Chapter 86

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang is fine."

Hu Bayi absolutely believed in Zhang Yang's ability.

Suddenly, Professor Chen also ran over, with a look of regret and only sighed.

"This, this, this..."

"It's a pity that such a good jade is broken like this, it's a pity."

The unspeakable pain and distress on Professor Chen's face is a huge loss to him, and even more so to the country.

"Professor Chen, don't do this."

Several other students comforted Professor Chen one after another.

After all, everyone saw it just now, but Zhang Yang smashed the jade ball eye just to kill the six monsters.

"Mass egg."

"Those monsters almost killed us just now, what nonsense are you still caring about here?"

Wang Kaixuan spoke resentfully.

"If it weren't for Mr. Zhang, I'm afraid that you people's lives have already been confessed in the desert, and there is no chance to come here.

I really don't know good from bad. "

Hearing Wang Kaixuan's words, Professor Chen and others looked at each other in blank dismay.

They naturally knew that Wang Kaixuan was telling the truth. If it weren't for Zhang Yang, they wouldn't be where they are today.

Zhang Yang didn't care what they said, he just wanted to get to the ghost cave as soon as possible and get what he wanted.

Zhang Yang raised his foot towards the altar where the jade ball eye was placed just now, at this time a piece of ghost cave text slowly emerged.

He knew that these words had a great relationship with opening the secret passage here.

Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang both watched Zhang Yang's every move and did not participate in it.

Seeing Zhang Yang bowed his head and said nothing, he also walked over.

"There are also ghost cave texts here."

Suddenly Shirley Yang exclaimed.

When the others heard this, they all walked over quickly.

"Hey, how can there be text here?"

"Didn't you have nothing just now?"

"Yeah, I saw it before, and it's true that there's nothing there."

Everyone started talking again.

"Everyone, stop arguing and listen to what Mr. Zhang has to say."

Shirley Yang stretched out her hand to signal.

Immediately, everyone shut up and looked up at Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang had already read the ghost cave article above, and said calmly:

"This is a mysterious sacrificial temple, an important place similar to a royal palace.

The people of Jingjue Ancient Country regarded this jade ball eye as a magic weapon, and it was an important part of starting the whole sacrificial ceremony. "

Hu Bayi couldn't help but said:

"Ah, isn't this the use of sacrificial rituals to summon those monsters that were neither human nor ghost?"


Zhang Yang nodded in agreement.

Wang Kaixuan was also slightly surprised and said:

"No way, these people from the Ancient Essence Kingdom are sick in their brains. Is there still a life to summon such an evil thing?"

"This is the only magic weapon for the Essence Queen to rule the entire field, suppressing evil with evil."

Zhang Yang said calmly.

In fact, just now Zhang Yang has used his ghostly eyes to spy on all the secrets of this exquisite queen.

After she found the left eye of the jade ball eye from the ghost cave, she secretly brought it out.

Then use every sacrificial ceremony as an excuse to summon the snake mother here through this jade eyeball.

Then countless black-eyed snakes were bred, and those livestock, cattle and sheep, slaves who made mistakes, or her enemies were all thrown in as sacrifices.

Lie that these black-eyed monster snakes are the messengers of the devil, and will punish those who are unfaithful to her in her place.

After the black-eyed snake was born and fostered by the blood essence, it would occupy every corner of the entire Jingjue Dynasty, where there was no light.

Every time the Essence Queen uses her ghost eyes to make a call, those black-eyed monster snakes will start to move to remove the so-called obstacles for her.

At that time, the Queen Jingjue could be regarded as extremely powerful, and she was regarded as a god-man by everyone, and she dared not contend with her.

"I see that the Jingjue Queen is probably also a monster, otherwise why would she be so perverted?"

Wang Kaixuan spoke speechlessly.

"Fatty, are you talking nonsense again?"

Hu Bayi's eyes signaled Wang Kaixuan to pay attention to what he said.

After all, this queen is not an ordinary person. If these slanderous words are really heard by her, then it will be troublesome.


Wang Kaixuan didn't dare to speak anymore.

"Mr. Zhang, if this place is so important, how could it be such a big place? Could there be some kind of secret passage?"

Shirley Yang couldn't help but speak.

Zhang Yang nodded and said:

"Yes, there is indeed a secret passage here, through a dark river, connected to the underground palace of Jingjue Ancient Country."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help cheering.

After all, this underground palace is the place they have been looking forward to for a long time.

Almost all the halls above have been buried by yellow sand, and there is no much value for postgraduate entrance examinations.

The underground palace is under the yellow sand, so it is bound to be much better preserved.

If it can be found, it will definitely be a huge discovery in the field of archaeology.

Professor Chen said tremblingly:
"I knew that this must be connected to some important place."

"Mr. Zhang, how do we find this secret passage?"

Wang Kaixuan spoke anxiously.

Now he can't wait to go down to the underground palace immediately, maybe he can take advantage of the trend to salvage a fortune.

Zhang Yang pointed to the towering stone pillars in the hall and said:
"According to the arrangement of the sixteen stone pillars in the temple, it is the same as the arrangement of the sixteen dragons penetrating the ground. This arrangement coincides with the number of giant gates. This arrangement was used in many ancient tombs of the Han Dynasty."

Hearing this, everyone else looked at each other in blank dismay.

Because they couldn't understand what Zhang Yang was saying at all.

Even Hu Bayi felt a little confused.

Although he has a copy of "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Fengshui Secret Art", it is also a fragmented copy.

As for the art of dividing gold and fixing acupoints, he only knows a little bit about it.

"Mr. Zhang, do you mean snakes by the penetrating sixteen dragons?"

Hu Bayi had some uncertain openings.


Zhang Yang nodded.

"The snake is erratic, suddenly north and south."

"Mr. Zhang, what you said is too profound, can you explain it more clearly?"

Wang Kaixuan asked curiously.

"It means that among the sixteen, only one that passes through the leylines is the real dragon, and the others are all fake."

"Isn't that one out of sixteen?"

Wang Kaixuan opened his eyes wide in horror.


Zhang Yang nodded.

"Then, Mr. Zhang, how can we find out this real dragon now?"

Hu Bayi is more concerned about this.

Zhang Yang looked at Hu Bayi, and then said:

"It can be solved by using the method of dividing gold and fixing acupoints in metaphysics."

"The art of dividing gold to fix acupoints?"

Hu Bayi was also taken aback immediately, this is the ability recorded in his "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Fengshui Secret Art".

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yang also knew about it.

Originally, I thought that only his family would be able to do this, so I always hid that secret art as a treasure.

Right now, it seems that it is probably not a real skill.

(End of this chapter)

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