Chapter 89 The Red-Eyed Snake Mother
"This is made of jade, even after thousands of years, it will not rot."

Zhang Yang spoke calmly.

Hearing what Zhang Yang said, Wang Kaixuan's eyes lit up with golden light.

Right now, the whole hall of the underground palace basically has nothing to fish for, it just depends on whether the throne is worth a little money.

It's a pity that such a big one can't be taken away.

Immediately there was some great disappointment.

"Mass egg."

"It took so much effort to come here, but I returned empty-handed."

After saying that, Wang Kaixuan quickly walked up to the throne, and sat down on his buttocks.

"Fatty, what are you doing?"

Hu Bayi's face changed drastically in an instant.

This Wang Kaixuan is like a dog who can't change eating shit, so many people are still sitting on it with great fanfare.

"Hey, old Hu."

"I'll just sit for a while, what's the matter? It won't be broken."

Wang Kaixuan felt that he needed to seek some comfort in his heart. After all, this trip came here with all his might, but it was such a scene.

Lost heart is inevitable.

"Oh, I can't sit still."

At this time, Professor Chen hurriedly stopped.

"Xiao Wang, come down quickly.

These are very precious cultural relics. If they are damaged, it will be a great loss to the country. "

"Professor Chen, don't worry. Mr. Zhang has already said just now that this is made of jade. Even after thousands of years, it will not rot or break."

Wang Kaixuan opened his mouth indifferently, and deliberately moved his butt a few times.

"Xiao Wang, absolutely not."

As Professor Chen said, he stepped forward a few steps, ready to pull Wang Kaixuan.

But he stopped suddenly, his eyes were wider than a bell, his mouth was even more open, and he couldn't close it for a while.

"Professor Chen, what are you doing?"

Seeing Professor Chen like this, Wang Kaixuan couldn't help but tease him.

At this time, other people's attention was also diverted, and everyone's expressions were in a state of panic.

Only Zhang Yang still had a calm expression.

"What, what's wrong?"

At this moment, Wang Kaixuan also noticed something strange. He only felt a chill on his back, as if there was something.

Just as he was about to turn around and take a look, he heard Zhang Yang yelling in a low voice:

"Don't move."

Wang Kaixuan was so frightened that he froze in place.

It seems that there is indeed a situation.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter? You can scare me, me, I'm timid."

At this time, Wang Kaixuan's legs had already started to tremble.

"Fatty, don't move."

Hu Bayi also stopped in a low voice.

"What's the situation?"

At this moment, Wang Kaixuan was so frightened that the fine sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Mr. Zhang?"

Hu Bayi looked anxiously at Zhang Yang and said:
"In any case, please help Fatty."

Zhang Yang nodded to signal to keep quiet.

Hu Bayi understood for a second and didn't make a sound.

Zhang Yang glanced coldly at the humanoid monster with a red jade eye behind Wang Kaixuan.

The entire face of this monster has only one red eye, which is located in the middle.

Then there is the nose, mouth and two ears, which are almost the same as ordinary people.

It's just that there is a serpentine mentality at the neck. At this time, the neck is stretched on top of Wang Kaixuan's head, spitting out scarlet letters, and looking coldly at everyone present.

"System, what kind of monster is this?"

Zhang Yang didn't know either, so he had to ask the system.

At this moment, the sound of the system sounded.

[Ding, the host is paying attention, the guardian spirit beast of the queen's throne—the red-eyed snake mother has appeared. 】

[Red-eyed snake mother: Born for the throne, she will only guard one throne in her life. When the throne dies, the snake mother dies. 】

Zhang Yang immediately understood that this was the guardian spirit beast that Queen Jingjue had found for him.

It seems that this exquisite queen loves this throne so much that she even fosters a guardian spirit beast.

Perhaps it was for this reason that everything in the entire hall was looted, but the throne was safe and sound.

"This is the red-eyed snake mother, the guardian spirit beast of the throne."

Zhang Yang spoke.

The others were also terrified. Since this is a guardian spirit beast, it should not be underestimated.

Just looking at the face, people can't say anything frightening.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang, help, help me."

Wang Kaixuan asked Zhang Yang weakly for help.

With Zhang Yang's right palm, the Big Dipper Sword appeared instantly.

The dazzling cold light flickered suddenly, and the red-eyed snake mother flew towards Zhang Yang as if she had received the message.

"It came just fine."

Zhang Yang jumped up and raised his knife to chop off the head of the red-eyed snake mother.

The opponent suddenly flashed nimbly and avoided the attack.

Then he flicked the tail forcefully, wrapping it around Zhang Yang's waist.

"Mr. Zhang."

Everyone was taken aback, they didn't expect Zhang Yang to be entangled by the red-eyed snake mother.

Zhang Yang smiled coldly, raised the big knife in his hand and instantly turned into a sharp dagger, and then stabbed fiercely at the blood-red snake.

The red-eyed snake mother took pain and retreated quickly.

Naturally, Zhang Yang would not give the other party this chance, grabbing the tail and flicking it vigorously, the huge snake body of the red-eyed snake mother was thrown heavily on the ground in an instant.

The red-eyed snake mother was in a hurry, turned her head towards Zhang Yang and opened her bloody mouth, and a blood-red thing rushed towards Zhang Yang.

The dagger in Zhang Yang's hand instantly turned into a big knife, and with two swipes, the blood-red things were split into several halves, and then fell to the ground one after another.

Only now did everyone see clearly that these were the strange snakes from before.

They were all trembling with fear.

Especially Wang Kaixuan, whose legs were directly limp on the throne, unable to get up for a while.

"Fatty, come here quickly."

Hu Bayi gestured anxiously in a low voice.

Only then did Wang Kaixuan react, got up and ran towards Hu Bayi.

All of a sudden, I felt a tightness under my feet, and when I looked down, there was a long snake's tail wrapped around my right foot.

"Ah." With a sound, Wang Kaixuan was directly dragged to the ground.All of a sudden, the dust flew up, and the mouth was full of sand.

"Fat man."

Hu Bayi exclaimed.

"It's over."

Wang Kaixuan secretly shouted in his heart.

"I'm afraid I have to explain it here this time."

Suddenly, there was a 'bang', and then the strength under his feet was released instantly, and a stream of blood sprayed Wang Kaixuan's face directly.

"Mass egg."

"What is this stuff."

As Wang Kaixuan spoke, he reached out and touched something on his face, and when he looked down, it turned out to be a blood-red viscous body.

"This, this is..."

As soon as Wang Kaixuan raised his head, he saw half of the severed snake tail at his feet, which was still wriggling slowly on the ground.


Wang Kaixuan jumped up suddenly, and ran towards Hu Bayi.

"Old Hu, save me."

At this time, Zhang Yang continued to fight with the red-eyed snake mother who had lost half of her tail.

Unexpectedly, this red-eyed snake mother is very powerful, even if her tail is cut off, her body is still flexible.

It doesn't seem to be affected at all.

(End of this chapter)

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