Chapter 93 The Queen's Treasure


Zhang Yang nodded.

"So, that means you can go to the opposite side?"

Wang Kaixuan suddenly became a little excited.

Zhang Yang turned his head to look at Professor Chen and others beside him, then looked at Shirley Yang beside him and said:

"Well, the three of you will follow me to explore the way, and the others will stay here temporarily."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, let's study the ghost cave text here first."

Professor Chen raised his hands in agreement.

After all, these ghost cave essays are definitely of great value for postgraduate entrance examinations for him.


Zhang Yang nodded,

Xue Liyang quickly took the sporting rifle from Chu Jian's hand, and pulled the bolt with a 'crash' sound. Seeing that the bullets were fully loaded, she pushed the bolt to load the bullets into the chamber.

It can be seen that there are still two tricks.

Naturally, Wang Kaixuan did not show any weakness, and quickly loaded the rifle in his hand.

Hu Bayi only held a military shovel as a shield in his hand.

Zhang Yang didn't take anything, and then nodded to signal the three to follow him.

Soon, the four walked across the black stone bridge to the entrance of the cave opposite.

Just now it was far away, so I couldn't see it very clearly. Now that I got closer, I found that there was a thousand-jin gate in front of the cave.

And the two sides were half suspended by large iron chains as thick as human arms, and a huge stone was placed underneath.

Looking at the cave from under the gate, it is unfathomable, and I don't know what's inside.

"It seems that someone has already got there first."

Hu Bayi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"The main hall of the underground palace has been opened before, and it is not surprising that those people have been here."

Zhang Yang spoke calmly.

In fact, he knew in his heart that these tomb robbers had been here decades ago.

Those people are long gone.

The things here are not something that ordinary people can take out casually.

Wang Kaixuan took a flashlight and looked towards the entrance of the black hole, but he couldn't see anything.

"Mr. Zhang, isn't this the ancient tomb of Queen Jingjue?"

"Let's go in and have a look."

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he raised his foot and walked inside.

The other three also walked in together.

After passing through the sluice, there is a narrow and long downward slope, the slope is extremely steep, and you must walk on the wall to prevent you from falling.

Zhang Yang walked extremely steadily with his bare hands.

"Old Hu, you are asking if the boots under Mr. Zhang's feet have nails, why are you walking so steadily?"

Wang Kaixuan spoke in a low voice, eyes full of envy.

"This is called great ability and solid foundation. It doesn't look like we are floating."

Hu Bayi naturally felt that this was due to Zhang Yang's ability.

"Oh, I see."

Suddenly Wang Kaixuan suddenly realized.

"Mr. Zhang, it's too dark ahead, why don't I throw a cold firework in and have a look?"

Shirley Yang spoke extremely worriedly.

After all, the slope was too steep, not to mention, the surrounding area was pitch black, and it was impossible to see clearly, and I felt a little panicked in my heart.

I'm worried that something will happen, if those black-eyed snakes appear at this time, I'm afraid they are really caught in the urn, and it will be difficult to escape.


Zhang Yang nodded.

Although he can see far away with his ghostly eyes, others cannot.

At this time, their hearts were beating extremely loudly, and they were probably just worried.

Just to embolden them.

Shirley Yang quickly threw out a cold firework, and the surrounding area was instantly illuminated.

It's just that the cold smoke flower rolls down to the end and stops, but it still doesn't see the bottom position.

"Is this really the tomb passage? It's too long."

As she said that, Shirley Yang couldn't help but gasped.

Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan were also shocked, I'm afraid it's not easy here.

Only Zhang Yang continued to walk forward without changing his face.

Because he knew that this journey would be safe until the place full of gold, silver and jewels.

"Old Hu, Fatty, let's walk carefully, don't fall, or we might be smashed to pieces."

Shirley Yang opened her mouth to remind the two behind her.

"Do not worry."

Wang Kaixuan patted his chest heavily.

"Mr. Zhang, there are really some weird things here. There are many traces of rats in the caves we walked through before.

But there is not even a mouse hair here, I'm afraid there is a problem here. "

Shirley Yang spoke in a low voice.

"That's right, Mr. Zhang, is it true that there are some powerful evils here that even those mice are afraid, so they dare not come here?"

Zhang Yang didn't speak, but continued to walk forward.

Seeing that Zhang Yang was silent, everyone didn't dare to ask more questions.

After all, every time Zhang Yang speaks, there is a reason for him.

Since he didn't say anything, he couldn't ask more questions.

Soon, the group reached the end of the tomb passage.

"Finally down."

Wang Kaixuan took a deep breath immediately, then stepped forward quickly, ready to say something to Zhang Yang.

Unexpectedly, suddenly the feet were empty, and the whole person fell directly to the bottom.


Wang Kaixuan exclaimed.

"Fat man."

Both Hu Bayi and Xueli Yang shouted out at the same time.

Then I heard a loud 'bang', which felt like the sound of porcelain being smashed.

"Fatty, fatty, are you okay?"

Hu Bayi spoke anxiously, and took a flashlight to take a picture, but he couldn't see clearly, there was a large black area.

"Fat man?"

Shirley Yang also became anxious.

After all, I don't know where it is. If it falls, it will disappear, which will be troublesome.


"Scared me."

Wang Kaixuan sat on the ground, panting heavily.

It was really dangerous just now, he thought he was really finished.

"Fatty, are you alright?"

"It's okay, it's okay, there's a huge snort down there. I just hit something, and it hurts my butt."

At this time, Wang Kaixuan's voice came from below.

As he spoke, he reached out and touched the sweat on his forehead.

At this time Zhang Yang was already close to the edge and looked down.

Although it was pitch black all around, Zhang Yang could still clearly see the gold coins, gold, silver and jewelry all over the floor.

It seems that this is the treasure that the Jingjue Queen has buried for many years.

Both Xue Liyang and Hu Bayi anxiously took the flashlights and shone down, but they couldn't see anything, it was pitch black.

"Miss Yang, quickly use cold fireworks to take a look."

Hu Bayi became anxious, he was worried about Fatty Wang's safety.


Then, she took out three cold fireworks from her backpack and threw them off the platform. She wanted to see how deep it was below.

As soon as Leng Yanhua was thrown down, the two of them were dumbfounded in an instant.

Because at this time, what appeared in front of their eyes were golden gold, silver and jewels, which were endless wealth.

The mountains of gold coins are even more dazzling.

"My God, this, this is it?"

Hu Bayi was too frightened to speak.

Shirley Yang was also slightly taken aback, she didn't expect such a treasure land to exist.

Wang Kaixuan was even more dumbfounded for a moment. At this moment, he happened to be sitting on a golden mountain impartially.

Seeing the gold coins all over the ground under his feet, he was even more delighted.

I didn't expect to find the treasure of the exquisite queen so easily. I'm afraid it will take me a few lifetimes.


"So much money."

Wang Kaixuan happily sprinkled the gold coins in his hand, this is what he dreamed of, and now it is finally coming true.

(End of this chapter)

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