomplished something.

"The system directly activates the primary mode of evolution to the longevity body."

【Ding, the system has received an instruction to automatically activate the primary mode of evolving to a long-lived body. 】

[Ding, attention to the host: every 100 points of physical attributes can speed up the evolution process of the longevity body. 】

[Evolutionary stages of longevity: elementary, intermediate, advanced, and ultimate. 】

Then I am now a beginner.

Immediately, Zhang Yang was in a good mood, finally waiting for such a day.

"Mr. Zhang, this, this is the powerful magnet. It's not dark, and it doesn't look very powerful."

Wang Kaixuan asked curiously from the side.

"is it?"

Zhang Yang suddenly moved the magnet in his hand slightly, and Wang Kaixuan was directly suspended in mid-air.


Wang Kaixuan shouted like a dog planing in mid-air.

"Old Hu, save me quickly."

"Mr. Zhang?"

Hu Bayi could tell that this was Zhang Yang's masterpiece.

It seems that Zhang Yang has fully grasped the usefulness of this magnet.

Zhang Yang let go of his hand, and Wang Kaixuan returned to the position just now.

"Mr. Zhang, I am really convinced."

Wang Kaixuan was also sweating profusely at this time, and didn't dare to speak nonsense anymore.

"Let's go out first, don't make them wait too long."

Saying so, Zhang Yang put away the thousand-jin magnet, then turned and left.

Wang Kaixuan gave Hu Bayi a pitiful look.

Hu Bayi stared back fiercely, as if to say 'serve it right' again.

Soon, the three joined Professor Chen and the others.

When everyone saw Zhang Yang coming out, they all rushed forward to welcome him.

"Mr. Zhang, you are all back."

"The mountain shook suddenly on the spot just now, and we are still worried about you."

Shirley Yang was the first to speak.


Zhang Yang spoke calmly.

"Mr. Zhang, can we go there now?"

Professor Chen is the most anxious.

Seeing that they were about to reach their destination, they naturally wished they could fly inside and witness the splendor of Jingjue Ancient City with their own eyes.


Zhang Yang nodded and said:
"After a while, everyone will go in with me. Don't touch the corpses on the road."

Zhang Yang mentioned to vaccinate everyone, lest Professor Chen and others feel sympathetic, and it will be himself who will be harmed by then.


Professor Chen nodded sharply.

At this time, An Liman walked towards Zhang Yang with a smile and said:
"Little brother, you see that I have sent you here safely.

I'm such a bad old man and these camels, I won't go in, okay. "

Along the way, An Liman can be seen.

As long as Zhang Yang spoke, these people would listen.

Just now, I had been talking with that Xue Liyang for a long time, but she just refused to agree and insisted on letting him continue to follow.

He didn't plan to follow in, it might be very dangerous inside.

Zhang Yang looked at An Liman, and knew that this old guy was a master who was greedy for life and afraid of death.

Anyway, it's useless for him to follow, and it may become a drag instead, so he nodded and said:

"You wait here for us."

"Okay, okay."

An Liman nodded sharply, as expected, this little brother was much easier to talk to.

If I knew this, I should have discussed it with him earlier, so I didn't need to waste so much talking.

"Mr. Zhang, what if the old man sneaks away?"

Wang Kaixuan spoke worriedly.

"It's okay."

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal.

It would be difficult for An Liman to escape from the black desert by himself.

Anyway, even if he wanted to escape, he couldn't get out, so let him be.

"Don't worry, little brother, I won't run away, I'll just wait here for you to come back."

An Liman opened his mouth with a smile on his face.

In fact, the bottom of my heart has long been thinking about running away for a while.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand and patted An Liman's shoulder heavily:
"Do you know how Hu Da punished those who broke their promises?"

"I know, I know."

An Liman nodded with a guilty face.

"It's good to know."

Zhang Yang didn't talk too much, he gave An Liman a look and let him experience it by himself.


The group packed up their things again, and followed Zhang Yang towards the ancient country of Jingjue.

This time Zhang Yang directly used the jade ball eyes to control the black-eyed monster snakes staying in the dark, preventing them from approaching here.

The group of people passed through the Cishan Mountain unimpeded in this way, and finally arrived at the ancient country of Jingjue.

It's just that there is a big business trip between this ancient country and the imagined one, and Professor Chen and the others inevitably feel a little lost.

"This, how did this ancient country of Jingjue become like this?"

"That's right, isn't it said that it was also considered a great country at its peak in history?"

"This doesn't look like a big country. It feels like it's all sand, rotten wood, and broken stones."

Several students started chattering.

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help but sighed in a low voice:

"I originally expected to see some valuable gold and silver treasures, but now it's a failure."

"Fatty, what are you talking about?"

Hu Bayi touched Wang Kaixuan's elbow with his elbow violently, implying not to talk nonsense.

Wang Kaixuan shut up obediently in an instant, but his face was full of displeasure.

Zhang Yang didn't say a word, but just looked at all the scenes in front of him indifferently.

The entire Jingjue ancient city is full of scars and broken arms. The streets and houses in the city are either collapsed or dilapidated.

Many dilapidated houses are only half exposed outside the desert, but the yellow sand in the houses is piled up to the roof.

However, judging from the huge wooden pillars and beams that are still intact, we can still get a glimpse of the luxurious atmosphere of the old city.

Shirley Yang walked to Zhang Yang's side and said in a low voice:

"Mr. Zhang, shall we continue to move forward now, or stay here for a while?"

Zhang Yang looked at the crowd. Professor Chen led a group of students to study the dilapidated houses.

Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan walked back and forth in those dilapidated houses.

"There's nothing of value here, just keep going."


Shirley Yang Meng nodded.

Then he greeted everyone to continue on their way.

(End of this chapter)

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